Chapter 6

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I wake up with a severe pain in my wrist; I glance down and rediscover the chains Aaron had bound my wrist with last night. God it all really had happened I think sadly. Where was Ronnie? I was sure he would try to find me. I wasn’t sure what time it was since I was in a basement with no windows. I swear my life couldn’t get any worse. A few minutes later I hear the door unlock and footsteps on the stairs, Aaron appears carrying a tray of food. On further inspection I see 2 eggs and some toast, so it was early enough to be breakfast time. “What time is it?” I quietly ask. “8am, I figured you would be hungry.” He says sitting on the end of the bed. I was starving but I wasn’t about to let him know that. “Thanks.” I say kind of rudely. “I really wish you would at least try with me.” He says sadly. I couldn’t help but feel a little bad for him. “Sorry, but how do you expect me to remotely care for you at all when you just kidnapped me?” I ask shocked. “It had to happen that way.” He says standing up. “Well can you at least unchain my wrist, it hurts.” I say looking down. “Oh god I didn’t know I made it that tight, forgive me?” he said with hurt in his eyes. Did he honestly care for me like he says he does? “Just take it off please.” I say raising my wrist towards him. He quickly unlocks the chain and all I could do was rub my arm. “Eat and I’ll be back down in few to let you shower and such.” He says heading towards the door. I glance at the food; I wanted to eat it but what if he had done something to it. I look around and find a garbage chute on the other side of the room. I quickly walk over and dump the plate of food down the chute. Just as I retake my seat on the bed I hear Aaron’s footsteps on the stairs again. “Good you ate it all.” He says glancing at the plate. Sure if that’s what he wanted to think. “Can I shower now please.” I say looking down at the dirt filled clothes I had on. “Let’s go.” He says reaching for my hand. I didn’t want to take it but maybe if I was nice towards him he would let me go. I take his hand and he smiles at me. He did have a cute smile, wait shut up Amber you love Ronnie and only Ronnie. Aaron leads me up the stairs and I quickly look around. I needed to know where I was. I didn’t see any distinct things to point out my location. It just looked like a standard house. We walk down a hallway and turn right into a large, white bathroom. Sitting on the counter was a pair of clothes and all the other necessities I would need for my shower. “Don’t try anything funny I’ll be waiting in the hallway.” Aaron says shutting the door after him. I start to walk over to the counter and just stop I was shocked by my reflection I saw in the mirror. I had a few cuts across my cheek and dirt covered my chest and hands, I had leaves and twigs sticking out of my hair, it brought tears to my eyes seeing myself like this. I shake myself; I needed to toughen up for Ronnie, and for my friends that were probably dying from worry. I turn on the shower so it’s super hot and jump in. I didn’t even care that the water was burning my skin. I slowly slid to the bottom and the tears start pouring. Why did this have to happen to me? Why did I deserve this? Was it because I had been an awful child? Why me? All these things ran through my mind as I sat on the floor of the tub bawling my eyes out. I silently moan and all that comes out is Ronnie before I’m overcome with tears and heartache.

~Cyndy’s POV~

Where could he have taken her? I kept trying to play through my mind any kind of place that creep would have taken her. I needed to get a hold of Michael and see if he had any ideas. This was not helping the situation between us, how was I going to tell Ronnie I was with Michael now, he would never allow it and without Amber here to keep him sane I just was out of ideas. It had been a day since Amber was kidnapped; the dreadful Monday so of course I had to go to school without my friend, the friend who had become like my sister. I slowly climb out of bed to get ready I really didn’t want to go today but Ronnie had insisted that I go and try to make things normal, but how was I supposed to do that with what had happened. It killed me seeing Ronnie like this he looked like part of him had died the moment he realized she was gone, I hadn’t realized just how much she had meant to him. After I’m ready I head downstairs to try to eat something. I hadn’t been able to eat anything since yesterday none of us had. I walk in and see Ronnie sitting at the table with his head in his hands. He looked so sad and lonely. “Oh hey sis.” He said looking up hearing me walk in. “Do I have to go today?” I ask. “Yes Cyndy we already had this conversation.” Ronnie says. “But Ronnie...” I whine. “No Cyndy.” He says not breaking. “Ronnie I just can’t not without Amber.” I say begging. “Cyndy please just stop, stop saying her name it only hurts worse.” He says on the verge of tears. “We can’t just stop saying her name, it’s not going to fix things.” I say grabbing my school bag. “I know that…” he says with his head down. “Fine, I’m leaving, I’ll text Michael when I get home and see what he knows.” I say kissing him on the head as I walk out the door. Instead of riding the bus I decide to walk I needed to think. I really hoped Michael would know something.

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