Part 27

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Your pov* next day

I woke up and rolled out of bed, the usual, I got up and checked my insta. I remembered the guys we had met yesterday and decided to look up their insta

I went on Leo's insta and checked through it, he had it on public so I could see his posts. He had like 2k followers. I checked his posts and comments... dang he really is a ladies man. Then I followed him, and then ash

I texted Sadie the users and she followed them speedy quick. I was texting Sadie when I got a message from Leo

Leo: wow hold up, you're from stranger things? I am sister shook

I chuckled at the last comment

Me: awe damn, he found out. I wonder how

Leo: what can I say? I'm smart like that

Me: don't tell anyone!

Leo: I wouldn't dare, besides they'll wonder why you followed me anyways :,)

Me: whatever, anyways gotta go, talk to you later

I got off my phone and went to open my room door just to find Noah standing there

"Oh.. hey" I smiled

"Hey!" He said with a smile

"What'r you doing here?" I asked trying not to sound rude

"Just wanted to ask if we could read the scripts together" he said

"Oh sure" I smiled and let him in

*3 months later

I felt something.. I don't know what it was, a hint of peace that's for sure, braveness? Ugh I don't know, mixed emotions I guess. It felt.. good though

"HeeeyYy, y/n?" Ash asked, we were all in face time, Leo Sadie ash and I i mean. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the screen

"What?" I asked

"What are you thinking about?" Leo asked with a grin

"Nothing of your concern" I laughed

"Oh come on" Sadie said "what was it?"

These past months we've gotten pretty close, don't get me wrong Caleb is like a brother to me and I love him but Sadie ash and Leo are like my best friends now, I haven't felt this close to anyone in ages. No one from the cast knows about them except Noah and Caleb, they haven't even met or talked to them yet though

"How Much I looovvveee you guys" I say getting all cheesy

"Awe we love you too n/n" ash says

"We're done filming in 3 months so we could finally go back home to see you guys!!" Sadie says

Oh yeah turns out ash and Leo live in our home town now, Sadie and I live next to each other now too

"Yess, finally" Leo says "I was getting bored waiting for you guys" he jokes

"Yep the long wait of 4 months, feels like eons" I said sarcastically

"Alright we'll talk to you guys later, we have to get going" Sadie said and we said our goodbyes and hung up

I put my phone down and flopped on my bed, I closed my eyes and I found myself thinking about Noah... lately he's all I could think about. His smile, his laugh, his hazel brown to green eyes, his voice, his everything... his lips that I wish were pressed up against mine - no no what am I thinking?

I sit up as I heard a knock on my door, I shake off my thoughts and open it

"Oh hey Sade's" I say with a smile

"You were thinking about Noah again weren't you?" Sadie says. She smiles but I could see a small look of worry in her eyes

"What? No" I lie

"Quit lying" she laughs and lets herself in "I know you like him" she finally says

"What? That's crazy" I lie once again

"You're a great liar, but if I weren't your bestfriend I wouldn't be able to tell" she says hopping onto my bed

"Awe she caught me" I referenced a vine

"Indeed She did" she said in a straight face

"What's wrong? Why do you seem so upset about it?" I asked feeling kinda sad she wasn't hyping me up

"I'm not, it's just- I don't want him to hurt you" she let her expressions show, she was worried and upset

"Why would he? He's literally the sweetest thing, besides I think he likes me back" I could see the heart break in Sadie's eyes, does she like him?

"Y/n babe, I don't think he does. I just don't want you to get hurt!" She said, she seemed sincere but I was getting angry, I just didn't show it

"What do you mean?" I asked but she stayed quiet "do you like him?" Her face fell and she stayed quiet

"Listen Sadie if you do I'll stay away from him, for you" I smiled, hoping she would say she doesn't feel a thing for Noah.

She finally nodded her head, my heart stung but I forced a smile. I walked closer to her and hugged her, she hugged back

"Thanks y/n, you didn't have t-"

"But I did" I smiled

"Come on let's go get some Starbucks" I said "and food" food always makes us feel better

We went down through the hallways until we stopped when we heard Millie and Noah talking

What do you guys think about the new characters? I was inspired by @kingdombyers and her amazing mf book called oh schnapp: you fool me once, I know she has way more reads than I'll ever have in my life time but if you somehow don't know about her AMAZING stories then go check em' out

Also sorry for updating so much, you guys are probably tired or me

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