Chapter 5- The Hornet's Nest

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"Welcome to hell," Drake said.

Phoenix High didn't look much like hell. It wasn't what I would imagine it would look like. There was freshly polished floors and beige lockers. Best of all, they had vending machines that actually worked during all school hours. Former players' jerseys lined the walls of the hallways.

"I don't see any lava or people getting tortured. How is this hell?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well, we're getting tortured by standardized tests and the SAT," Drake replied.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Fair point."

"So, what's your locker number?" Drake asked.

"6134," I answered. Drake fist-bumped me, "Bro, my locker's 6133! Nobody's had that locker since last year. Jessica's locker is 6136. You got lucky."

I was ecstatic to find that out. I had a locker next to my new friend and a locker close to an attractive girl. Drake stood beside me while I fumbled with the combination. I set all my stuff in my locker and we went to explore the school.

"Here's the cafeteria. They have a big ass flat screen, but it only plays like CNN or some other news channel," Drake pointed out.

The cafeteria was a bit smaller than Speedway High's, but it was much nicer. There were massive rows of brand new tables and chairs going sideways from the entrance. There were murals of the sports teams painted in random parts of the walls. There were barely any people in the cafeteria, which surprised me. A faint smell of cinnamon rolls permeated the air.

"That's the only good thing to get for breakfast here. The rest of it is disgusting as all hell," Drake alluded.

He led me around again and showed me the gym, the auditorium and various classes. As we were leaving the library, Drake nudges me. He points out Jessica walking down the hallway.

"Go talk to her," he said.

"Hey Scott!" Jessica said.

I smiled, "Hey," I greeted.

Jessica was wearing a raspberry colored knit beanie. It reminded me of Raspberry Beret by Prince.

"So, is that the kind of hat you find in a secondhand store?" I asked, alluding to the song.

Jessica's mouth gaped in surprise, then she said: "Yeah. But if it was war, I wouldn't wear much more." When she said the lyrics, I caught more feelings for her. We both must've shared a common interest in Prince. Jessica and I started laughing at the fact we each knew the song. Then she caught my attention again when she gave me the same look she gave at Starbucks.

"Who're you?" a deep voice asked behind me.

Jessica's demeanor instantly changed she heard the voice. She looked down at the ground with a sad look. I turned and found a guy in an indigo and black colored letterman jacket. He was stocky and about 3 inches taller than me. His wiry black hair covered his forehead in an uneven pattern. On the left side of his jacket, in indigo cursive lettering, it read "Cameron". This must've been Cameron White.

"Name's Scott Wynter, I'm the new kid. I was-" I began.

"I don't care who you are. All I wanna know is why the hell are you talking to Jess?" Cameron interrupted.

Drake stood behind him, his arms crossed. I was kind of scared in that moment. I knew Drake would be here to help me.

"Chill, man. I was just saying Prince lyrics to her," I said.

Cameron gave an 'are you serious' look to me, "The fuck kind of guy sings to a girl who's taken?" Jessica stepped forward, "Cam, calm down. You're blowing this out of proportion." He rolled his eyes, "I ain't blowing shit outta proportion. This Scott kid's over here singing to you, 'course I'm gonna be pissed."

"Cameron, you just need to back away from all this," Drake chimed in. He turned to Drake, "This your boy-toy or something, Drake?" Then I made the mistake of chiming in, "I'm not no boy-toy to someone."

Cameron grabbed me by the neck and slammed me against the locker, taking all my breath away. He looked at me darkly, "Listen here, Wynter. Cameron White don't take this kinda shit from nobody. Either you stay away from Jessica, or else I'm gonna rock your shit."

I snorted, "You keep this up, Drake'll have already done that to you." He tightened his grip on my neck; I gasped for air. Jessica grabbed his other arm, "Let go of him!"

Cameron growled and released me. I was on all fours trying to regain my composure. I looked at him with a dark look and he gave one back. Cameron and I wouldn't have been friends after all.

"Let's go, Jess," Cameron demanded. He grabbed Jessica's hand and speed walked down the hallway, almost dragging Jessica. I got up and leaned against the locker.

"What a warm welcome," I said.

"You good?" Drake asked.

I held my neck. It was extremely tender, "I guess so. My neck hurts pretty bad. Would've been better if you had helped me, but whatever."

"Sorry," Drake stated.

I sighed, "Seems like I've walked into the hornet's nest or something."

"It's only the beginning, Wynter."

I had never gone to school and had a confrontation with a jealous boyfriend. Nobody had called me 'Wynter' in a long time, also.

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