Chapter 5

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Gary POV ~

I ran across the path as fast as I could. After 5 minutes I found Ash on the ground, rubbing his knees. A pokemon was bashing on his head. Apparently Pikachu was fed up with it and sent a thunderbolt his way.

I grabbed my pokedex. "Cubone, a ground pokemon. When it thinks of his mother, it cries. It's crying makes the skull it wears rattle hollowly."

I squaded down next to the unconcious Cubone. "So you're a Cubone, impressive."

"Yeah, I don't know where it came from but he seemed to have followed me."

I moved over to Ash and pulled him on my lap. "Are you hurt?"

A light blush appeared on his cheekbones. That's so cute. "I'm fine now."

Ash POV ~

When Gary pulled me on his lap to caress me I couldn't help but blush. He probably thinks it's stupid. "I'm fine now."

He laughed at me. Not in a mocking way but a sweet smile. A genuine laugh like I made funny joke. Maybe he does like me after all.

"Listen Ash, what you just saw was nothing like what you thought you saw. I didn't even know these girls until 10 minutes ago."

"Then why was she laughing at you like you just did to me? And why was her hand on your thigh?" I asked, more scared for what answer will come than honest curiosity.

"Apparently I'm hilarious. I just made a little joke and she burst out in a fit of laughter." I just laughed at this, Gary was funny but she just exaggerated it. And because I was so stupid to not trust Gary.

"So you don't like her. I mean like like her? You know what I mean." I wasn't really suspicious anymore but I just wanted him to say it.

He didn't answer right away. So I turned my head a little to look directly in his eyes. Our noses brushed lightly against each other. He placed his hands on my cheeks. Just when I thought he was about to kiss me he said. "No Ash I don't. I promise."

Relief and disappointment washed over me. I wanted him to kiss me so when he didn't I felt a little sad but he did say he doesn't like any of those girls.

"You know Ash, those girls are sisters and the gym leaders of Cerulean City." That's why they seemed familiar.

He continued. "And I think we can take them easily." We both laughed.

Pikachu POV ~

Ash and his toy boy were in a deep conversation I didn't want to hear. It seemed Eevee wasn't interested either. We played a little mind game until we heard them both laugh. Most of the time that meant the conversation was over.

I think I can get used to spending time with Eevee when Ash and Gary are having some alone time. And Eevee didn't seem to mind spending time with me either.

That's when I saw Cubone move slightly. I touched Eevee's shoulder and pointed in Cubone's direction. "Pika, Pika."

"What is it Pikachu?" Ash asked me but he already turned to watch where my paw was pointing.

"Cubone is waking up." Gary stated, well thank you Captain Obvious.

Gary reached in his pocket to get an empty pokeball. Ash noticed and asked him. "Are you serious Gary, you're going to catch it?"

He shrugged. "Yeah, why not?" He threw the ball in Cubone's direction. Cubone dodged the ball and kicked it back to Gary. He shook his head. "Bone."

"Gary, I don't think Cubone wants to be caught. At least not by you. Besides you didn't even fight him." Cubone walked a little in Ash' direction.

"Ash, I think he wants you to catch him." So Ash threw an empty ball to Cubone and he got in without struggling.

Ash jumped up and pumped his fist in the air. "I got a Cubone."

Cubone POV ~

I hit the boy because he tripped over me. Not because I really wanted to hurt him. And when something hit me from behind I blacked out.

The moment I woke up I got the Pikachu's attention and because of him everyone's eyes were on me. The brown haired boy even had the guts to throw a pokeball at me.

Isn't it obvious I didn't want to get caught by him. I always wanted to be alone until the moment I saw the guy with jet black hair running after his Pikachu. He trusted his pokemon unconditionally. And he reminded me of my mom in some weird kind of way.

So when he threw the next pokeball at me I gladly entered and stayed inside. I'm sure he will take good care of me, almost as good as I can take care of myself. And the Pikachu seems nice, maybe we can become friends.

Gary POV ~

Ash jumped in the air because he caught the Cubone. The one I wanted. When he noticed how I felt about this situation he apologized.

"No Ash. I'm sorry. I should be happy for you." I hugged him. It surprised him, but I surprised myself even more. So I immediately let go and stepped away. I hurt Ash, again. I really need to stop f*cking this up.

"What's wrong Gary?" Ash took a step closer and put his hand on my shoulder. But in fact I don't know what's wrong. It's not wrong to hug him, right? So why did I let go? Tears started to form in my eyes.

I couldn't answer, not now. So instead I shook my head. I turned around, ready to run away. Eevee showed up in front of me. She was shaking her head disapprovingly. I didn't walk away but I kept my back turned to Ash. After a deep breath or two I finally had the courage to face him again. But when I turned around Ash wasn't there anymore.


Hehe, little cliffhanger. :D

I have been bored this morning so I decided to write this while watching TV. I had the feeling I had to make up for what I did in the last chapter but I think I made it worse this time.. I hope I'll reach a point where they can be together and stop getting hurt so much really fast.

Beebee out :)

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