Chapter Six - The Past

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~Ciel POV~


I stood in my spot, that single thought echoing in my head. I tune everything else out and look straight ahead. An image of two people starts to flicker into my head. I feel myself about to fall into a flashback, then a warm hand touches my shoulder. I start to return back to reality, in front of me stands Finny. Worry shines in his sea-green eyes (A/N I think that is what color they are 😅.).

"Are you okay," he asks.

Even his sentence was laced with worry. I forcefully nod my head and put on a fake smile. He looks at me for a second, probably debating whether I was lying or not. As he is thinking a person interrupted him.

"Come on Ciel, Finny, it is time to eat," announced a taller man.

I have seen him before, he was walking around with Alois. What was his name? Claude? Yeah, that's it.

"Okay Claude, we are coming," yelled out Finny.

He grabbed my hand and started walking toward the entrance of the tent. His hand was still warm, unlike my cold hand. It reminded me of ... my father's hand. It was always warm and welcoming. It always calmed me down when I was distressed. I remember when it was freezing cold and my hands were shivering, when my father saw this he grabbed my small hands in his large ones. He warmed my hands and I stopped shivering. But now... those warm hands have long gone cold. I feel tears prick the corners of my eyes. 'No, I will do no more crying. Not in front of all these people.' I furiously rub my eye, but can't get the other eye. And I won't take off the eyepatch. They would see it and call me what every else has. A Demon. I just started to make new friends, maybe even a f-f-family. I won't lose them because of this stupid mark. I come back to reality and see that we are still walking.

"So Ciel, may I ask you a question," he asks, turning around to face me.

"Yes, what may it be," I ask, I look up at him.

"Um... Why do you wear that eyepatch," he questions, looking at me in my single eye.

"... I'm sorry, I'd rather not say..." I answer, my eyes travel down to the ground.

He looks at me, not really reacting. His stare looks towards the ground as well.

"I'm sorry for asking," he said in a small almost sad tone.

I look up in surprise. 'Why would he be sad about asking me that?' He continues to stare at the ground, I pat him on the shoulder and he looks up.

Magic Fire Circus ( A Black Butler story) (CielxSebastian)Where stories live. Discover now