Chapter 11

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~Ronnie’s POV~

Tonight was the night. The night I would tell all my fans that Amber no longer was in my life. I wasn’t sure if I could tell them why she wasn’t, maybe it would be easier just to say she left me instead of what really happened. I was sitting in my room waiting for Cyndy to call for me I knew she would soon. “Ronnie it’s time to go!” I hear Cyndy scream from downstairs. “Coming!” I yell back. I slowly get up and make my way downstairs. “Were gonna be late if you don’t hurry up.” Cyndy says grabbing her bag. We head out to the car and I begin slowly driving towards the venue. We hurriedly make our way backstage. “You ready for this?” Jacky asks. “No not really to be honest but it’s got to be done.” I say looking down. I few minutes later I hear “YOU GUYS READY!?!?!? YOU KNOW WHAT TO SAY!” “RONNIE! RONNIE! RONNIE!” we all run onto stage and I grab the mic. “I LOVE YOU ALL BUT YOU KNOW THERES MORE TO THIS BAND THAN JUST ME!” I scream back. “FALLING IN REVERSE! FALLING IN REVERSE!” they all scream back. “Let’s get this shit started!” we play Raised By Wolves first then Tragic Magic. After those our set list was I’m Not A Vampire, The Westerner and Caught Like A Fly. After we were done I decided now was the time to make my announcement. “Guys listen up I have something important to say.” I say getting their attention. “As you all may have noticed I haven’t been myself lately, that’s because my girlfriend Amber left me and I haven’t been the same since.” I say sadly. “AWWW.” They all respond. “I wrote a song for her it’s called The Drug In Me Is You and were gonna play it for you now.” I say as the song begins. After the show we make our way out for a signing. I got a lot of ‘I’m sorry’s’ and ‘everything will be okays’ and I knew they were right. I just needed to forget and move on. After the signing me and Cyndy headed home it was her graduation tomorrow and I wanted to be well rested for it. “I’ll see you in the morning sis.” I say heading upstairs. “Love you Ronnie get some sleep this time.” She says walking into her room. I crawl into bed and stare at the ceiling thinking about how my sister was growing up and that my life was so good till a few months ago.

I woke up bright and early something I don’t usually do. I made my way downstairs deciding to eat before we headed to the school for Cyndys graduation. I was in the mood for some eggs and bacon so that’s exactly what I made. As I was finishing my food a very sleepy looking Cyndy walks in. “Morning.” She mumbles grabbing a bowl of cereal. “Morning.” I say putting my plate in the sink. “We leave in 30 minutes so get a move on.” I say heading upstairs to get dressed. I throw on some black skinnys and a black wife beater and my black converse and head down to the living room to wait on Cyndy. 10 minutes later she makes her way downstairs in her cap and gown. “Wow you look beautiful.”I say smiling at her. We take a few pictures and then head off to the school. We were going to meet the band and Michael there. We finally find everyone after a few minutes of searching. “Cyndy you look so great! I’m so proud of you!” Brandy says running up to her and embracing her in a hug. “Yea babe this is a big day.” Michael says kissing her forehead. “Thanks you guys I’m so glad you all came.” Cyndy says smiling. “We wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Ryan says hugging her. Suddenly there’s an announcement saying all seniors were to take their seats. We say our final congrats to Cyndy and make our way to the bleachers. She was going to have the loudest screams. Finally her name is called. “Cyndy Radke.” We hear and all of us burst into screams of “Woooo!!!!” and “Ya Cyndy!!!” not stopping until she is back into her seat. The whole graduation too about an hour and after we decided to surprise her by taking her out to eat and then to the club. “So where do you want to go to eat?” I ask her. “Applebee’s!!!” she screams. “Haha okay! Geez.” I say laughing. After we get done eating we head back to the house so we can all change for the club tonight. “We have one last surprise for you.” I say. “What is it?!?!?” she says excitedly. “I’m finally going to take you to the club.” I say smiling. “No shit!” she says shocked. “Haha yes finally you get to go.” I say laughing. “Now go get ready Michael’s waiting for you.” I say. I wasn’t going to go this time. They needed some time alone. I head up to my room and lay flat on my bed. It was going to be a long night.

~Cyndy’s POV~

Yes! Finally Ronnie was letting me go to the club and with Michael. Today couldn’t be any better! I was so happy that Ronnie was finally getting use to Michael. I loved him so much. I think he knew how I felt and that was why he was okay with us. It reminded him of how he felt about Amber. I rush up to my room and throw on a mini denim skirt and a VE tank top. I keep my black spiked shoes on and make my way back downstairs to find Michael waiting in the living room. “You look beautiful.” He says standing up. “Why thank you.” I say blushing. “You know you look so cute when you blush.” He whispers in my ear, which only makes me blush more. “Come on let’s go have some fun.” He says leading the way to his car. A few minutes later we arrive at Bar Sinister. “God I’m so damn excited for this!” I say laughing. “We haven’t even gotten inside yet.” Michael says laughing too. “Let’s go get a drink and head back to the VIP lounge.” He adds leading the way to the bar. “I’ll have a Jack Daniels and she’ll have…” he says looking at me. “The same.” I say smiling at the bartender. “Coming right up.” He says returning a few seconds later with two bottles. “Come on VIP is this way.” Michael says pulling me through the crowd. Once in there I notice a lot of familiar faces. Like Kuza and JJ and Adam and Candace were all there. “Hey.” Candace says smiling at me. “Hi.” I say smiling back. “I see your brother finally let you out the house.” She says laughing. “I know right!” I say laughing as well. I take a seat next to Candace and we start to discuss my photography very in depth. Suddenly Michael pulls me up and says “Let’s go dance.” We make our way back through the crowd. Just as we reach the middle a slow song begins and I instinctively become extremely shy. Michael coyly smiles at me and reaches his arms around my waist and we begin to dance. It was so romantic. I look up and see him staring intently at me. I immediately start to blush. “You’re so cute when you blush.” He says smiling at me, which only makes me blush even more. He slowly leans down and kisses me. I of course kiss back fully. I knew right then that I loved this man more than anything in the world and nothing would ever change that. After the club Michael takes me to the park. By now it’s completely dark and the sky is full of beautiful stars. I rush over to the swings and sit on one. I slowly start swinging myself back and forth, staring intently at the sky. “It’s so beautiful out tonight.” I half whisper into the night. “You’re the only beautiful thing I see right now.” Michael says at just the right time. Of course I start blushing again. “I’m going to have to get you out of that blushing stage.” He says laughing a little. “You never will Ronnie’s been trying since we were little kids and look at me now still going at it.” I say laughing too. Michael slowly reaches over and stops my swing. I look up at his beautiful hazel eyes and get lost in a sea of thoughts rushing through my head. “What are you thinking?” Michael asks with a smile. “Oh you know a little of everything.” I say with a small laugh. “Care to share said thoughts?” he asks sitting on the swing beside me. “Well it’s just tomorrows my graduation and the one person who kept pushing me through school and trying to keep me going isn’t going to be there and well it upsets me a little.” I say on the verge of tears. “Oh darling it’s going to be okay, I promise you everything will work out. You know what they say, everything happens for a reason.” Michael says all philosophically. “Yea I suppose your right.” I say looking at the sky again. I had this strong feeling that she was looking at the same stars just like I was right at this moment and deep inside it gave me a sense of enlightment like something good was going to happen and happen really soon.

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