Chapter 10

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~2 weeks later~

I was sitting in the hospital waiting on my results. I was here to find out if I was really pregnant or not. I had taken the at home test Aaron bought me, it had said positive. This was just to be sure. “Amber?” a man said walking in. I assumed this was the doctor. “That would be me.” I say looking at him. “I have your results here.” He says taking a seat beside me. “Congratulations you are 2 months pregnant.” He adds with a smile. I just sit there shocked. It was true. What was I going to do? What was I supposed to think? “This is wonderful!” Aaron says smiling at me. “It’s a miracle.” I say still shocked. “When can we find out if it’s a girl or boy?” Aaron asks. “In about 2 months you can. I will set an appointment date right now.” The doctor says getting up. “Wow a baby, we’re going to have a baby.” Aaron says smiling. “Yes we are.” I say trying to smile back. “Are you sure this is what we need right now?” I ask worried that this would make things worse. “It may not be what we need but it’s still not a mistake.” Aaron says. “Your right it’s not.” I say smiling a real smile this time. I was going to love this baby no matter who the father was. After we got our appointment set, I finally convinced Aaron to take me out to eat, I was starving. “Where do you want to eat?” Aaron asks. “Hmm I’m in a ribs kinda mood.” I say smiling. “Sounds great.” He says driving to the closest Texas Roadhouse. We walk in and get a table in the back. “May I take your order?” a young girl asks. “I’ll have the biggest plate of ribs you guys have, and some Cranberry juice.” I say smiling. “And for you?” she says to Aaron. “I’ll have a medium rare steak and a Jack Daniels.” He says. “Alright I will right back with your drinks.” She says taking our menus. “You weren’t kidding when you said you were hungry.” Aaron says looking at me. “Well I am eating for two now.” I say laughing. “Touché.” He says laughing as well. A few minutes later the waitress returns with our drinks. “Your meals will be ready in about 10 minutes.” She says handing each of us our cups. “Alright thank you.” I say taking a big gulp of my juice. “One thing I am going to hate about being pregnant is all the food I will have to eat and not being able to drink any alcohol.” I say with a sigh. “Babe relax you can do this.” Aaron says taking my hand. “Your right I can, I’m a hell of a lot stronger than I have ever been.” I say smiling. Exactly 10 minutes later the waitress comes back with a large tray of food. Instantly the aroma of the ribs hits me. I swear my mouth started watering. I immediately begin to dig in. “Amber slow down. There’s plenty there and I don’t think your ribs are going to get up and walk away.” Aaron says with a laugh. “Oh shut up.” I say laughing back. After our meal we head back to the cabin. I was really beginning to like this place it was beautiful and somehow spooky at the same time. Kind of made me think of one of those secluded cabins in those insane horror movies where some innocent girl gets murdered. The thought brings a smile to my face. “What are you smiling at?” Aaron asks. “Oh nothing, just imagining some stupid blonde girl being gruesomely murdered in our house.” I say with a laugh. “Wow I’m in love with a freak.” Aaron says laughing. “Wait what?” I say. He had never said he was in love with me before. Sure he said he loved me, but you can love anyone. “You’re in love with me?” I ask. “Yes I believe I am.” He says getting down on one knee. “Amber you know I love you more than anything. I would do anything in the world for you, and with this baby on the way this is just one more of the many reasons for me to ask will you marry me?” he says waiting for my response. “W-w-w-what?” I say flabbergasted. “Marry me Amber. Make me the happiest man alive.” He says pulling out a gorgeous diamond ring. “Alright.” I finally say plastering a smile on my face. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for this kind of commitment yet but there was only one way to find out.

~2 months later~

Finally the day had arrived to find out what I was having. Aaron and I were sitting in the waiting room waiting to be called in for my ultrasound. “Miss Jackson and Mr. Graves.” A nurse says walking in with a clipboard. We stand up and follow her to a little white room with the machine. “Lay down and pull up your shirt please.” She says grabbing a tube of gel. “This may be a tad bit cold.” She says squirting some on my stomach. I shiver a little and then she grabs the part that will show what the little monster in me is. “Let’s see here.” She says slowly moving it around. “There’s the heart beat and there is your baby. You’re having a……….. Boy.” She says. “A boy?” I say smiling; I couldn’t wait to think of names. “Looks like we’re going to have a little graves running around.” I say smiling evilly. “Oh Lord I don’t like that look, don’t even think about warping our child’s mind.” Aaron says laughing. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” I say smiling. Back at the house we were sitting around bored when I decide I wanna watch a movie. “Let’s watch The Omen!” I say excitedly. “Anything for my future wife.” Aaron says putting the movie.  “Oh my god! I just figured out what I want to name our son!” I say excited. “Well what is it?” Aaron asks. “Damian!” I say smiling evilly. “How sadistic I like it.” Aaron says kissing me. Later that night I was lying in bed having a terrible nightmare. I dreamt that I lost Damian in the woods outside the cabin and I couldn’t find him anywhere. No matter where I searched I couldn’t find my little angel anywhere. I woke up in a cold sweat after that. I was terrified. What if that really happened? I crawl out of bed and make my way to Aaron’s room. I silently open the door and walk over to his bed. “Aaron?” I whisper. “Yes baby?” he says with a yawn. “Can I sleep in here?” I ask. “Of course, what’s wrong?” he asked. “Just a bad nightmare.” I say crawling into his bed. I snuggle up to him and lay on his chest. “I love you.” He whispers kissing my head. “I love you too.” I say as I drift off to sleep.

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