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chapter twenty four;

THALIA FOCUSED A GLARE ON THE WOMAN. Ava Paige. The person that she hated the most in the world. Well, how couldn't she? After everything that woman had done to her, she has had enough. And the only thing that's stopping her from punching the woman on the face was the strong hands that gripped Thalia's shoulder, not letting her go.

Ava and Janson spoke something that Thalia couldn't hear due to the busyness around her. But she heard damn well when Ava Paige said, "Load them in"

Guards started shouting and shoving kids around. Thalia watched in concern. Ava Paige walked closer to her. Thalia's eyes were bloodshot in tears and anger. Ava spotted Thalia and Thomas and she gave a signal to let the both of them go. Thomas walked calmly towards Ava, but Thalia couldn't handle it anymore.

"Thomas. Thal-" Thalia stormed her way towards the woman and before she let her finish, Thalia swung her fist against Ava's jaw. Cheers, yells and shouts of surprises erupted around her. Guards took ahold of her again, but this time she was calm. She had let her anger all out.

Janson went over to Ava and she stood up, a bruise formed on her left jaw. Ava gave the girl a glare. A smile formed on Thalia's lips. "Ava. You got a little something" Thalia pointed at her jaw. She could hear snickers from her friends, and she could tell Minho was containing his laughter.

The grip on her hands got tighter up to the point where she was sure she got a bruise, just like Ava. Her breath hitched as a gun was pointed onto her neck. Ava ignored her comment and before she continued, a guard brought a familiar brunette in and she stood by Ava. "I'm glad you're safe" she said. The brunette nodded.

Thalia was stunned. "Teresa?" she asked. "What the hell are you doing?"

Newt stepped up. "Wait, what's going on?" he asked. Thomas sighed.

"She's with them" he said. Thalia shook her head in disbelief.

"Since when?" Minho asked. Janson stepped up and Thalia groaned internally.

"Oh, Teresa's always an evolved appreciation of the greater good ever since we restored her memories" Janson said. He turned to Thalia and Thomas. Thalia kept her glare at him. "It's only a matter of time" he added.

Teresa scanned her friends. A look of disgust and betrayal was plastered on their faces, especially Thomas. "I'm sorry" she said. Thalia's head snapped at her. "I had no choice. This is the only way" she added. Thalia scoffed.

"That isn't true" Thalia shook her head. "There will always be a third choice. A better choice" she said. "I learned that with you guys for the last weeks more than ever" she said, glancing at her friends. Newt had a look of admiration on his face. "We could have figured this all together-"

"Not this time, Thalia" Teresa said, cutting her off. Teresa shook her head. "We have to find the cure" she said.

"She's right" Ava Paige chimed in. "This is all just a means to an end. You used to understand that, Thomas" she said. "You too, Thalia" she added. Thalia scoffed. "No matter what you think of me, I am not a monster. I am a doctor. I swore an oath to find a cure!" she said. She took a deep breath before continuing. "I just need a little more time" she finished.

And a little more blood, Thalia thought.

"A little more blood" a voice behind her said. Everyone turned their heads towards her. It was the doctor from earlier. The doctor that let them stayed. Vince was behind her.

"Mary" Ava Paige said. "I'd hope to see you again. I'm sorry it has to be under these circumtances"

"I'm sorry about a lot of things too" Mary said. "But, not this" she shook her head. "At least my conscience is clear" she said.

Ava nodded. "So is mine" she said. Thalia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, but before she could process, the loud sound of gunshot erupted behind her.

Thalia felt Newt's hand around her waist. "Are you okay?" he asked. Thalia nodded.

"I'm fine"

"Mary!" a voice yelled behind them. Thalia turned to the voice to see Mary collapsed on the ground in Vince's arms. A gasp escaped Thalia's lips. Ava killed her. She killed the person that Thalia owed the most. She felt Newt's arms around her waist and she rested her head against his chest.

"Come on, Janson. Load them up" Ava said. Thalia turned to the woman and shook her head in rage. "Get rid of these people. Come on!" Ava yelled. Thalia turned to her right to see her two friends struggling to get out of the guards grip. They are bringing them into the berg.

Thalia stood up. "NO! Sonya, Aris!" she yelled. The two turned to her. Aris' eyes were filled with fear. Thalia was about to run after them when she felt two hands on her waist, holding her back. It was Newt. "No! They are my friends, let me go!" she yelled, trying to get out of Newt's grip.

She saw her two friends being pushed into the Berg, along with other people. Thalia let out a breath and tears started to well up in her eyes. She felt Newt's hands escaped her waist and it was replaced by a more aggressive hand on her shoulder, pushing her towards the berg.

Thalia didn't fight. She didn't scream. She didn't care if Wicked is going to take her. As long as she has her friends with her, she'll be okay. The guard released the grip when he heard Thomas' yells. "Everybody stay back!" he yelled. Thalia turned to him to see him holding a some kind of bomb in his right hand. "Stay back, let them go" he said.

"Thomas put it down"

"Let them all go!" Thomas yelled. Thalia walked closer to him.

"You know we can't do that, Thomas!" Ava yelled. Thalia could hear the frustration in her voice.

"Thomas, please stopped" Teresa said. Thalia turned to her. She almost forgot Teresa was there. "I made a deal with them. They promised- they promised we'll be safe. All of us" she said. Thalia scoffed.

"After everything that they have done to you and your friends you still manage to believe their bullshit?" Thalia spoke up. All the attention turned to her. "And I thought you're the smart one" Thalia shook her head.

"Yeah, and we're supposed to trust you now?" Thomas asked bitterly.

"It's true! It was her only condition!" Ava said.

"Shut up!" both Thalia and Thomas yelled at the same time. Thalia was shaking in rage.

"Everything can go back to the way it was" Ava said, walking closer to Thomas. "Thomas, do you really want all of them to die?" Ava asked. Thomas was breathing heavily. Thalia shrugged and walked closer to Thomas, standing beside him.

"I would rather die, than go back being you lab rat" Thalia spat. She felt a hand on her shoulder. She look up and Newt was there. Beside him was Minho and Frypan. Frypan nodded.

"We're with you, Thomas" Frypan said. Thalia nodded. She interlocked her fingers with Newt's.

"Don't" Ava said.

"Oh, fuck you Ava" Thalia said.

"We're ready" Minho said. Thomas nodded. His finger was inches away from the button. Thalia rest her head on Newt's chest. This wasn't exactly how Thalia expected her to die. But, she was glad that she has her friends by her side. And she truly means what she said. She would rather die than go back being Wicked's lab rats.

Thalia took a deep breath, and closed her eyes. Just before Thomas pressed the button, Thalia's eyes shot opened when she heard a car driving towards them. Thalia turned her left and saw a jeep driving towards them in full speed. The crowd started to yell and scream. Thalia smiled when she saw the two people sitting on the front seat.

It was Jorge and Brenda.

idk if it's christmas wherever you are, but it is christmas from where i live!! so, merry christmas everyone!!! i hope you all have a wonderful christmas and holiday!! this is my gift to all of you hehe

merry christmas!



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