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chapter twenty five;
a not so happy ending

IT WAS CHAOTIC. People were screaming and pushing each other around. Gunshots were fired. Thalia turned to her right to see at least five guards standing in front of Thomas, each pointing their guns at him.

"Thomas!" she yelled. Before any guards pulled the trigger, Thomas threw the bomb, telling everyone to get down.

Newt took Thalia by the shoulders and pushed her to the ground along with him. Thalia could see Ava running towards the Berg, behind them were Sonya and Aris. "Sonya! Aris!" she yelled, standing up from Newt's grip.

"Thalia!" Newt yelled, but the girl ignored him and ran towards the Berg. Before she could even reach it, she could feel electricity ran through her body and her body felt numb. "No!" Newt yelled.

Thalia's body fell to the ground. She couldn't move an inch of her body. Guards started to take her by her shoulder and drag her to the Berg. "No! Thalia!" Newt yelled.

As Newt was about to ran towards the girl, Thomas stopped him. "No! Get off of me, Thomas!" Newt yelled, struggling to get out of Thomas' grip. Thomas pulled him back where Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge stood.

Newt's eyes clouded with tears as the berg closed its doors with Thalia in them. "No no no" he whispered, shaking his head in disbelief. Thomas kneeled down to his friend.

"We'll find her, alright?" he said. "Minho too" he added. Newt shook his head.

"I didn't even get to say it" he said, his voice barely a whisper. Thomas glanced up to his friends who had the same sad expression on their faces.

"Say what?" Brenda asked.

"That I love her"


Thalia woke up in a hospital gown. She was in a closed room with transparent glass as it walls. She was on a hospital bed, her wrists and leg strapped down. She turned to her surroundings, seeing nothing but hospital equipments. Panic rose up her chest.

Where am I?

Memories from the night before flashed before her eyes. The last thing she remembered was Newt's voice calling out to her.


Where is he?

"Newt?" she called out, her voice cracking. No answer. "Thomas? Minho? Brenda? Aris, Sonya? Guys?" she called out. All she wanted was to see her friends, and Newt. All she wanted was to go back to Newt's arms where she felt safe and secured.

But, the person that came out from the door wasn't Newt, or any of her friends. It's someone that she least wanted to see at the moment. "Hello, Thalia" she said.

She held a clipboard on her hand, her hair slicked back into a bun. She was cleaner than the last time she saw her, which was last night. "Cut the crap, Teresa. Where the hell are my friends?" she snapped.

Teresa took a seat next to her bed, sighing. "I understand how you feel-"

"No you don't" she cut off. Her eyes started to cloud up with tears. She shook them away. "Look, I just want to see Newt and my friends. I need to know if they're okay" she said, her voice cracking.

"They're okay, Thalia. Minho, Aris and Sonya are in the other rooms, they're getting checked up as well" she said. A wave of relief washed over her. "As for Newt, Thomas, and the others.. I don't know" she said.

Thalia snapped her head towards her. "What do you mean you don't know?" she asked.

Teresa sighed. "Thomas, Newt and the others didn't come with us last night. I have no idea where they are" she said. Thalia's eyes started to water.

Are they okay?

Is Newt okay?

She couldn't imagine living without her friends, and Newt. Although that brought up one question. What is her relationship with Newt?

They're definitely not just friends. So, are they a couple? She knew that they were, before Wicked erased her memories away. But, what about now?

Silence fell over her and Teresa. "Look, I know you're worried. They're my friends too-" Thalia scoffed and turned to the brunette.

"No you're not. You're not our friends anymore" a bitter laugh escaped her lips. "Not after what you did" she said. Teresa's face fell.

"I did what I had to do" she said. Thalia shook her head in disbelief.

"They're your family" she said. "You were in the maze with the boys and you decided to side with the people who put you there in the first place? Make it make sense, Teresa" she snapped.

Teresa stayed silent before standing up. "You're not at the maze anymore, Thalia. This is Wicked" she said as she made her way towards the door. "You should learn to keep your mouth shut, or there will be consequences" she threatened.

"I'm not scared of your games anymore. My friends, they're coming for me" she said, Teresa stopped her pace. "It's called loyalty. Something you can never understand" she said. Silence fell over them before Teresa decided to leave the room.

Hundreds of miles away from Wicked, Newt sat on a room along with Thomas, Frypan, Brenda and Jorge. A map was lied down on the table. Red dots covered some of the areas of where they think Wicked might be.

Thalia and Newt didn't live in a fairy tales where happy endings exist. This is the real world. It's Wicked and there's no happy endings.

But, true love does exist. And here in the real world, or fantasy, true love will always wins.

"We'll find her, Newt" Thomas reassured. Newt nodded.

"I know" he said. "I know we will"

AAAAHH IT'S OVERR!!! I'm so sorry for the late update, but I was really busy in the past month that I didn't have the time to write. But here you go!! Thank you so much to everyone who has supported this book, and to everyone who has read Thalia's story this far.

I don't know if I'll write a sequel or not because I'm really busy at the moment, but when I do, I'll let u know!

Thank you, again! This is insane.

See u guys later!



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