Chapter Eighteen - A Broken Soul

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~Sebastian POV~


I continue to walk to the tent where everyone else is. After a moment I stop.

'Ciel looked very... scared. Is... he okay?'

I immediately scold myself for not noticing before. He was shaking, and I don't think he was just cold. I quickly turn around and race towards my tent. I feel dread flood through my entire body.

'What if something is wrong? Of course, he would try to hide it. He probably could not show weakness, or someone might take advantage of him.'

I see my tent in the distance. I continue my swift race onwards. My fingers grab the flap of the tent as I open it. In the room I see Ciel sobbing on the ground, tightly wrapped in a ball. I rush over to him and roughly grab his shoulders. He flinches and I loosen my grip.

"Ciel," I whisper-yell, worry filling my veins.

He looks up at me. His aquamarine eyes are filled with tears. Actually, his aquamarine eye. He has his hand over his right eye.

"Ciel," I question.

I lightly grab his right arm and delicately pull at his arm. He violently shakes his head. I release his arm and look at him with sadness. He looks so broken. His normally beautiful, blue eyes are now slightly red and overflowing with tears. His commonly calm face is tear-stained and looks to hold so much pain. His body, still majorly curled up on itself, made him seem so meager. I feel that if I grab him too violently, he will shatter into a million pieces. I reach out and stop.

"Ciel...," I speak out, firmly.

He peeks out of his arms at me. I gently rub under his eyes, trying to get rid of his tears. He takes his head out of his arms. I look at him bewildered once I see his right eye. Such a familiar mark. The one that still sits on my hand. I immediately change my expression to a silent smile. I open my arms, trying to offer a warm hug. He stares at me for a minute then falls into my arms. I rub his head as he starts to cry once again. I whisper calming words into his ear and hold his small body in my arms. 

Slowly but surely, he stops sobbing. I open my arms slightly and his head pokes out from my grasp. He looks at me with a blush on his face.

"Um...T-thank you," he stutters, his voice still weak from his crying.

I nod and continue to hold him. He hums quietly, enjoying the warmth. I open my mouth for a second.

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