Luke's Special Place Part 1 of 2

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Chapter 17: Luke’s Special Place Part 1 of 2


"Are you excited?" Sasha asks me.

"Well of course! Okay, which top?" I ask her holding up a light pink button down, that's like a shade of the sun set, and a black V-neck and light blue tank top to go under it.

She looks at both tops before she goes with the black V-neck. I agree and grab a pair of medium wash jeans to go with it.

Half an hour later I stand in front of the door. I hear Luke's car pull up and his door slam shut. Before I even give him a chance to knock, I have the door opened. He stands their shocked for a moment while he puts his hand at his side. "You look...wonderful Alexis."

"Thanks." I smile. "You wanna come in?"

He nods, so I step aside and let him come in. He walks in with a maroon button up, and dark wash jeans. He looks Hot! If I do say so myself. He seems to be looking at me as I look at him. My dad interrupts our silent once-overs. “Hello Luke."

He seems to shake his head slightly, as if trying to get rid of his thoughts. Hmmmm, that's odd. I think to myself. He greets my dad back. And since we need to get going - or so Luke says - we leave. I kiss my dad on the cheek, and step out the door. "So where are we going?" I ask. I've been dying to know since he wouldn't tell me last night.

Ahhh Last night. Wonderful times. I think to myself. If Sasha wouldn't have come in when she did, who knows how far we would've gone. I smile at the thought.

I see Luke glance at me as we approach his car. "Why are you smiling like that?"

"Oh, no reason. Just thinking." My smile gets wider as I think about what I was thinking about.

"About what?" He prompts as he gets to his side of the car and gets in.

"Nothing. So you never answered my question."

He laughs at my attempt to change the subject. "Fine, I'll just ask you later. And we're going to dinner first." His car purrs to life, and we're off to dinner.

"Great. You look handsome tonight Luke."

"Thanks." He says.

We get into awkward silence for a few moments, but it doesn't last long though. We arrive at J. Alexander's. A contemporary American restaurant. I've only been here once to celebrate my mom's birthday, but it was a great place so I don't mind. Luke come's around to my side of the door and opens it for me. I thank him and he offers his arm. In my head I'm silently thinking Aww, that's sweet of him. We go into the restaurant, and we're seated right away since he made reservations.

We're seated and I glance at the menu. But I watch Luke over it, and see he's watching me too. We giggle, since we have no idea what to talk about. After the waitress comes by and gets our drinks we flow into easy conversation. Talking about school and our plans for college.


"Okay, when I tell you to close your eyes, close them." Luke says to me as we leave J. Alexander’s.

"Okay..." I drag it out since that's definitely not something I hear every day.

"What?" He says chuckling at it.

I laugh. I just kind of shake my head, and let him guide me to the car. Not even 10 minutes later does he tell me to close my eyes and not to peak.

"I promise I won't." I say back as I close my eyes. I wonder where we're going. I heard him say it's some place special to him last night between my sobs. Whoa, I actually forgot about Grandma. I'm going to miss her. Dad never even told me how she died. I bet it was because of her heart since I think she had some problems with that, but I'm not sure since no one ever confirmed my suspicions.

I mean I'll never forget that time when I think I was about 6, that she took me, Sasha, and my older brother ,Jason, to the beach. I was so much fun and I'll never forget it since that was the worst sunbur- "Alexis?" Luke says.

"Oh, sorry! I was too busy thinking." I apologize.

He laughs. “It’s okay. I was only going to tell you we're here, but don’t open your eyes. I'll guide you." He barely gets the sentence out as he’s already out of the car and over at my side. I feel my car door swing open and the warm North Carolina air hit my side. I feel him reach across my torso and unbuckle my seatbelt. He grabs my hand in his and leads for me to get up. I do, and feel his arm wrap around my waist.

Under my feet I feel an uneven surface. Almost like pebbles. We walk probably 20 or so yards before I feel it all even out, and become easy to walk on. I don't know how much longer we walked but it was defiantly up hill, and my legs we're getting pretty tired.

"Alright, stop." Luke says. I stop and feel his arm leave. Some rustling around and then he says "Okay, open."

I open my eyes and am speechless at the display before me. I see the city skyline as our background. Most buildings have the light on since the sun is setting beautifully behind them. The sky with its different shades of blue, pink, and yellow give the scene before me such...character. We stand high above the city on a small mountain top. I stand staring at a marvelous display of lights; Luke (I figure) has out up. White lights dance across every tree, bush, and surrounding the mountain top. It's lit up so beautiful that I had to take it all in before speaking. Luke's looking at me expectantly, probably trying to read my expression no doubt, and all I can do is smile. He smiles back, and walks over to where I was standing.

"Do you like it?" He asks.

"I love it. Thank you for bringing me here, Luke."

"You’re welcome." He takes my hand, and guides me over to a blanket set out. Its right by a large oak tree, but not under it. I can picture Luke sitting under it on a hot day trying to think about whatever seems to be troubling him. We sit down, and stare at the setting sun. We just sit, taking in its beauty.

I fill the natural silence by asking, "Luke?"

"Yeah?" He says. His voice seems to give the impression he's in a dream. It's so relaxed and chilled out.

"Why's this place special to you?" I lay back so I can see the first stars of the night start to appear. Luke is thinking about my question, I just know it.

He lies back and sighs. I turn my head so I can look at him. He motions for me to come closer. I sit up, and scoot over so I can just sit next to him. Just as I'm about to lie back down, I feel his hand wrap around my waist and scoot me closer. I have no clue what he's doing, but I just lay my head on his chest. Maybe he'll need support while he tells me, I think to myself.

And sure enough, I was right.

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