Chapter 08 | debt

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No One Has Ever Won A Game Of Chess By Taking Only Forward Moves...Sometimes You Have To Move Backwards To Take Better Steps Forward.

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You ever wondered what death is like?

I'm not ashamed to admit I have.

When we do this sort of stuff, we kind of live our lives halfway between life and death. Never quite living to the fullest but not quite dead either. But we learn to accept this fate, and we meet the Devil along the way.

It was weird in the sense that all of us are so young yet so ready for death.

"You've got 30 seconds, go."

"Tell him I love him."

"Fuck him for not being here." That one came from Liam.

"We're gonna get Brett back."

"I miss him." Charlotte ends with, "Tell him I miss my big brother and he better behave and get his ass home."

"I will." I nod, biting my lip. "Wish me luck."


"...Charlotte said she misses you, and you better fucking behave so you can come home on time." I ramble, "I think she's just bored. No one else will do her pranks with her so she's not getting her normal tormenting dosage."

"I got a phone call from Brett."

Ice cold shivers run down my spine, my throat closes up. "What?"

"He told me you walked out on them, said you weren't a King, that you're probably using again."

I stay silent.

"You know, I've been locked up in here for the past year and you've not come to see me once. Brett comes as much as he can and I don't want the others to see me in here. What's your excuse?"

"You know why I don't like coming here." I gesture to the guards scattered across the visiting room, to the uniform he's wearing. "Every time I think of you inside here, with that fucking uniform on, I think of Dad."

I know my words hurt him, as his jaw locks. "I'm not our father"

"Maybe not." I accept, "But you're sat in the same prison where he spent most of my life in."

"Either way, I think you've got something to tell me, irmão?" His dark brown eyes lock on the table between us, and that's when I know.

He knows about Brett.

"How did you find out?"

"Whoever's got him likes tormenting me. I've gotten a phone call everyday for the past week." He takes a deep, shaky breath and it takes everything in me to not start crying.

"They took Bodhi Morgan too."

"Puta Merda!"

"I don't know how to do this without you, Roy. I don't know what to do." I admit, lowering my voice as the embarrassment of not knowing how to defend my family hits me.

His lips shake, as do his hands. He attempts to regulate his breathing as pure rage consumes him. "What's the plan, so far?"

"Rochelle and I formed a truce, between Diamonds and Kings. Please don't be pissed, okay? I...I don't know how we're gonna do this without them, Roy."

"Stick with the truce, brother. Work together to get Brett back."

"It won't stick though, there's too much hate between us. And there's no guarantee it'll even work. Rochelle speaks about Alec and Bodhi too much anyway, it's fucking annoying and I'm the most tolerable out of us. "

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