Chapter Seven - My Lover

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~Sebastian POV~


I turn around as I walk off, seeing Ciel with his head tucked in his arms. I stare at him for a moment then turn away. When I turn back around, Bard is standing right in my path. I look at him while he stares at me. He lights the cigarette in his mouth and looks at me again.

"Yes, what is it Bard," I ask, curiosity laced into my voice.

He stares at me then says something I never expected to say.

"You like the younger lad, don't you?"

I feel my eyes widen as soon as those words leave his lips. He looks at me, a small smile gracing his lips.

"I thought so," he says.

I deadpan for a moment. I don't know what to say to that. I just stare forward, not daring to look him in his eyes.

"Sebastian," he calls my name.

I look up at him and see him with a serious expression on his face.

"If you are gonna advance on him, then I would hurry," he says, seriousness not leaving him.

I turn my head in confusion. He continues to talk.

"I have heard a few others would like to go after him.

I stare at him, not sure what to answer back. He turns back and starts to walk away. He turns around and looks at me.

"I think you deserve a new lover. Also, I would suggest you try to get as close as possible to him, maybe see if he'll stay in your tent. That might give you a big advantage."

He says this then turns back around. He walks away, leaving me standing where I was.

I then turn back around. He's right, I mean to make Ciel my new lover. And I have to do it fast, or else I may lose him. I arrive at the table and see Ciel fast asleep. 'He does sleep a lot. I wonder if he didn't get enough sleep when he was traveling?' I look at him and admire his sleeping face. He looks at peace with the world. I can tell that something has happened to him, causing him some grief. I admire his face a moment more before Finny shows up behind me.

Magic Fire Circus ( A Black Butler story) (CielxSebastian)Where stories live. Discover now