Chapter 11: Court crisis

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    I stood there in front of the court house. there were a bunch of men flashing cameras. I held onto Luke's hand  while Ashton gives the papers to our lawyer.  Luke gestured me to stay there while he goes off and do something. I stood there. I was hoping they would come back.

    I could see my old parents in the corner glaring at me. I shifted uncomfortably.  I traced the floor with my  black vans. 

   I sat right next to the dad. I was clueless of what going on. my old parents lawyers were  talking weirdly.  Everytime he would appaorch me. I would give him a silly face to make him lose his focus. Michael said it was sabotage.

    "and her parents left her there to use the bathroom."  my old parent's lawyer said. I felt  angry.

   " No!" I said a bit said a bit loudly. " he's lying!"  Everybody In the room started  talking .The big guy in a black dressed knocked his hammer on the table. The room quieted down. Dad grabbed my hand and led me to the seat that was right next to the judge. I looked curiously around.

   The judge turned to me and asked "How are they lying?"  

   " Because they hurt me." I said. my old parents gave me a look that said " be quite" I shrugged at them.

   " In what form?" she asked.

   I lifted my arm and rolled down he sleeves that showed scars from the past. the judge gasped. some of my scars were white while the others were pink still healing. she knocked her gravel.

   " The case is closed." she announced.  " all may rise, Ashton Fletcher Irwin won the case."  my new family rushed up to me and cheered. I get to stay with my family.  I hugged each and everyone of my new family.  I set on the floor when I saw my old parents approached us.

    "congratulations guys." my old mum said. she pointed at me. " that bitch!" she grabbed my wrist and flung torwards the ground. I landed on my side, I felt pain. I immediately started crying. the police men were dragging my old parents away with my old mum screaming and struggling.

   Dad lifted me up. "are you ok." I shook my head no. I cried more as dad sat me down. "where does it hurt?" I started coughing up something red. "we need an ambulance!" my dad yelled.  the pain was evrywhere now.  I had a headache, it was painfull to look,feel, breath,and talk.  everywhere I looked was spinning back and forth.

    I looked up seeing white.

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