Chapter 15- A Surprise Visitor

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"Scott, there's some girl with black hair that wants to talk to you," Mom said.

I gave a confused look. Then I realized that the girl was Jessica. She probably wanted to talk to me about what had happened the last night. "Tell her to come in here," I said.

Jessica came in a few seconds later. She wore a crop top, exposing her stomach and her belly button ring, and she also wore short shorts.

"It's almost November. Don't you think it's a little cold for those clothes," I said, fumbling with a cork board.

Jessica smiled and rolled her eyes, "Okay mom, no need to be overprotective."

I shrugged my shoulders; Jessica sat on my bed. As I finished with the cork board, I sat next to Jessica on my bed.

"So, I'm going to guess you're here because of what happened last night, right?" I asked.

She nodded, "I'm not mad at you for what you did. I completely understand. All I want to know is what had happened. I want to get your side of the story, too."

I told her everything that had happened, from Cameron, Dex and Asia giving me dirty looks, to them following me, Preston and Drake, to fighting both Dex and Asia, and throwing the big rock at Cameron and knocking him out. Jessica nodded and looked down at me.

"Cameron's told me something different. He told me that they followed you and they jumped you and beat the hell outta you. I was worried about you," Jessica stated.

My heart fluttered for a second, "Jess, you didn't need to worry about me. I'm okay. I'm surprised you're worried about a kid you barely know."

Jessica snorted, "'Barely know'? Scott, I know a lot about you." I raised an eyebrow, "What do you know about me then?"

"Well, I do know that you're a really good person, and you'd do anything for the people you love."

I nodded, "Well, you aren't wrong. I guess you do know a little bit about me."

Jessica smiled brightly. I looked at her and noticed that she had gotten a nose ring.

"When'd this happen?" I asked, pointing to her nose.

"Oh, this? It happened today! What do you think of it?" Jessica asked.

"Well, it looks nice," I said. She blushed, "Aww!"

When I said that, something started to burn inside me. Something that told me "you need to tell her she's beautiful".

"You're beautiful, Jessica Greene," I said. She let out a little gasp, and she fumbled with her angel necklace. I soon found her pinky finger intertwining with mine, and soon her hand held mine. She felt my face with her right hand.

"Scott...Cameron hasn't told me that in months. But you..." Jessica said.

I raised my eyebrow, then Jessica made my heart stop when she said, "Scott...kiss me, please."

I obliged, and grabbed her tightly by her waist as I had with Savannah. She had so much power behind her kiss. Her hands found themselves on my chest. Her black hair fell around our faces. She then held onto me, not wanting to let go. I didn't want to let her go either, but I didn't want to get caught by my mom. There was a lot more passion behind our kiss than there was with my kiss with Savannah. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that this would happen, but here I was. I was kissing her, and I was lost in the floral scent of either perfume or lotion.

Suddenly, I felt a surge of guilt. I was kissing my crush, yes, but it wasn't right. She was taken. I was basically making her cheat, the same thing Cameron and Tyler had done. It felt so wrong, but so right at the same time.

Jessica broke the kiss and had a guilty look on her face.

"Scott, I'm sorry. I just needed this," she said.

She then shot up from my bed and sped out of my apartment. I followed her out and knocked on Drake's door. He looked to the left and saw Jessica walking down the street.

"What'd you do this time, bro?" he asked.

"I just kissed Jessica," I replied.

Drake's mouth dropped, and he started wildly flailing his arms about, spewing curse words.

"Scott, you lucky motherfucker, teach me your ways," Drake said.

I shook my head, "I wouldn't consider myself lucky."

He rolled his eyes, "Come on, it's Jessica fucking Greene! How can you not be lucky?"

"She has a boyfriend, dumbass. That's called 'cheating'."

Drake laughed, "That's so fucking funny! What goes around fucking comes around!"

"True, but..." I stopped myself. It was pointless to explain this to Drake.

Drake got a worried look, "Scott, you're gonna get killed if Cameron finds out." I shrugged my shoulders, "Let him find out. He's not gonna do shit. I whooped Dex and Asia's asses last night, I'm pretty sure he can't find someone to find me and beat me up. I know how he works, Drake. I've seen it before and I've dealt with it before."

"You were just beating yourself over kissing Jess and now you're not scared of Cameron? You're weird, Wynter."

"Like you said, what goes around comes around. It's cathartic as all hell," I said.

"And what happens if he ends up beating the hell outta you?" Drake asked.

I looked at him, "That's probably not gonna happen. You saw what happened last night, Drake. If I can take two people on by myself and win, I'm pretty sure I could do the same with Cameron." I started walking back to my apartment, but I turned around and said...

"Well, to answer your question, my answer would be that...well, I simply underestimated him. And I could do better next time."

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