Part 26

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Your pov*

I grabbed my phone and some other things. I put on some casual clothes and ran out the door making sure I closed it right.

"Hey.." I said trying to think of a good way to greet, but that was all I could come up with without sounding too weird

"Hey!" Sadie said with a small smile "come on let's go to the mallll"

I went into the car and Noah sat next to me. Caleb was the one driving since he's old enough

Once we arrived at the mall Noah and Caleb decided to go to a store and meet up with us in a while. So Sadie and I went to stores together too

"So, you feeling any better?" Sadie asked trying to sound gentle

"Yeah... well kinda, not.." I stopped and thought whether I should tell her the truth or not "Yeah I've been good" I smiled, it wasn't much of a lie, I felt okay as long as I'm not around the others

She looked at me trying to read my expression but I hid it well enough, "okay, If you ever need to talk to someone, I'm right here" she smiled and gave me a side hug

"Yeah..." I smiled drifting off into space, but luckily I caught myself "hey let's go here" I said pointing at a store. Sadie smiled and we entered

We got a couple of things in there, well I lied we got a lot of things in here. The clothes is cute, don't judge.

"Hey wanna go get some vegan cinnamon buns?" Sadie suggested

"Vegan?" I asked confused

"Yeah I'm trying this thing out, maybe I'll like it" she said pulling me towards the stand

"Haha okay I'll try it" I smiled and we walked up to get 2 big ones

Once we got them we went to sit down at a little table and started talking about things

"So you really don't like pineapple on pizza?" Sadie asked looking shocked as heck

"No" I giggled taking a sip of my water, she gasped

"You're actually insane" she said jokingly

"Yes I am" I assured her

"Hey, look" I said moving my eyes so she could look that way

"What?" She asks looking confused

"Never mind" I laugh

"No tell me!" She whines, but I didn't have to tell her cause they started walking towards us

"Hey" one of them said awkwardly "mind if we sit here?" He asked, Sadie and I gave each other uncertain looks

"Sorry, is this weird?" The other one giggles "I dared him to go up to random people and try to create a conversation, so far you two are the only ones that seem approachable " he explained

"Yeah, sure" Sadie said moving aside so the one with sea blue eyes could sit next to her, I did the same

"One question" Sadie asked

"Sure" they smiled

"Do you like pineapple on pizza?"

"Oh god no" the one next to her answered, Sadie's jaw dropped

"Yes" the one next to me answered, I looked at him and giggled

"Wow" I said

We started talking, they were fun boys. They looked about our age. I stared at the one next to Sadie for a moment taking in his features, he had soft sea blue eyes, they had a huge fun personality, dark brown kinda long curly hair, his smile was goofy and fun also kinda charming.

Then the one next to me. He had amber to brown hazel eyes, they looked soft and full of personality, his hair was darkish brown hair, it looked like he just woke up and couldn't bother to fix his hair so he just combed it with his fingers. His smile was goofy too, kinda more serious but you could tell he was a good guy.

"Oh how rude of us" the hazel eyed boy said "my names Ash"

"Oh right" the other one says "I'm Leo! Pleasure to meet you" he smiles

"We've been talking for like half an hour" I point out "anyways I'm y/n"


"Coolio, are we like friends now? I dunno what having friends feels like so" Leo says

Yeet sorry I'm unoriginal

"I'm sitting like right here" ash says trying to imitate a sad face "but I understand" he says wiping a fake tear and sniffling

"Oh shut up, you're like my best bro" Leo says reassuringly

"I mean sure" I say already admiring their friendship

"So vegans huh?" Leo asks looking at Sadie

"Uh no, well I don't know yet" Sadie says

"I'm not, tacos for life!" I say

"Tacos? Hell yeah amiga" Leo says holding up his hand for a high five, I high five him

"Children, amiright?" Ash says to Sadie

"Ha ha, you know you love tacos as much as I do" Leo says to ash

"Anyways, What are your guys' insta?" I ask "we're leaving in a bit, our friends are coming"

"Oh sure, mines ladiesmanleo and ash heres is so boring you don't even want it" Leo said with a grin

"Oh shut up, mines better than ladiesmanleo... it's ashycroissants" he said, I wrote it down and excused ourselves

"Alright see ya'" we said and left

"They were fun, make sure to give me the users" Sadie says walking next to me

"Do you think they knew who we were?" She asked, I thought for a moment

"Nah" I finally said

we met up with Noah and Caleb then went shopping together

Idk what to say lol. Well there's new characters? Please don't hate me lol

Also I tried to pull an all nighter but I failed miserably and I'm just waking up and my eyes hurt like hell lol but that's the last time I try to do that, also cause school starts in 4 days and I need to fix my sleeping schedule RIP I wanna die

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