Chapter Twenty - Hope

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~Sebastian's POV~


Practices for the upcoming show have been going marvelous. Everyone is working very hard. all the acts are almost ready. Ciel and I have also been working vigorously. Through the past days, we have furthered our trust in each other.  In the distance, I hear the bell for breakfast. I immediately turn towards Ciel. He is cocooned in the blankets as he sleeps. My feet move me closer to him. I faintly touch his shoulder.


"Ciel, wake up," I slightly whisper.

He shifts to look at me.

"Oh, Sebastian... Good morning," he murmurs.

"Good morning Ciel. It is time for breakfast," I inform him.

He sits up in the bed and lets out a yawn. He stretches and places his feet on the ground. He stands up. He walks towards his clothes and reaches for the bottom of his shirt. I feel blush dust my face and quickly turn to my desk. I begin to shuffle through papers as I hear Ciel start changing. I peek to the side and see Ciel's pale back. It holds several scars and a burn mark. It is a circle with two winding strands in the middle. I turn away once again as he puts his clean shirt on.

"Sebastian," he calls out.

My head moves towards him as he stares slightly up at me. I feel myself getting lost in his beautiful eyes. I can sense my face heating up.

"Are you ready to go to breakfast," he says, breaking me out of the thoughts.

I nod and start towards the tent flap. I hold it open for Ciel. He walks through and voices a small 'Thank You'. We silently make our way to the food area. From the distance, I can hear the chatter of the rest of the circus. Once they are within seeing distance I smile. Several small groups are sitting and eating. Everyone is smiling and happy. I glance at Ciel and see a tiny, calm smile on his lips. I feel calm at seeing everyone happy. Once everyone sees us, we receive several hellos. We walk up and get some food. I am stopped when I hear a voice call out to me.

"Sebastian...Can I talk to you," the voice asks.

I glance around and see Bard, he quickly winks at me. 

"Sebastian," Ciel questions softly.

Magic Fire Circus ( A Black Butler story) (CielxSebastian)Where stories live. Discover now