Part 5

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Your pov

It was my bestfriend Faith, i felt so relieved and happy

I answered not even caring that the two were here

" HEY FAITH!" I say "boy am I glad to see you" I say my eyes getting watery because I really needed a little bit of happiness in my life right now

"Hey girlie what are you up to? How is it in Atlanta?" She asks I don't answer and look over at the two boys who were just staring at me and at my phone

"Uh we'll leave" Noah says dragging finn along after they leave I decide to face time her

"It's horrible.." I finally say my eyes watering she immediately gets concerned

"What why?" She says

"They're all mean to me and it's just the first day but still, the only nice one is Caleb" I say she just stares

"Even Sadie?" She asks I nod and break down

"Awe babe it's okay" she says "I'm giving you the biggest hug ever!" She says hugging the phone I smile

"I'll call you everyday I promise, we'll talk for hours and if they're going to be mean to the sweetest person alive they can fight me" Faith says moving her long beautiful chestnut colored hair aside I smile and wipe my tears

"Thanks I needed that, I freaking love you.. but it's going to be hell here" I said looking aside

"You said our king Caleb is the only nice one didn't you?" Faith asks I nod I Also bringing out the big panda bear that she gave me for my birthday that I sleep with still because yeah

I was hugging it and Faith giggled

"When you're famous please remember me" Faith says

"Oh please, I'll never forget you and I'll never stop talking to my number one and only best freaking friend" I smiled

We talked for hours until it was time for me to go and sleep

"Bye Faith see you tomorrow" I smile she said goodnight and hangs up

A few minutes after she hung up Sadie and Millie came back not even acknowledging I was there which.... whatever man I don't even care..

Sadie looked at me a couple times but I ignored her I texted my mom goodnight and hid my phone in my legs just in case they tried to snoop around like the boys did

I put on some earphones and played some depressing music and drifted off to sleep

~next morning~

Today I woke up early at around 8 am millie and Sadie were still sleeping so I decided to get up brush my teeth do my hair and put on some clothes cause I'm going out today

Today I wore all black clothes, black converse a black not so crop top shirt black pants and a black flannel I got my phone and left the building I made sure all my things were hidden well as well, I went on insta as I was walking and i was getting a bunch of follow requests so decided to make my account public

My 204 followers turned into 5,000 and it kept growing I got a bunch of likes and nice comments I smiled and walked to a ice cream place and bought myself something I went to the park and found a spot that was full of trees and there weren't any people around

I finished my ice cream and threw the cup away and decided to climb a tree it was a tall thick tree with a bunch of sturdy branches and a bunch of leaves

Once I got up there I laid on a branch making myself comfy and thought about life

What is it with trees and me? But lowkey you should climb a tree but don't it you're too small cause I don't want you hurting yourselves but it's fun just being on top of one lmao also don't worry Noah will come in soon

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