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chapter twenty;

THE CAR WASN'T SOMETHING SHE EXPECTED IT TO BE. The car was blue and old and rusty. It concerns Thalia that it would break down in the middle of their journey, but she trusted Jorge enough for this. "Hey, Thal" a voice called. Thalia turned and Brenda was behind her, holding both her bow and arrows. She haven't talked to Brenda since what happened last night, and now might be a good time. "You might need these" she said.

Thalia left Newt's side and walked towards Brenda. Brenda handed her the bow and Thalia slung the quiver over her shoulders. "Hey, about last night.. I'm sorry. I really didn't mean any of those words. I was just.. frustrated and the alcohol and all. I'm sorry" Thalia explained. Brenda laughed half heartedly.

"Thal, it's okay. I honestly forgot like half of what happened last night anyways" Brenda shrugged. Thalia let out a small laugh and extended her hand.

"We good?" Thalia asked. Brenda laughed and shook her hand.

"We good" she confirmed.

"Hey guys! You coming?" Newt called them. Thalia nodded. She turned to Brenda and gave her a small smile before she walked towards the car. Newt let her got in first and she sat next to Aris and Brenda on her other side. Newt sat on the front seat next to Jorge. Jorge started the engine and soon they were moving, leaving the city behind them.


Fifty girls were huddled up in front of the door. Each one of them carrying different kind of weapons. Spears, knifes, arrows, some of them with swords and axes. Their leader, Harriet was at the front. Along with her second in command, Sonya, the greenie, Rachel, the only boy, Aris and the keeper of the solver, Thalia. Thalia turned to the leader. "Shouldn't we have a pep talk or something right now?" Thalia asked. Harriet nodded.

"Listen up, girls!" Harriet turned to Aris, "And boy. We have been stuck in this maze for way too long. Some of us.." Harriet turned to Thalia, "longer than the others. And now, we are going to leave this hell hole of a maze and show the creators who they're messing with!" Harriet yelled. Cheerings of excitement escaped the girls' lips. "We're going to show those sticks that we are not just an experiment! We are not just another lab rat! And we are not going down without a fight!" Harriet yelled. Thalia smiled at the girl and cheered along with the rest of the girls. "Who's with me?!" she shouted.

The girls cheered and rose each of their weapons in the air. Harriet smiled and nodded. She turned to Thalia. "You wanna add something, Thals?" she asked. Thalia nodded and stepped up. The girls were quiet as they waited for Thalia's pep talk.

"Be careful. Don't die" Thalia said. Laughter erupted from the girls, but they cheered anyways. Sonya rolled her eyes at the girl.

"Great" she said in her thick british accent, "we're all bloody inspired" she rolled her eyes. Thalia laughed at the girl before turning her attention back to the crowd.

"Let's go!"

A bump on the road awoken Thalia from her sleep. She lifted her head from Aris' shoulder and she could hear Aris' deep sigh. "Oh thank god, you're awake. My shoulder's getting sore" Aris said. Thalia rolled her eyes at the boy and pulled her hair back into a ponytail.

"Hey" Newt's head popped out of the front seat. Thalia smiled and a small laugh escaped her lips.

"Hi there" she smiled.

"How's your beauty sleep?" he asked.

"It's great" she said.

"Yeah, because she dreamed about you" Aris commented. Thalia's eyes widened and smack the boy on the back of his neck. The others laughed while Thalia was just embarrassed. She could see Newt's cheek turning into a light shade of pink through the rear view mirror, which just made her blushed even more. Thank god Jorge stopped before Aris teased her even more.

The road they were in led into a tunnel, but it was blocked by cars which gave them no choice but to get out of the car. Thalia followed the others and she stood next to Newt. "Well, I guess we're on foot" Jorge said.

Thalia was already at the front, exploring the rusted cars. Most of them were damaged. Their windows were cracked. The main thing that caught Thalia's attention was that most of the windows were damaged by bullet holes. Thalia furrowed her eyebrows, just as that, Thalia heard a gunshot and she ducked behind a car.

"Everybody get down!" Thomas yelled.

"Where's Thalia?!" Newt shouted.

"Here!" Thalia yelled back.

"Does anyone know where those shots came from?!" Minho exclaimed. Thalia looked up at the cliff, but she couldn't see anyone or anything. A few more shots were fired and Thalia took one of the arrows from her quiver and slid it through the arrow rest, waiting for the shooter before she used it.

"Everybody, get a sprint back to the truck!" Jorge instructed. "And hold your ears" he added. Thalia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, but didn't question it. Thalia was on her knees with her arrow ready and was just waiting for Jorge's signal.

"Drop it" a voice said. Thalia turned her head to the back. The voice sounded oddly familiar. "I said drop it, now!" the voice demanded. Thalia kept her head down. "On your feet. Let's go" the voice said.

Thalia could see Thomas and Jorge stood up, slowly backing up with two girls pointing their guns at them. They gestured the rest of her friends to do the same thing. It was silent as Thalia slowly made her way over, as she was the furthest away from them. That's when she heard Aris' yell. "Oh my god, Harriet?" he yelled as he walked towards the girl and shared a hug.

Thalia stopped at her tracks and her eyes widened at the sight in front of them. "Well, am I gonna get a hug too?" Thalia asked. The two girls turned to her wide eyed.

"Thalia?!" they both said in unison. Thalia let out a laugh as she ran towards the two girls and crashed them into a hug. "I can't believe you're here, oh my god" Harriet grinned. Thalia let out a small laugh.

"How did you get out?" Sonya asked, a smile not escaping her lips.

"We got a little help from Aris' griever girlfriend, Sally" Thalia joked. Sonya and Harriet laughed while Aris had an unsatisfied expression on his face.

"Thalia, that joke ended a long time ago and it's not funny anymore" Aris said. Thalia shrugged.

"No, but seriously. These guys helped us escaped" Thalia said, gesturing to her friends who looked confused. Minho cleared his throat and spoke up.

"Uh.. what's happening?"

GUYS. 1K READERS ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? AND Flower is still #1 on #newtfanfiction???? I'm- I have no words. I honestly didn't think that anyone would even read this story!! But, thank you so much for all of you who have read this story and followed Thalia and Newt's journey, there is still more to come, don't worry.

Thank you guys so so much!



flower | newt  ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें