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chapter ten;
lover boy

THALIA'S LEG FELT LIKE HELL. But, she kept walking because that's the only way she might survive this whole thing. She learned pretty quickly that all she needs to do to survive the scorch is to walk, run and occasionally shot her arrows at cranks, and eat and drink, of course. Although, she hasn't eaten nor drank in a while.

It was already dawn and they were finding a place to sleep for the night. She doesn't need a five star hotel, a corner of an old building with crank-proof walls is enough for her. Although, that is just as hard to find as finding a five star hotel.

That whole journey was silent. The only sound that was heard was the hissing of sands and Frypan's sniffles. Everyone was quiet. They were all grieving Winston's death differently.

Frypan was crying the most of the journey. Thalia couldn't hear Minho's cries, but his eyes were red, same goes for Thomas. Teresa's face was just blank. A couple of tears left Aris' eyes when they heard the gunshot, but he hasn't cried again since then. While Newt, his face is the actual definition of sadness and guilt, which Thalia understands completely. He gave him the gun, of course he felt guilty. Thalia tried to comfort him a little while ago, but she figured that he just need his alone time.

Now that everyone was grieving and wasn't really in their right mind to think as to where to go, so it was all up to Thalia and Aris to search their shelter for the night.

Thankfully, it didn't took long for Aris' eyes to lingered over to the right, where there was a some kind of shipwreck. Half of it sunk through the sand, but there was enough of it to be their shelter for the night.

Aris glanced at Thalia and she nodded in approval. She gestured to the rest of her friends to follow her and Aris down the sand dune to the shipwreck.

Aris set his bag down and sat next to Thalia. Thomas sat beside Aris with Minho following, and to Thalia's surprise, Teresa sat next to her. They haven't really talk after what happened in the abandoned building with the cranks.

Thalia wanted to talk to Teresa about some more other things, but her mouth disagree and they were kept shut as Thalia sighed and leaned onto Aris' shoulder and closed her eyes for a minute before opening it right back, to see Newt sitting opposite her, eyeing her and Aris. She caught his gaze and she smiled.

He gave her a small smile before standing up, brushing his jeans. "Where are you going?" she asked, lifting her head from Aris' shoulder.

"I'm gonna find some wood or sticks to make a fire" he said. Thalia immediately stood up, trying to ignore the pain in her leg, clearly failing. She winched in pain. She wanted to help Newt, and maybe try to talk to him.

"I'll help" she said. Newt frowned at her and pointed her leg.

"With your leg like that?" he asked. She shrugged.


"Absolutely not" Aris spoke up behind her. Thalia turned to her friend and rolled her eyes.

"Aris shut up" she said.

"Your leg will only gets worse if you don't let it rest" Aris said. Newt nodded in agreement. Thalia groaned. She knew they're right, but she didn't want to admit it.

"Oh my god, I'm okay! I've ran the maze in wounded leg before!"

"Yeah and Harriet told you not to but you did anyway and you almost didn't make it, remember that?" Aris said. Thalia turned to the boy and furrowed her eyebrows.

"How do you even know that? You weren't there!" Thalia yelled in frustration.

"Rachel told me" Aris shrugged. Thalia rolled her eyes. "The point is, you stay or else you'll lose your leg"

Thalia scoffed at her friend. "That won't happe-"

"You know what, if it makes you feel better, I'll go help your boyfriend for you" Aris said, standing up. Thalia stared at her friend wide eyed. If there were cranks and they'll leave them alone in exchange for Aris, at that moment she felt like she'd give Aris to the cranks in no hesitation.

Minho laughed and Thomas chuckled. That's probably the first time after Winston's death. "Yeah, I'll go too" Thomas said as he stood up.

"Me too" Minho followed. Minho and Thomas still have a smirk plastered on their face. As much as she love making her friends happy, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"He's not my boyfriend"

"She's not my girlfriend" Newt and Thalia said in unison. Aris smirked at her and walked past her to Newt.

"Go get some rest, Thals" Aris smiled. He turned to Newt and patted his back. "C'mon lover boy! Let's go!" Aris yelled pretty enthusiastically. Too enthusiastic, for that matter. Even though it's dark, Thalia could see a slight blush on Newt's face as Aris called him a 'lover boy'. Thalia just hope he couldn't see her face because it's probably as red as a tomato.

Aris dragged Newt up the sand dune with Minho and Thomas following behind. Thalia shook her head and turned back and sit next to Teresa. Teresa gave her a warm smile and she smiled back. Thalia leaned her head to the hard stone and glanced at Frypan who was sitting across her. "Fry, you okay?" she asked.

Frypan shot his head up to Thalia and she could see his eyes red and wet. "Huh? Yeah.. yeah. I'm okay" he said. Thalia knew he wasn't, but she also knew that he wouldn't want to talk about it, so she dropped it.

"Okay" she smiled. "Go get some rest, Fry" she added. Frypan gave her a brief nod before leaning his head to the stone.

Minutes later, Aris' yellings were heard through the bristling wind. "We're back!" he yelled, his hands full of woods as he walked towards her, Minho, Thomas and Newt following. Aris set down the woods and Newt was taking a match from his backpack and lit the woods, making a campfire.

The fire warmth Thalia's skin, which she's thankful for. Because the Scorch can be pretty cold at night. Thalia sat next to Newt and the rest of them circled the fire. Some of them were eating and by them meaning Aris. It was silent for the moment. Thalia held her knees up to her chest and the only thing that she could hear was the sound of the fire and Aris' chewing. That, was before Minho broke the silence by saying what Thalia has been thinking for the past hours.

"I thought we were supposed to be immune" Minho spoke up.

"Not all of us, I guess" Teresa spoke up, which surprised Thalia for some reason. Thalia sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"If Winston can get infected, then we should assume so can the rest of us" Thalia said. Newt nodded beside her.

"I never thought I'd say it.." Frypan spoke up. Thalia looked up to the boy and his cheeks were wet with tears. "I miss the Glade" he said. Thalia looked at him sympathetically and nodded.

"I miss my Glade, too"

Protect Thalia at all costs


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