Chapter 09 | strong

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We Never Realise How Frozen We Are Until Someone Starts To Melt Our Ice.

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"Lottie won't leave her room." Elliot informs me, biting his lip softly.


"She had another nightmare, I think. I heard screaming." He replies quietly.

Charlotte's been having nightmares almost every night since Brett was taken. When the worst ones hit, she refuses to leave her room until her melancholy passes.

Cole walks into my room, sitting on the floor near my door.

"You good?" I question.

He frowns, "I will be."

"I don't understand how he's just disappeared without a trace." I rub my eyes, yawning loudly.

"They're smart." Cole hums, leaning his head back against the wall. "Royal called. He said...He said remember what he told you, and not to trust any fucker."

"Do you think this truce is a good idea? Honestly?"

I don't answer Eli's question, but luckily Cole does it for me.

"Rocky knows what it's like. She might hate Brett but she won't leave him there and I have no doubt she'll fight to the ends of the earth for Bodhi."

"You know, we can have as much money as we want. We can have everything in this fucking world if we wanted it. But it's trust and loyalty that we need."

My eyes lock with Eli's, "Who we choose to be around lets us know who we are."

"It's killing me seeing Lottie like that, man." Cole admits, closing his eyes. "I feel like a part of myself is just breaking."

"It's not just Brett, is it." I acknowledge, "It almost ruined her when Royal got sent down. It's going to hit her harder because he's who she normally goes to other than you."

"But she's not even speaking to me. She's feeling so lost and hopeless and I can't fix that for her."

"Just give her time." I sign, diverting my eyes away from both my brother's gazes.

"We haven't got time."

The harsh reality of his words set in. I know he's right. Elliot knows he's right. Charlotte knows he's right.

Cole's phone beeps, and he checks it quickly. "Jay said Rocky's downstairs asking for you."

"'Right." I make my way down stairs quickly, my brows furrowing as I notice the cold-hearted gangster sat silently waiting for me.

Jayden stands back from her, eyeing her suspiciously.

"If it's anything to do with your boyfriend or Alec, I'm not interested unless you want me to punch them." I deadpan instantly, ensuring that my eyes were as distant as I felt.

Octavia had texted me saying she was worried about me being near my ex girlfriend. I had explained about my past with Rochelle and why this truce was hard to keep.

Rochelle snorts, "It isn't, but for the record I'm more than capable when it comes to punching someone." She stands up, cracking her shoulders. "I was informed that you went to see Royal yesterday. I want to know what happened."

I look at each of my brothers accusatory.

"It wasn't any of them." She adds on, "I've got connections with people in his prison."

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