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chapter four;

THALIA COULDN'T EVEN BARE TO TOUCH THE FOOD AFTER WHAT SHE SAW THE NIGHT BEFORE. Aris took her bacon from her plate and Thalia pushed the plate closer to Aris, telling him he can have it. Aris shrugged and took the whole plate. Thalia rolled her eyes at the boy.

She pushed her chair from the table and stood up. "I'm gonna get some orange juice" she informed. Aris nodded as he eat another piece of bacon. Thalia walked pass groups of people and constantly wave at them. She filled herself a glass of orange juice and walked to her table.

She walked pass the table of the new boys and she overheard Thomas talking. "-okay, you don't believe Aris. But she was also there last night- Hey!" he called. Thalia stopped her pace and turned to them.

"Yeah?" she asked. The boy gestured her to sat with them. She turned to Aris and he nodded. She took a seat in front of the blonde boy. They shared a glance for a while. She broke her gaze as Thomas spoke.

"This is Minho, Winston, Frypan and this is Newt" Thomas said, introducing the boys on the table. They gave her a small wave and she waved back. Newt smiled at her and she flashed him a smile. "You know what you saw last night, right?" Thomas asked. She sipped her orange juice and nodded.

"Yeah, bodies" she confirmed. The boys turned to her and raised her eyebrows.

"Dead or alive?" Minho asked beside her.

"I don't think they're dead, but they're definitely not alive either" she explained. The boys nodded and Newt kept his gaze at her and she looked away quickly.

"So who do you think those people are?" the blonde in front her asked. He had an accent. She couldn't help but curled her lips into a small smile. It's her first time finally hearing his voice. Well, as much as she remembered anyways.

"I think those people that were called out to go to this so called 'safe place'" she said, quoting her hands in the air. "- they never really left" she concluded.

She opened her mouth but quickly closed it as Janson walked in, with the usual guards following behind. She stared at Janson before pushing herself from the table and stood up. "I gotta go. Catch you guys later" she said excusing herself.

"Wait" the familiar accented voice stopped her and she turned. "I didn't catch your name" he said. The corners of her lips curled into a smile and kept her gaze at the boy.

"I didn't throw it" she smiled. He let out a chuckle and turned away. She let out a small laugh and was about to turn back before Janson called her out.

"Thalia, will you please go back to your seat?" he said.

"Dammit" Thalia cursed under her breath. She turned to the boy and he smirked.

"See you later, Thalia" he chuckled. She rolled her eyes before she made her way back to her seat.

After Janson finished calling all the names, Aris relaxed as he didn't hear his name getting called. "We have to do somethi-" Aris was cut off by yellings from the door.

"What's your problem man?!" Thalia snapped her head to the source and Thomas was pushing his way through the guards. Newt and the others were holding him back. Thalia and Aris shared a glance.

Janson finally came out and they seemed to be talking. She couldn't hear what they said, but she knew a disagreement was happening because the guards dragged them out the cafeteria to- what Thalia assumed- their room. Thalia turned to Aris and he pushed himself off the table and stood.

"Let's go"


Thalia and Aris got to their room and the first thing that Aris did was opening the vents under Thalia's bed. Thalia stared at the boy with her hands on her hips.

"Aris, what are you doing?!" she asked. Aris popped his head from under the bed.

"I found a new path that leads to the lab. I'm gonna get Thomas and go there" he explained.

"Well, I'm coming with you" she said, kneeling down, trying to get under her bed. Aris pushed her off.

"Stay here" he instructed. Thalia raised her eyebrows. Stay here? He wanted her to just stay here while he crawled through those vents with Thomas? What if he get caught?

"Seriously? I'm going" she said, trying to get under her bed again but was pushed off by Aris the second time. "Aris!" she whined.

"Stay here. So that if anything happen, you're safe" he insisted. Thalia furrowed her eyebrows.

"That doesn't even make any sense!" she argued. She didn't even get another chance to knock some senses into her friend, when she heard a slam and the vents that Aris opened earlier was snap shut. "Asshole" she grumbled.

Thalia felt useless and bored. She had stayed in her empty room for what seemed like hours. She couldn't even get out because the doors were locked from outside and all she can do was pacing back and forth and check the vents every two minutes.

Then, finally a sound of unscrewing and clang came from under Thalia's bed. Thalia instantly jumped from her seat and Aris popped his head. She could see another figure was behind him, but it wasn't Thomas.

"Winston?" Thalia asked. Winston gave her a wave.

"Thals, c'mon! Get in here, they're coming!" Aris said in a hurry. Thalia threw in a confused look but followed Aris in the vent. Aris immediately snapped the vent shut and screw it back. Thalia stared at her friend in confusion.

"Who's comin-" Aris cut her off and put his fingers up on his lips, sushing her. Thalia was about to question him, but a loud door slam was heard from outside the vents. Thalia watched Janson and few guards getting in their room through the small gap of vents.

Janson looked pissed. And he made it quite obvious when he kicked the bed frame. "We lost one of our most precious subjects! Search the whole building and lock all of the doors!" he fumed. The guards behind him nodded and made their way out the door, Janson slowly following behind.

Thalia turned to the two boys behind her. "What just happened?" she asked.

"C'mon, I'll tell you on the way, we don't have much time" Aris said, gesturing Winston and Thalia to follow him. Winston follow him without any hesitation while Thalia still sat there in confusion.

"Wait, where are we going?!" she asked. She heard no answer, instead Winston gestured her to come over. Thalia groaned before finally following the two boys down the vent.


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