Chapter 4

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It didn’t take long for us to reach the club Michael had mentioned, Club Sinister. I could tell the whole way Ronnie was not happy about this at all. “Babe what is eating at you?” I whisper to him. “I just don’t like this Michael guy, I probably would have liked him better if he would have talked to me about wanting to take my sister out first.” He whispers back. “Oh Ronnie that’s my fault, I went up to Michael and asked him to talk to your sister. Don’t worry about all this you may find you like him.” I say smiling. “We’ll see.” He says looking around. “Guys!” Michael says popping out of nowhere. “Michael!” Cyndy says rushing up to hug him. “I’m glad you could make it.” He says hugging her back. “Why don’t we head over to the bar?” He adds. We all take a seat on those cool spinny chairs and Michael starts ordering drinks. “Let’s see Jack Daniels for me, and for you guys?” he asks. “Pepsi.” Cyndy says smiling. “I’ll have a coke.” I say. “I’ll have the same as Amber, I don’t drink.” Ronnie says. “And for you?” he says looking at Brandy. “I’ll have a Jack Daniels as well.” She says smiling. It only took a few minutes for all of us to receive our drinks and we head over to a VIP booth in the back. “Special treatment?” Cyndy says smiling. “Only the best for friends of mine.” He says smiling at her. A few minutes later 2 guys and a girl walk up. “Yo Michael.” One guy says giving him a bro hug. “Guys this is the rest of my band, this is Aaron.” He says pointing to a guy with a short black hair and a nose ring. “This is DJ and his girlfriend Cynthia.” He adds pointing to a tallish guy with long black hair and a cute petite girl with long black hair. She had really pretty hazel eyes. “Hi.” She says waving towards us. “I can see we’ll already be friends.” Brandy says moving over in the booth so Cynthia could sit down. I couldn’t help but notice the Aaron guy wouldn’t stop looking at me. “Ronnie?” I whisper. “Yea babe?” he says. “That guy’s starting to creep me out.” I say glancing at Aaron who was still staring awfully hard. “Do you want me to say something?” Ronnie whispers back. “No I don’t wanna start anything here.” I say taking Ronnie’s hand in mine. “Babe if it’s bothering you let me say something.” He says starting to get angry. “Ronnie I said it’s fine let’s just go dance.” I say standing up. “We’re going to go dance.”  I say sweetly to everyone. “We’ll join you.” Michael says motioning for Cyndy to come with him as DJ and Cynthia also get up. Ronnie immediately started to look pissed. “Jesus Ronnie calm the fuck down.” I say pulling him onto the dance floor. “It’s kinda hard knowing his reputation and the fact that he is interested in my sister of all people.” Ronnie said getting a little annoyed. “Look just forget about them and concentrate on me.” I say kissing him passionately. “Mmm you make that very easy to do.” He says smiling against my lips. After we had been dancing for a while I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see it was Cyndy. “Bathroom?” she mouths over the music. I silently nod and turn back to Ronnie. “Bathroom break babe be right back.” I say kissing him before I turn around for Cyndy. Once in the restroom Cyndy starts bombarding me with questions. “Isn’t he lovely? Do you think he likes me? I really like him. What does Ronnie think?” she says all at once. “Woah slow down, yes he’s lovely, yes I think he likes you, and well eh on Ronnie.” I say. “What do you mean eh on Ronnie?” she says sadly. “Well Ronnie’s not too fond of him but I’m working on that for you.” I say smiling. “Oh okay well hurry cause I think he may ask me out tonight.” She says smiling big. “I’ll get right on that.” I say laughing as we walk back to the guys. “You guys as hungry as I am?” Brandy says sneaking up behind us. “Oh god yes!” I say sliding into the booth. “Why don’t we head back to the house and I’ll cook us all dinner.” I add. “Sounds good.” Cyndy says smiling. “Ronnie do you mind if Michael and the guys join us for dinner?” Cyndy says sounding hopeful. Ronnie just looks at me and I nod. “Why not.” He says as we all head out to our cars. “Just follow us.” Cyndy says hugging Michael before she gets in the car. A few minutes later we’re back at Cyndys house. I head straight to the kitchen and start grabbing things to start dinner. “Need any help?” Ronnie says wrapping his arms around my waist. “Sure baby only if you really wanna help.” I say smiling at him. “I do, so what’s for dinner?” he asks grabbing a pot out the cabinet. “Well since there’s so many of us I was thinking spaghetti.” I say putting the hamburger into the pan. “Sounds delicious.” He says smiling at me. “Well I hope so.” I say smiling back. A few minutes later the water was finally boiling. “Why don’t you put the noodles in the pot now.” I say handing Ronnie the box. “Sure thing.” He says concentrating on not spilling the noodles everywhere. He looked so cute. “So Michael.” I start. “What about him?” Ronnie says sounding pissed. “There’s no need to get hateful with me. Your sister really likes this guy why can’t you be happy for her?” I ask looking into his eyes. “There’s just something about him I don’t like.” He says looking up from the pot. “I don’t want her with that man.” He adds. “Now Ronnie what if it was the other way around and she didn’t want you with me?” I ask, I had finally got through to him as I see recognition pass through his eyes and then it was gone. “That’s not the same thing, my answer is final.” He says as he resumes stirring the noodles. “Fine but when she hates you don’t you come running to me Mr.” I say walking out to the living room to inform them that dinner was ready. “Guys come eat.” I say. Cyndy looks at me with hopeful eyes and all I could do was look away but not before I saw sadness flash through her eyes. “I’m not hungry.” Cyndy says running up the stairs. “Dammit.” I say running up after her. I walk up to her door and knock. “GO AWAY!” she screams. I could tell she was crying. “Cyndy it’s me. Please let me in.” I say. “Fine come in.” she says opening the door. “I just don’t understand why he won’t let me do this. Doesn’t he want me happy?” she asks looking at me with tear filled eyes. “Oh Cyndy he does, I don’t know why he doesn’t like Michael but I’m sure if you continue to have him over he will grow on him. Now come eat with us.” I say hugging her. “I am hungry.” She says laughing. “I know now let’s go.” I say dragging her down the stairs. We all eat and afterwards Cyndy and Michael walk out onto the back patio while I take care of the food. I could see them talking and was beginning to become curious as to what was being said. I sneak over to the window and open it, perfect I could hear them. “Michael I think I might love you.” I hear Cyndy say. “I think I love you too.” Michael says taking Cyndys hand in his. “I just don’t see why he doesn’t like you.” Cyndy says burying her head into his chest. “Me either love but I promise he won’t keep me from you.” Michael says taking her face into his hand. “Be mine?” he says looking into her eyes. “Of course.” She says smiling right before he kisses her. I duck out from under the window and just make it to the sink as Cyndy and Michael walk in. They of course weren’t touching and acted like nothing was wrong. I knew I should tell Ronnie but I just couldn’t do that to Cyndy I knew how much this meant to her to be with Michael. After I finished with the dishes and food I walk into the living room to find everyone deep into a movie, I look at the screen and see that it’s the Omen. “Nice movie who picked it?” I ask snuggling up to Ronnie. “Michael did.” Cyndy says smiling at Michael. “Good choice.” I say smiling as well which earns me a dirty look from Ronnie. Jesus this guy could really be hateful sometimes I was going to have to seriously talk to him about that before he pushes me away to.

At about a quarter to 12 Michael and the rest of the guys had to leave. “Normally I wouldn’t leave to early but we have an early practice tomorrow.” Michael says to Cyndy. “Its fine just don’t be a stranger. You too Cynthia stop by tomorrow maybe we can all do something.” Cyndy adds smiling at Cynthia. “For sure I definitely will!” Cynthia says excitedly as she walks out with DJ. I started to get this weird feeling like I was being stared at again and sure enough that Aaron guy was staring hard. “Well I’m gonna go get ready for bed it was really nice to meet you Michael hope we hang again soon.” I say smiling as I head up to Cyndys room to get dressed. I needed a shower bad so that’s what I did. I walked into the bathroom and put my things on the counter and I stepped in to a nice hot shower. There was a knock on the door. “Uh come in but don’t look.” I say making sure whoever it was couldn’t see me through the curtain. I peek out and see its Aaron. “What the hell are you doing in here? Ronn…” I start before Aarons hand is on my mouth. “I wouldn’t do that.” He says keeping his hand on my mouth. “Are you still gonna scream?” he asks, I shake my head no. “Good, now I want you to leave Ronnie.” He says sitting on the counter. “What? No I can’t do that.” I say shaking my head vigorously. “It’s not a question you will leave him before something bad happens.” Aaron says walking out the bathroom. I just fall to the floor and start crying what the hell was I going to do? I just continued to sit there till I heard another knock on the door I immediately tense up. “Can I come in?” I hear Ronnie ask through the door. Shit I couldn’t let him see me like this. “Hang on a sec.” I say as I wipe the tears off my face, and rewrap my towel around me. I sit on the side of the tub. “Alright come in.” I say. “Can I talk to you?” he says sitting on the counter. “Sure.”  I say as I ring out my hair. “Well how would you like to move in with me and Cyndy?” he asks smiling at me. “I’d love to!” I say jumping up and hugging him which causes him to almost fall off the counter. “Woah I didn’t expect you to be so excited.” He says laughing. “Wait can I sleep with you?” I ask. “Of course you’re my girl aren’t you.” He says hugging me. “Oh my gosh let’s go move my things now!” I say opening the door. “Aren’t you forgetting something?” he says laughing. “What?” I ask confused. He just points down. “Oh yea I should probably get dressed.” I say laughing as I push him out the door. “I’ll go ahead and start grabbing your things.” He says still laughing as he walks towards Cyndys room.  I finally finish getting dressed and head to Ronnie’s room. I look out the window as I wait for him to come in and notice someone leaning against a tree in the back, and squint and see it’s Aaron. Oh god what if he is serious I don’t want to hurt Ronnie in any form and either way I go I will. Soon Ronnie comes in with all my things. “You didn’t’ have to grab it all I could have helped.” I say rushing to grab some of my bags. “Don’t worry about it there wasn’t much to grab.” He says smiling and picking me up. He twirls me around a bit and then lays me on the bed. “I love you.” I say smiling into his eyes. “I love you too Buttercup.” He says leaning down to kiss me. I fell asleep in Ronnie’s arms, the last thing I thought before I drifted off was what the hell was I going to do about Aaron.

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