Chapter Thirty Four

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To all those amazing people who are enjoying this story... I love you 😁❤️

Annabelle's PoV

I could hear the week protests of my parents through their gags but they fell on deaf ears. I couldn't watch one more second of anyone getting hurt because of me, I just couldn't.

I looked into the eyes of Matthew as he grinned down at me "now was that so hard to say?" He mocked.

I glared at him from my spot on the floor, I had never hated anyone as much as I hated him right now, and coming from me and what I have been through, that was saying something.

"Tsk tsk tsk" Matthew tutted at me sarcastically "is that any way to treat your new mate and Alpha?" He questioned with is eyebrows raised.

My glare turned into confusion as may brain registered what he had just said. "Alpha? I thought Parker was the Alpha of your pack?"

Matthew shrugged "that sorry excuse of a wolf was not fit to be an Alpha".

I frowned, my confusion only deepening with his explanation.

"That little pup had such small dreams when it came to dealing with you. Do you know what he wanted to do?"

He stayed silent for a moment, maybe waiting to see if I would answer his rhetorical question, but when I didn't offer anything up he sighed before carrying on.

"His big plan was to kill you, just kill you and that was it. I mean how small minded is that? It's a good job I challenged him and killed him when I did otherwise this thing between you and me wouldn't be happening right now" he laughed.

"But... but why take me and stick me with the Leftens if he was just going to kill me anyway? That doesn't make sense" I questioned, my last attempt at stalling him.

He sighed as he took an old rag from out of his pocked and started to mop the blood off from his knuckles. "He said that he was going to wait until you were twenty-one so that the Goddess was most aware of your presence in this world, or something like that anyway. Then he was going to kill you and your mother in front of her during a blue moon" he sighed as he rolled his eyes.

"Have you ever heard the saying 'attacking a village from the outside in will weaken it but not destroy it, but attacking the village from the inside out will make it implode?'" He asked as he looked down at me.

I shook my head but remained silent, hoping that he would talk long enough for Jax to get here.

He shrugged, seemingly unfazed with my lack of knowledge. "I heard it in a film one and have never looked back. You see killing you and your mother in front of the Goddess would weaken her for sure, but give her enough time and she will find some random distant relative of yours and pass the gift onto instead. Now my plan means that she will have to withdraw her touch from your family line all together and that's something that she definitely survive" he chuckled.

"So you not only want to destroy my life and kill everyone I love but you also want to kill the Moon Goddess herself? All because you think she see's you as week?" I questioned, not believing my ears.

"Bingo" he smiled.

Never did I think that there would be a time that I missed Alpha Parker and his plans. Getting killed sounded so much better than having to reject Jax and live my life mated to this monster.

"Now, we're going to have to start planning the ceremony soon, don't want you getting any ideas and getting away from me now do we" Matthew stated as he started walking towards the door, where my chains were buried into the stone. I knew I wouldn't be seeing my parents any time soon so I managed to whisper a quick I love you both to them in their semi-conscious state before I was dragged out of the room by my silver chains in Matthews hands. Sorry Alpha Matthews hands.

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