Chapter 9

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~Aaron’s POV~

I walk into the bathroom and see Amber lying on the floor in a pool of blood. There was a small razor on the floor near her feet and two long gashes along her wrist. “Amber! Oh god what did you do?!” I say rushing over to her. I kneel down and feel for a pulse. Good she was still alive. I pick her up and she slowly starts to wake up, her eyes had started to flutter. “Ronnie?” she quietly whispers. It broke my heart hearing that. I sit her on the counter and grab a few towels. I start wiping the blood and wrapping her wrists. “Ronnie?” she says again. “No it’s Aaron.” I say sadly bandaging her arms. “Oh.” She says opening her eyes wider. “What happened?” she asks. “You tell me.” I say with a quizzical look on my face. She looks down at her wrist and back up at me and I see recognition pass through her face. As soon as I see it, it’s gone. “Oh uh nothing.” She says quickly jumping up. “I don’t believe that at all, now what happened?” I say demandingly. “I uh can’t say.” She says diverting the question again. “Amber you can tell me anything.” I say taking her hand. “I just can’t tell you.” She says pulling away. I look at her with sadness in my eyes and finally admit defeat. “Fine, let’s go get some food and water into you so you don’t pass out again.” I say leading the way to the kitchen. She slowly sits down and puts her head on the table. “What’s wrong?” I ask grabbing a water bottle and some crackers. I place them in front of her and sit down. “Nothing, I’m fine.” She says. “You’re a horrible liar you know.” I say with a laugh. “Yea well pretend I’m good because you won’t get shit out of me.” She says laughing too. That was one of the first times she laughed since she’d been here. “I love your laugh.” I say smiling. “Um thanks.” She says looking away. Way to go Aaron, make things all fucking awkward I silently cuss myself out. “So um yea I think I’m going to go take a nap.” She says trying to stand up but nearly falling due to the cast. “Here let me help you.” I say picking her up bridal style. “This really isn’t necessary.” She says trying to get down. “I insist.” I say as I continue walking. “Seriously Aaron, I have a phobia of being picked up. I’m seriously about to have a panic attack.” She says as her breathing gets quicker. I put her down and just settle with taking her by the arm. “Thank you.” She says leaning into me. We make it to her room and I walk her straight to her bed. After she was comfortable I sit on the end of the bed. “You sure you’re okay? I’m here if you need to talk.” I say looking concerned. “Really I’m okay, I don’t know what came over me in there.” She says lying down. “Alright well I’ll be in the living room holler if you need anything.” I say walking towards the door. “Thank you Aaron.” She says right before I close the door. I put Underworld in and sit on the couch before long I pass out not even remembering anything from the movie just the thought of Amber calling for Ronnie.

~Amber’s POV~

After Aaron had left I just lay there and think. I was seriously starting to have conflicting feelings about Aaron. I mean Jesus I loved Ronnie more than anything in the world but I really think I’m starting to care for Aaron. Hmm the lines on the ceiling sort of look like a broken heart, that’s exactly the way my heart is right now. I was beginning to think I’d never see Ronnie again. I really missed him and the girls, hell I missed them all. What the hell am I gonna do here. I look around my new room and notice a book shelf. I slowly make my way over to the shelf and look at the books. There were a lot of vampire books which I loved. I pick up Interview with the Vampire and sit back on the bed. I loved this movie so I figured the book would be just as good or better. I eventually fell asleep while reading thinking the whole time that it would be amazing to be a vampire.

~1 month later~

~Ronnie’s POV~

Things were still the same, no ideas had surfaced about Amber. I was beginning to think I was going to have to go on with my life without ever knowing if she was even okay. It has been a month and still nothing. I pretty much was at the point that I was just slinking around the house hardly eating and barely talking. I only left the house for band practices and the occasional local concert. Fans were beginning to realize something was wrong and I knew here soon I wouldn’t be able to keep the lie of Amber visiting family going. There was a local concert tomorrow and I figured that would be when I would announce that she was no longer in my life. “Ronnie you have to get out this house!” Cyndy says walking into the living room where I’d been for the past 3 hours. “I do get out.” I say not taking my eyes off the floor. “Leaving just for a concert is not what I mean.” She says sitting beside me. “What do you expect me to do? I can’t seem to forget her. I constantly stare at the door hoping she will just walk in one day like nothing ever happen.” I say sadly. “I know, I feel the same way, but you can’t keep moping around here. Fans are going to start reacting to that and you don’t want them to lose interest in the band.” She says. “I know I’ll try harder I promise. Things have to get better right?” I ask. “Of course things can’t get any worse than they already are. There are so many things to look forward to right now like your next big concert coming up and my graduation in a few days too! Which you better be at and you better look happy too dammit!” she says. “Wow sis you always have a way with words.” I say laughing. “Damn straight I do now get your ass up and get dressed we’re going out to eat whether you like it or not mister.” She says shoving me off the couch. “Fine geez I’m going.” I say heading towards the stairs. I no longer wore any colors just plain black. So that’s what I put on. I had left everything in mine and Amber’s room the same, I didn’t want to change anything just in case. Deep inside I knew eventually I was going to have to pack her things or I would never get over this.

~Amber’s POV~

So it had been a month now of me living with Aaron and he has been nothing but nice towards me. Even though I tended to be quite a bitch often. He went out his way to make me feel comfortable making me dinner and watching whatever I wanted to watch. I thought of Ronnie less and less everyday which made me sad often but I knew it was bound to happen. I constantly wondered what they were all doing without me. I wondered how Ronnie was doing whenever he did cross my mind. Aaron kept me busy all the time, he was teaching me guitar which miraculously I was actually good at. I figured here soon I would be able to play anything he threw my way. Every day he had me learn something a little harder than the previous day. I still wasn’t allowed to leave the house which I honestly didn’t mind as much as I thought I would. The sun just wasn’t my thing.  For some reason I was feeling a sick and down here in the past week. I seriously hoped I wasn’t pregnant or anything. About 3 weeks ago I was having an awful nightmare about Ronnie when Aaron walked in and woke me. He had sat there comforting me and before I could stop myself I kissed him. I hadn’t wanted to sleep with him, it was never my intention but I missed Ronnie so much I just needed someone close. That was the first time me and Aaron slept together. Aaron told me he loved me that night and all I could do was lay there silently crying feeling guilty that I had betrayed the one person that meant the most to me. I was currently sitting in the living room when I began to feel sick again. I rushed into the bathroom and let everything in me come out. After I was done I felt a lot better. “Are you alright?” Aaron asks once I return to the couch. “No, would you maybe get something for me?” I ask looking everywhere but at him. “Anything you know you don’t have to ask.” He says putting his arm around me. “Well I think I need a pregnancy test.” I say. “Woah I didn’t expect you to ask that. I’ll get one later today, I have to go get some food anyways.” He says. “Thank you.” I say kissing his cheek. He really was a sweetie. “How about we have spaghetti tonight?” he asks smiling. “Ooohh my fave!” I say getting a little overly excited. “Of course it is.” He says laughing too. All of a sudden my stomach started to really hurt. “Ugh I’m going to go lay down I honestly don’t feel well at all.” I say standing. “Alright just holler if you need me. Here in a few I’ll head to town and get the stuff for dinner and the test for you.” He says kissing my cheek before I turn for my room. Once there I slide to floor sitting in front of it so he couldn’t enter. I had a strong feeling that I was pregnant and if I was there was the dilemma of whether it was Ronnie’s or Aaron’s. I guess I’d have to wait 8 more months to find out.

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