Chapter 7

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I reluctantly get out the shower; the water had grown cold and no longer had the same effect as the hot water. I look at the clothes Aaron had set out for me; at least they were girls’ clothes. I look at them further and see that they are my own clothes. How in the world had he gotten these? Did he have this planned out before he ever took me? If so that would only make me hate him even more. I put on the red tank-top and black denim shorts he had supplied me with. I look through the rest of the things he had given me. There were the normal things like a toothbrush and some toothpaste I also find a stick of eyeliner; at least he had the decency to give me that. I apply a thin layer and place the stick in my pocket, maybe I could find some use for it later. I look myself over in the mirror, at least I didn’t have dirt and sticks everywhere like before even if I did still have a few scratches and bruises. I open the door expecting Aaron to be there but he wasn’t. Could I make a run for it? I slowly look around the corner of the hallway and see him in the living room. Good maybe I could find a back door or an open window somewhere. I open the nearest door and find a bedroom; sadly the windows were all boarded up. Damn. I move onto the next room and find the same thing. I was beginning to become hopeless when I open the last door and find an open window. I was overcome with hope. I quietly make my way over to the window trying not to make any noise. Suddenly the floor creaks, I jump and quickly glance towards the door, I wait a few minutes to see if Aaron comes, he doesn’t. I start climbing out the window, there was about a 5 foot drop from the window. I make the jump and land on my back; I feel a sharp pain go up my leg and look down and see my ankle was twisted to the side. Great I broke my ankle. I try standing up but just fall back down. I look around to see if there was anywhere I could hide and try to figure out how I was going to run. I see a few bushes a couple feet away and begin crawling; hoping the whole time Aaron wouldn’t come out. I make it to the bushes and inspect my ankle. The larger bone was extremely swollen and my ankle was now turning black and blue. I touch it and groan from the pain, how in the hell was I going to get anywhere with this. I decide I was going to crawl my way to the woods and see where it went from there. I take one more glace at the house and start quickly crawling towards the closest part of the woods. I just make it to the tree line when I hear a scream from the house. I assumed that he had discovered I was no longer in the house. I continue crawling; I needed to find somewhere to hide. I glance around and see a large chunk of bushes and trees off to my right; I quickly make my way over to them. I just reach them when I hear Aaron calling my name. “Amber! Amber! You’re not going to make it very far so why run?” I hear him scream. I just lay in the bushes silently crying, praying to god that he wouldn’t let him find me.

~Aaron’s POV~

I was sitting on the couch in the living room when I heard the water shut off, she must have finally run out of hot water. I sit there patiently waiting for her to come join me; I was hoping we could talk. I kept wondering if she would like the clothes I had gotten her and of course the must have eyeliner. I was contemplating on what I was going to tell her. Obviously that I loved her and that, that had been the sole reason to me taking her. What else would I say though, that wasn’t enough to make her understand just why I had taken her the way I did. Michael and the guys were going to kill me when they found out what I had done, if they haven’t found out yet. Maybe I should call Michael and talk to him; I needed to talk to someone. Amber was beginning to take an awful long time; maybe I should go check on her. I decide to give her a few more minutes before I go to check on her, she was probably still upset. Was that a floorboard creaking? I must be hearing things. Another 10 minutes goes by and still no Amber. I needed to check on her, what if she hurt herself in there? I get up and head towards the hallway. I finally make it to the bathroom and it’s empty. Where the hell was she? Didn’t I tell her not to try anything funny? “Fuck!” I scream. I frantically start searching every room. There was no sign of her anywhere. I make it to the last room and find a window open, would she have jumped? It was at least 5 feet to the ground. I look out the window and don’t see her anywhere. I run through the house and out the front door, searching the trees the whole time. “Amber! Amber! You’re not going to make it very far so why run?” I scream hoping she will give up. I make my way over to the tree line and continue searching. I didn’t see her anywhere. I continue my search until it gets darker and decide to go inside. “What the fuck am I going to do if she makes it to the road?” I say to myself. There wasn’t much I could do until it got light outside again. I might as well sleep till then. I lie on the couch and slowly drift off to sleep hoping the whole time that I would either find her in the morning or she would at least make it somewhere safe.

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