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chapter eight;

THALIA WOKE UP TO A BIRD TRYING TO STEAL THEIR FOODS. Thalia immediately sat up and shooed the bird away. Thalia's action awoke her friends up. "You okay, Thals?" Aris asked. Thalia nodded.

"Yeah, someone just tried to steal our foods" she said. Aris raised his eyebrows.

"Who?" Newt asked.

"A bird" she answered. Newt chuckled and shook his head, she couldn't help but did the same thing. Thomas stood up, observing the place for any trace of cranks. "Are they gone?" Thalia asked, fixing her hair. She did a french braid to her hair and pinning her bangs and baby hairs in place with the bobby pins that she used last night.

"Yeah. I think we're safe for now" Thomas said. Newt nodded. "Okay, we should get moving" he added. Thalia stood up, brushing her pants and she rolled up her sleeping bag. She took her quiver and sling it over her shoulders and took her arrow in her hand. "C'mon Fry, Winston"

Thalia glanced at the boy. He had his torso wrapped in bandages. Frypan helped him up and he groaned. Aris and Frypan were helping Winston up to his feet. Thalia glanced at the boy. "You okay, Winston?" she asked. The boy nodded and gave her a thumbs up. She smiled and nodded.

The group climbed and climbed until they stopped at the top. "What the hell?" Thomas whispered. In front of them were damaged buildings with their windows broken and half of its top completely cut off. The ground wasn't grass nor soil. It was sand.

Thalia huffed and she followed the group as they walked through the only sidewalk left. Newt came beside her. "You okay?" he asked. Thalia turned to him and nodded before furrowing her eyebrows.

"Why are you wearing a scarf?" she chuckled. Newt frowned and looked down at his scarf.

"Why not?" he asked. Thalia bursted out laughing at the boy.

"Newt it's at least 300 degrees" she chuckled. Newt shrugged and adjusted his scarf more. Thali laughed at the boy and shook her head. They walked side by side in silence, enjoying each other's company.

Newt and Thalia walked in front of Thomas and she noticed immediately when Thomas stopped his pace. Thalia stopped and turned to the boy, Newt following. "Tommy, you okay?" she asked. Thomas didn't answer instead, he was looking up the sky as if a spaceship is gonna fly above them.

"Did you hear that?" he asked. Now everybody had stopped and turned their gaze at the boy. Thalia shook her head, confused. She tapped Newt on the shoulder and he put his finger on his lips, signalling her to be quiet and listen about what Thomas must've heard. Then she heard it.

A loud rumbling sound came above them. She assumed it was just a plane passing through. Thomas thought otherwise, and he was right. "Get low! Everybody hide!" he instructed. Thalia felt a hand on her back, pushing her lightly under a big concrete. Newt kneeled down beside and Aris on her right.

Just then, two helicopters and a big spaceship flew over them. Thalia watched as the vehicles disappeared from their view. Thalia turned to Aris. "Was that a spaceship?" she whispered. At first, her intention to have Aris and only Aris to hear her stupid question, but her whisper came louder than it was supposed to be. Minho glared at her and Thomas sighed.

"Nope. That's Wicked" he answered. He gestured everyone to got out and they all followed him. They continued to climbed up a hill of sand mixed with ruins of buildings that were pretty hard to climb, but Thalia could manage. They reach the top of a sand hill and they could see the mountains.

"It's a long way off" Newt commented.

Thalia nodded and adjusted her quiver. "Well, we better get going, then" she said. She stepped forward, stepping slowly down the hill. Newt offered his hand that she gladly took. He asked her if she's okay and she assured him that she's fine. Although, she felt like one of her friend wasn't as fine as she.

Winston took off his bag and Thalia turned to him as he fell to the ground. "Winston!" she yelled. The other's head snapped towards him and they rushed towards him.

"He was injured pretty badly" Frypan said. Winston was choking and having trouble breathing. The group finally came up with an idea to carry him in a broken mattress they found on the street. Minho and Frypan were carrying him.

Thalia walked beside Aris as she glanced at the three friends behind her. She sighed and she turned to Aris. Ever since they left Wicked, she hadn't have much time to spend with Aris. They're pretty occupied with running for their life most of the time.

"You okay, A?" she asked. Aris scratched the back of his neck before he nodded reluctantly.

"Yeah. This weather is just not my favorite" he groaned. "And my shoulder feels like it's gonna shrink because of this heavy ass backpack" he grunted.

Thalia smiled at him. "Well, thank you for carrying my sleeping bag" she said. Aris rolled his eyes.

"Whatever" he said.

"Aris! Help me grabbed his legs" Minho called from behind them. Thalia and Aris turned to Minho. Aris quickly nodded and helped Minho with Winston. They then continued their journey.

Thalia was at the front with Thomas and Teresa when suddenly a large wind hit them and sands flew over to their face. They all coughed out the sands, but the strong wind didn't stop there. Sands were in her eyes and she couldn't see because she was squinting her eyes. She walked through the strong with her hands over her eyes, trying to block the sands.

Thalia felt a hand grabbed her wrist and she heard Newt's familiar voice. "Take this!" he yelled through the strong wind. He took off his scarf and gave it to her. She gladly took it and yelled her thanks.

"Gotta find a shelter!" Thomas yelled. Thalia stumbled a bit, but she managed to balanced herself. She nodded at Thomas.

"Yeah, we gotta- whoa!" Thalia couldn't see where she was going and she tripped over Aris' feet and rolled down the sand dune. Thalia felt a piercing pain from her left leg as she landed on a flat surface. She could hear yellings of her friends from above her.

Newt kneeled down beside her first and she sat up. He stared horridly at her leg and she shot him a confused look. "Thals.. your leg.." he said. Thalia furrowed her eyebrows and looked at her left leg.

Her jeans were ripped to a line and a visible cut was shown with blood gushing out of her leg. Her friends have now came, circling around her and Newt. "What the hell happened to your leg?!" Aris asked.

Thalia shook her head. "I don't know, I think there's a sharp object in those sands-"

"This?" Thomas came, holding a knife. The handle was covered in sands and the blade was covered in blood. Thalia's blood.

"Yeah, they must be it" she said. Thomas nodded. Thalia tried to stood up, but Newt stopped her.

"Are you seriously going to walk in those? No, let me carry you" he said. Thalia let out a small laugh.

"It's just a scar-"

"That is not a scar, that is a cut! It's different. Let him carry you" Aris chimed in. Thalia sighed in defeat.

"Guys, we gotta find a shelter first-"

"Found it" Thomas said, pointing at some big rocks behind Minho. Minho turned and nodded. "Alright, c'mon" Thomas said as he walked towards the rocks, Teresa following. Minho and Frypan carried Winston and followed Thomas and Teresa.

Thalia turned to Newt and before she even said anything, he scooped her bridal style and walked. She glanced at Aris behind Newt and saw him carrying her bow and arrow. Aris caught her gaze and he heldup her bow and arrow, signalling her that he got it. Thalia mouthed a sorry andhe replied by giving her a thumbs up. Thalia sighed and finally relaxed herself into Newt's arms.

yes, i did changed the cover for the sake of my aesthetics


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