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chapter nineteen;

THALIA WAS WOKEN UP BY THE SOUND OF DOOR OPENING. "Newt?" she asked. The boy held up a finger on his lips as he closed the door behind him. "What time is it?" she asked. Thalia sat up and Newt sat next to her.

He turned to the girl and cupped her cheeks, stroking it with his thumb. He smiled, the smile that could light Thalia's life more than anything in the world. "I need to see you before I go" he whispered.

Thalia smiled weakly at the blonde boy. She put her hand over his. "Promise me something, Newt" she said.

"What is it?" he asked. Thalia's brown eyes stared at his in sadness and gloom.

"Promise me you'll take care of yourself" she said. Newt's face was blank before he finally nodded and leaned in for a kiss. Their lips met and Thalia could feel the butterfly on her stomach errupted. They pulled away, but kept their forehead together.

"I can't believe they're going to make me forget you" he said, barely a whisper. Thalia's lips curled into a small smile.

"You'll never forget someone who gave you so much to remember" Thalia said. Newt smiled at the girl and leaned in for another kiss. Their lips moved in sync, it was the perfect passionate kiss. The perfect last kiss. "I love you, Newt" she said.

Newt stared into the girl's big brown eyes and smiled. "I love you too, Thalia" he said. Their fingers were intertwined as guards barged in Thalia's room.

"Subject A5, you are ready for the Maze Trials" one of the guards said. The other two grabbed Newt by his shoulder and forced him up, releasing him from Thalia's grip.

"No! Newt, wait!" Thalia yelled and stood up. One of the guards held her down and she fought it as she yelled out Newt's name.

Newt glanced at her from his shoulder, a distraught look on his smile. "I love you, Thal" he said before the guards took him away from Thalia's sight.

Thalia's eyes shot opened, a gasp escaped her lips and she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, you're okay" a familiar accented voice said. Thalia turned to her right and sighed as the familiar sandy blonde hair was smiling at her. "Hey" Newt smiled. Thalia managed a small smile.

"Hi" she said. Newt stared at her brown eyes and stroked her hair.

"How are you feeling?" he asked. Thalia gave him a weak smile. She wanted to tell him everything. The bite that the crank gave her. The flare virus now being inside her. The illusions that she had back at the club.

But all that came out was, "I'm fine" she gave him a small smiled. Newt didn't look convinced, but he nodded anyway.

"Welcome back, you ugly shank" Minho's voice came from behind Newt. Thalia turned to the boy and furrowed her eyebrows.

"What the hell is a shank?" Thalia asked. Newt and Minho glanced at each other before they burst into laughter. Thalia shook her head at the two boys. "What?" she asked. The two boys finally calmed down and answered Thalia's question.

"It's just a made up word in the maze" Minho answered. Thalia nodded.

"We say 'stick' on our maze" she said as she tried to sit up. Newt helped her up and she gave him a smile before her gaze shifted into someone behind him. Thalia caught Brenda's gaze and she turned away quickly. The two figures on the middle of the room caught Thalia's attention.

The man that gave Thalia and Brenda a drink before was tied up on a chair, blood gushing down the man's face. Jorge threw another punch at the man. Thalia stood up, and walked towards the two. "I'm sorry, but you're going to have to leave my house" the man said.

"Listen, I don't like hurting you, okay? Where is the right arm, Marcus?" Jorge said in a low breath. The name Marcus caught Thalia's attention.

"Hold on. This is Marcus?" Thalia asked, crossing her arms over her chest. Both Jorge and Marcus turned their heads to her. Marcus let out a laugh.

"She catches on quick" Marcus commented. "Are you the brain of the operation?" he asked. Jorge didn't let him say another comment and pulled his hair back.

"I know you know where they're hiding" Jorge said. "So you tell me, and I'll make you a deal" Jorge continued, finally releasing his grip off of Marcus. Marcus let out a laugh that's starting to irritate Thalia more and more. "You can come with us" Jorge offered.

Marcus scoffed. "I burned that bridge a long time ago" he said. "Besides, I made my own deal. You're the one who taught me, never miss an opportunity" Marcus smiled, revealing his disgustingly bloody mouth.

"What's he talking about?" Newt spoke up beside her.

"I'm talking about supply and demand" Marcus started. "WICKED wants all the immunes thay can get. I help provide that for them. So, I lure the kids in.. they get drunk, they have a good time" he continued. "And then later, WICKED comes in and they separated the wheat from the chaff" he finished. Thalia shifted uncomfortably at his last comment.

What if her friends didn't find them? Thalia and Brenda would've been taken to WICKED. Well, Brenda would.

"I changed my mind, hermano" Jorge said. "I do enjoy hurting you" he said, and with a grunt, he kicked Marcus' chair back. Marcus groaned and Jorge took out his gun and pointed it at Marcus' throat. "Talk! Talk!" Jorge demanded.

"Okay, okay! Jesus!" Marcus said in defeat. "But I'm not making any promises. These guys like to move around" he said. Frypan helped Jorge pulled Marcus' chair back up and Marcus panted heavily before continuing. "They have an outposts in the mountains. But it's a long way away. You got half of WICKED on your ass, you'll never gonna make it" Marcus let out a chuckle.

"Not on foot" Jorge said. Even though he's got his back on them, Thalia could feel him smirking. Jorge put his hands on Marcus' shoulders. "Where's Bertha?" he asked.

Thalia furrowed her eyebrows. "Who's Bertha?" Thalia asked. Jorge turned to her and smirked.

"Our ride"

GUYS WTF?? #1 ON #newtfanfiction and 995 readers???? This is insane lmao. Thank you to all of you who have read flower until this far, I appreciate you all :))

Thank you!!!



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