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chapter twelve;

"THALIA, GET UP" Newt's voice woke her up. She opened her eyes and all of her friends were already awake with their bags, standing in caution. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What's going on?" she asked. Seeing her friends with their bags, she took her bow and quiver and stood beside Newt. She didn't get any response from Newt, but Thomas answered her question.

"You see that?" Thomas asked, pointing at his front. "It's lights. We made it" he added. Thalia followed Thomas' finger and she could see lights right ahead of them. Before Thalia could say anything, thunder rumbled behind her. They all snapped their heads to the source and the dark sky was now filled with rays of electric lights. "Let's go! We gotta go, c'mon!" Thomas yelled.

Newt grabbed Thalia's wrist and dragged her along with him as they ran away from the upcoming storm. The rumbling of thunder got louder and louder. A lightning struck right next to Thalia, but she was lucky enough to dodge it. "C'mon Teresa!" Thomas yelled through the rumbling of thunder.

Thalia was once in the front of the group with Newt, but now she was at the back, due to her still healing leg, she ran the slowest. "We're getting closer, let's go!" Thomas said. Thalia could see her friends entering the building. Her leg was sore, but she kept running, unfortunately, not fast enough.

Luck only comes once, they said, and she believed that now more than ever. Lightning struck right at her, which caused her to fell down. A jolt of electricity ran through her spine. The pain was something she has never felt before. She could hear her friends yelling her name, but only a muffle. She could feel herself losing her hearing and consciousness. And the last thing that she saw was Newt's face before falling to unconsciousness.


Thalia awoke with a gasp and she could see her friends were circling her with a relieved face. "Oh, thank god" Newt sighed in relief.

"What happened?" she croaked out. She slowly lifted her head.

"You got struck by a lightning" Aris said. Thalia cocked her head to her friend.

"Oh" she said. Her friends let out a small laugh. "I guess that was a pretty shocking experience" she said lifting herself up. Everyone groaned at her joke, but helped her up.

"You think you can stand?" Newt asked. Thalia nodded.

"Yeah, of course woah-" she stumbled backwards but Newt caught her before she fell. Newt's face was full of concern, and before he said anything Thalia confirmed that she was okay. "Just a little bit dizzy" she said. Newt nodded. "Thanks guys" she said. They all nodded and turned their attention away from her.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked. Thalia gave him a smile.

"I'm oka-" she was cut off by Teresa's scream. She turned to the girl and a crank suddenly jumped to her. Thomas pulled Teresa back, and with her fast reflexes, Thalia grabbed the bow from Newt's grip and took the arrow from her quiver before shooting the crank with her arrow. The crank fell down and her friends looked at her in surprise.

As the crank fell down, Frypan shone his flashlight at it, and Thalia could see that the crank was chained. "Thalia, behind you!" Minho yelled. She could hear the growling sound and the smell of death behind her. She ducked before turning around and shoot the crank on the heart. But, it didn't stop there.

More of them kept coming at every direction and it didn't took Thalia long enough to realize that they were surrounded by cranks. She shot as many of the cranks as she can before a voice stopped her and she could see a figure in front of her. "I see you've met our guard dogs" the voice said. "And you killed some. That's a first"

The figure walked towards them, and it became clearer to Thalia that it was a girl with a really short haircut. The girl walked ignoring the cranks that were trying to get to her and possibly rip her skin apart. "Stay back!" Minho demanded, but she didn't budge. The girl walked closer to them and a smile appeared on her face.

"You guys look like shit" she commented. Thalia raised her eyebrows at the girl. "C'mon. Follow me" she said, turning around. None of them move, still debating whether to trust this girl or not. "Unless you wanna stay here with them" she said. Thalia glanced at Minho and Thomas before nodding. She walked past Minho and Thomas and followed the girl, and she could feel her friends following behind her.

The girl slid open the door and the first thing that Thalia saw was lights. They were in some kind of warehouse. There were a lot of people there doing their own stuff. Some of them was warming up by the fire, sleeping in their sleeping bag. Thalia guessed that it was a shelter. "C'mon keep up" the girl said. Thalia followed her. "Jorge wants to meet you"

She led them up the staircase and she could see more people there, warming up by the fire. "Who's Jorge?" Thalia asked. The girl glanced at her with a smirk before turning her head back around.

"You'll see" she said. "No one come out the scorch in a long time. You just got him curious" she continued. "And me, too" she added. Thalia turned to her friends and saw the men that were warming up by the fire, now was behind Newt and following them.

"Anyone else starting to get a bad feeling about this place?" Newt asked from behind her. Thalia turned to him.

"Let's just hear him out and see what he has to say" Thomas said. Thalia nodded in agreement. The girl led them up another staircase and the first thing that Thalia hear was the static sound of the radio. The room was filled with stuff and there was a long table where Jorge was seated.

"Jorge, they're here"


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