Chapter Twenty

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I was so happy when Annabelle had said that she would forgive Xavier for what he had done to her when they first met. It has happened in the past in wolf history where the Luna hasn't trusted the Beta due to one reason or another. The distrust in the pack's hierarchy has either caused the pack to become unstable or the Beta inevitably having to step down. Both options were dangerous and, more often than not, it spelt the end of the pack.

We made our way into the living room, after I had made sure to grab both mine and Annabelle's soup, and got comfortable on the sofas. I smiled down at her as I watched her sit down beside me and tuck her legs underneath her before reaching her hands out to take her bowl of soup from me. She was slowly sipped at the food and, even though I knew she wasn't feeling particularly hungry, I was glad she was humouring me. Her appetite had slowly been increasing, which was good, but I still needed to make sure she ate a sufficient amount to make sure she gained the required amount of weight the doctor had asked of her.

"So" I sighed as I turned back to by friend who had sat himself on the opposite sofa. "You said you'd found something about Annabelle and I'm guessing it has something to do with that huge book you have in your hands" I said as I leant forward with my arms resting on my knees, pointing to the fairly old book resting in the palm of his hands.

"Well remember when I said Annabelle's eyes were different in her shift than all of ours and that I had read about it somewhere but couldn't remember where?"

I nodded my head as I looked over my shoulder at my mate who had stopped eating and was staring at us in confusion. Of course she was, she had no idea what we were talking about. "Annabelle when we change into our wolf forms our eyes shift to a golden colour, no matter what rank in the pack you are or what your eye colour is when you're a human" I explained.

She nodded her head in understanding before placing the half uneaten bowl of soup on the coffee table in front of us and brushed her lip off with her fingers, making sure she didn't have any around her lips. "So what does that mean for me?"

Xavier opened his mouth to answer her question but before he could I turned around and gave her a meaningful look. "Xavier will tell us what he found and answer any questions you have but only when you pick up that bowl and continue to eat. I don't want to get it in the neck from Dr Tessler because you're not eating enough" I smiled.

She smiled up at me sheepishly before looking back at the food and took another spoonful, and then another. When I was satisfied that she was going to carry on eating I looked over at Xavier and gestured for him to continue.

"Well this is the book that I originally read it from" he continued, "I had to go through a mountain of books in my mum's old library but I eventually found it". Xavier dropped the book onto the coffee table and started flicking through the pages so fast I thought he was going to tear them.

"Here, page 267...

The wolf's eyes are remarkable. Whether they are an Alpha or Omega they always remain the same colour. It is believed that the Moon Goddess designed it that way to remind us that we are all special to her and are all of equal value to her and each other. In her eyes we are all gold.

There is however one exception to this rule. It is believed that in every generation there is a messiah or messenger of sorts who is directly connected to the Moon Goddess herself. This messenger will always be female and will be identifiable by the colour of her wolf eyes. Unlike any other wolf she will have moonstone eyes symbolising the connection she has with our creator and the moon itself."

Xavier was quiet after that and quickly snapped the book shut with a flick of his wrist, obviously finished with the extract he was reading from.

"Well what else does it say?" I asked as I looked at the book and then at Xavier again, expecting there to be more about my Annabelle and what she is. The more I knew about her the more I could protect her.

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