Chapter Thirty Five

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After several minutes of frustration, I finally had a break through as a conscience slipped into my head. I tentatively reached out to it but jerked back in surprise when I felt the foreign conscience respond by reaching back. What the-

Annabelle's PoV

'A-Annabelle?' The voice whispered to me, a voice that sounded oddly like Jax's voice, a little gruff, but still like Jax.

'Jax?' I felt like an idiot basically talking to myself in my own hair, but when I felt shock and relief, shock and relief that weren't my own emotions, flood through my brain I knew I wasn't going crazy.

'Oh my god Annabelle! Your alive! Oh you had me so worried, I never thought I was going to see you again'.

I started to smile at how cute he was being, but I held it in, I didn't want anyone to know that I could now mind link and was communicating with Jax.

'Jax hi! H-how is this possible?'

'I don't know baby, but I am so happy to hear from you, we aren't too far away. We're coming to get you baby'.

I gasped out load and froze as I realised, I had made a noise. I pretended to cringe as the woman carried on pinning pins into my hair, making it look like she had pulled my hair.

'How are you nearly here? How did you even know where I was?'

'It was fairly easy once you told us where you were, Alpha Parker hadn't had that land for very long so my dad could guess fairly easily where you were' he explained.

I paused to absorb that information as the woman moved onto making up my face.

'Jax... Alpha Parker's dead. A wolf named Matthew challenged him for his title and won'.

'Who's Matthew? Do you recognise him at all?'

I shook my head but paused as I took in the woman's face in front of me, pausing what she was doing on my face until I remained still again. "Sorry just trying to get comfy" I lied. I don't think she believed it, but she carried on anyway.

'No I don't recognise him, he's younger than Parker, maybe a little bit older than you?'

'Okay well that doesn't change our plan at all, just who we have to kill'.

I paused our conversation as I debated telling him about Alpha Matthews plans in mating with me. I probably should, but I didn't want him distracted as he ran into a dangerous situation to save me.

In the end though my conscious won and I told him.

'Umm Jax? Matthew killed Alpha Parker because he didn't like his plan for me'.

I could feel Jax's confusion through the bond we had 'what do you mean?'

'Well... apparently Parker's plan was to lure me here and just... well... kill me'. Jax growled at that in my head but I ignored it and carried on 'but Alpha Matthew thought that was to small minded. Jax, he plans to sever our mate bond in the eyes of the Moon Goddess and form a new bond between the two of us. He says once he does that the Goddess will abandon me and therefore her people'.

Jax was silent for a while, so silent I thought I had lost my mind link with him, but all of a sudden my mind was filled with unbridled anger. So much anger that even I started to shake with rage, my eyes starting to swirl a different colour as I spotted them in the mirror.

'He plans to WHAT!'

'Sever our mate bond and create our own. I didn't even know that was possible'.

The Alpha and his MateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora