Chapter 11

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"Marty Maraschino is one lucky lady," Rhonda grumbles as we make our way to our lockers. "I can't believe she got with Vince Fontaine." I've heard this all weekend, Rhonda is positively green.

"Come on, you were with Goose. Did you really think Vince was going to make a move on you?" She's being ridiculous and that's without getting into the whole Vince is a sleaze thing.

"Goose wouldn't have minded, I mean he's a celebrity." She's practically drooling.

"Okaaay." Somehow I think Goose might a have different idea, I don't get a chance to tell her though as raised voices catch our attention. It looks like Johnny and Steph are having a bust-up, again. Rhonda hesitates before striding forward, well our lockers are all together.

"You're out of your tree Stephanie," Johnny says looking around him. "I'm getting tired of this." He's lowered his voice seeing he has an audience but Steph doesn't seem to care. Her face is twisted and she doesn't look so beautiful now.

"Don't you dare make out like I'm in the wrong here," she hisses. "You spent the whole of the dance-off eyeing up other girls, dancing with Paulette."

"One dance, just one, and that's cos you were in a shitty mood, as usual." Rhonda bites her lip, and I can see Paulette trying not to smirk. In the end, she gives up and holds her book in front of her mouth.

"Did you ever ask yourself why I was in a mood?" Steph demands folding her arms over her chest, her jaw jutting forward.

"I dunno, maybe you got your period." He looks at the guys and they all snicker. Steph's cheeks turn pink.

"Go to hell Johnny," she snarls pushing past him.

"With a chick like you I'm already there," he yells after her and then turns to the guys grinning. "Jeez, she needs to cool it."

"Yeah what's her problem?" Goose asks although it's pretty clear Johnny's her problem, and I can't say I blame her after that performance. Johnny shrugs looking down the corridor at Steph's retreating form.

"She's jealous," he says glancing in Paulette's direction but she's pretending not to listen now. "Can I help it if there's not enough of Johnny Nogerelli to go around." I burst out laughing and quickly try to turn it into a cough as the guys all look at me.

"You got something you want to say?" Johnny asks chewing his gum insolently.

"Nope, nothing to do with me." No way am I getting caught up in their shit.

"But it is something to do with someone," Rhonda whispers in my ear. I know she means Paulette who looks smug as she closes her locker. She gives Johnny a brief smile before heading down the corridor, her hips swinging.

"What is she playing at?" I ask, she's making her interest in Johnny so blatant.

"She's always had a crush on Johnny," Rhonda says once the guys have left us. "A ginormous crush and Steph never really cared. They've been together forever but lately...I dunno, they're fighting all the time and he keeps flirting with Paulette."

"To make Steph jealous?"

"Maybe, or maybe he really likes her." We walk to homeroom as Rhonda continues to speculate. "It's gonna mess the group up big time. If Johnny gets with Paulette then Steph will be hurt...Oh hi, Marty!"

"Hi girls." Marty waves a hand, queen-like, barely looking at us. She probably can't see in her shades. She looks ridiculous, like she thinks she's an actual celebrity.

"Oh my god," Rhonda giggles. "She's not on Bandstand now."

I roll my eyes, it's obviously gone to Marty's head. Evelyn said Vince has invited her for dinner, and Marty has high hopes. I keep that bit of news to myself though, Rhonda's too big a gossip to risk telling.

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