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chapter thirteen;
hang tight

"DO YOU EVER GOT THE FEELING THE WHOLE WORLD'S AGAINST YOU?" Jorge started. Thalia glanced at Thomas in confusion on what the man was trying to say to them. They all stayed silent and none of them answered Jorge's question. "Three questions" Jorge said. "Where did you come from? Where are you going? How can I profit?" he asked. "Don't all answer at once" he added. Thalia glanced at her friends and they nodded allowing her to speak.

"We're headed for the mountains. Looking for the Right Arm" she said. Laughter erupted through the room. Thalia raised her eyebrows.

"You're looking for ghosts you mean" he said, sipping a glass of his drink. "Question number two" he said, walking towards them. "Where did you come from?" he asked.

Thalia glanced at her friends, as if telling them it's your turn now. Thomas glanced at Minho, allowing him to answer for them. "That's our business" he answered. Jorge shrugged and suddenly, Thalia felt hands pushing her down and forcing her to her knees. Thalia yelped as they pulled her hair rather forcefully.

"Hey! Don't touch her!" Newt yelled. The hands were trying to kept her down and she tried to fought it, but it was too strong. Strands of her hair fell over her face as she breathed heavily.

"Get off me" Thalia growled. She could see the girl walking towards her carrying a device in her hand.

"Not just yet, Princess" she said. The girl took the device and Thalia couldn't see anything, but she could feel that it was some kind of laser on her neck.

"What the hell are you doing?" Thalia demanded. She could hear a beeping sound before the man finally let her go and the girl walked away from her. Newt immediately pulled her to his side.

"Are you okay?" he asked. Thalia nodded and rubbed her forearm, glaring at the girl. She handed the device to Jorge.

"You were right" she said. Thalia raised her eyebrows at the two figures in front of her and crossed her arm.

"Right? Right about what? What do you mean?" she asked. Jorge took off his glasses and let out a small laugh.

"I'm sorry, hermano" he said. "Looks like you're tagged" he continued. Thalia glanced at her friend who were staring at Jorge in confusion. "You came from WICKED. Which means..." he said. "You're very valuable" he finished. Thalia turned around and the men started to get closer and closer, circling them.

Aris turned to Thalia and whispered, "Shouldn't we like- um, run?"


"I hate this. I really hate this" Thalia commented. She was hanging upside down by her ankle being tied up with ropes and her friends in the same position. Thalia sighed, glancing at her friends. She was starting to feel lightheaded.

"Good plan, Thomas. 'Just hear what they have to say'" he said sarcastically. "Really working out for us" he added. Thomas rolled his eyes and Thalia couldn't help but snort a laugh. Minho turned to her. "You too, Thalia" he said.

Thalia put up her hands in defeat. "What did I do?!" she asked. Minho rolled his eyes at her. Before Minho could respond, Aris spoke up.

"Thals, you look so ugly when you're upside down" he commented. Minho erupted into laughter at Aris' comment. Thalia turned to him and raised her eyebrows at her friend.

"A, remember your griever girlfriend? What's her name? Was it Sally? I think it's Sally" Thalia teased. Minho laughed even more hysterical while Aris was just embarrassed at this point. "Didn't Sonya set you guys up together?" Thalia laughed. The others were now laughing at this point. Seven kids were being imprisoned upside down and they still manage a laugh. Is that even normal?

"Shut up, Thalia" Aris said. "Let me just see if I can reach the rope" he said. Aris lifted his body up, Thomas following. But, unfortunately, they couldn't make it. With a grunt, Aris fell back down. Thalia was about to laugh but a voice interrupted her.

"Enjoying the view?" the voice asked. Thalia turned to the voice and Jorge was walking towards them. Thalia scoffed at the man.

"What the hell do you want?" Thomas asked.

"That's the question, hermano" he said. "My men want to sell you back to WICKED" he started. "Life has taught them to think small, I'm not like that" he said. "And something tells me that you're not either" he added. Thalia furrowed her eyebrows.

"What does that even mean?" she asked. The man glanced at her, but ignored her question and turned to Thomas.

"Tell me what you know about the Right Arm" he said.

"I thought you said they were ghosts" Newt said from Thalia's side. The man glanced briefly at him.

"I happen to believe in ghosts" Jorge said. "Especially when I hear them chattering on the airways" he continued. He walked circling the group. Aris turned to Thalia.

"Why do I feel like he's a little cray-cray?" he whispered just enough for Thalia to hear. She couldn't help but cracked a smile at her friends comment. She covered her mouth so that no laughter comes out and turned back to Jorge trying to stay as serious as possible.

Jorge walked over to a latch and turned back to them. "You tell me what you know, and maybe we can make a deal" he said.

"We don't know much" Thomas said. Jorge eyed them before pulling the latch sending them a couple feet down. Thalia breathed heavily as she stared at the long way ground. "Okay! Okay! They're hiding in the mountains. They attacked WICKED and they got a bunch of kids. That's all we know!" Thomas said quickly, holding his hands up in defeat.

Jorge opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by one of the men from earlier entering the room. "Yo, Jorge" he called out, walking towards them. "What's going on?" he asked. Jorge shifted his gaze to the man.

"Me and my new friends were just getting acquainted" he said. Jorge turned to them before continuing. "We're done now" he said.

"No we're not" Thalia spoke up. Jorge turned to her. "Aren't you gonna help us?" she asked.

"Don't worry, hermana" he said, his lips curling into a smile. "We'll get you to where you belong" he said, before walking away. "Hang tight"

i have so many tasks and tests, rip. but i have so many books ideas, tho!! i watched and read to all the boys i've loved before and it was so good??? i made a josh sanderson fanfic, but it's still a draft. should i publish it?? its a social media x real life kinda thing. tell me if any of u guys watches the movie/ read the book and if you'd read my fanfic.

also, 400+ reads?!?! what is happening?? and, i made it to #3 on newtxoc, like what???! thank u guys so much for voting, and reading, and adding this story to your reading lists :)) it means a lot to me :3

more chapters coming soonn!!! (and i promise you'll see more and more thalia and newt)

we should create a ship name for thalia and newt lmao.



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