Chapter Twenty-One - Showtime Pt.1

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~Ciel's POV~


The crowd is roaring as we all prepare for the show. People of all ages are rushing into the Big Top to get a seat for the performance. I am slightly pacing behind the crew entrance to the tent. Every few seconds light from the large bulbs shines through the crack in the curtain. I have never performed in front of an audience this large. The rest of the crew is rushing around, preparing for their act. I turn and look out towards the crowd. I feel a warm hand be placed on my shoulder. I turn around and peer up into Sebastian's crimson red eyes. He has a soft smile on his lips.

"It's okay," he whispers so only I can hear him. "You are going to do amazing."

He glances towards everyone and claps his hands. They all turn towards him and go silent.

"It is now time," he says, waving his hand towards the hidden crowd. "You have all been practicing so much. I believe in you all. Now, let's blow their minds."

With that said he confidently walks through the curtain into the Big Top. He continues to a small stage in the center of the tent. The audience begins to quiet themselves.

"Well hello everyone," Sebastian says, giving a flourishing hand movement. " I am Sebastian and your ring leader, but you can call me Black. We all welcome you to our show and hope you enjoy the acts we have prepared for you. Now I must leave for our first act, but I will be back soon."

I can almost sense that he winked at the end of his introduction. I watch as Alois and Claude walkout to start their performance. Sebastian strolls back in and stands next to me.

"We will be the last act, but you will go on after Lau and Ran-Mao," he begins to speak as he looks down at me.

I nod at him and turn back to watch the two who are flying through the air. They must really trust each other. I put my hands down by my sides and feel my fingers begin to fiddle with the ruffled fabric on one side of my shorts. I squeeze my other hand shut a few times to calm my nerves. Sebastian must have caught me doing this because he quickly grabs my shoulders and turns me towards him. His ruby red eyes peer into my blue one, the other still hidden behind my patch.

"You will do amazing," he states rubbing his hand on my shoulder. " You were amazing before you came here, and you continued to grow once you were here. You will amaze everyone."

I close my eyes for a moment and breathe in. I look at him, determination in my eyes, and nod. He smiles at me, even brighter than last time, and turns away from me. I see Finny walking out as Tanaka returns. Sebastian's hand is still on my shoulder. It slowly begins to drift down my arm until it meets with my hand. He intertwines his fingers with mine and his thumb rubs circles on the back of my hand. We both look at the show as we stand there. Finny returns and Lau and Ran-Mao exit. I take a deep breath and turn towards Sebastian. He gives me one last smile before he lets go of my hand. I miss the warmth, but turn and prepare to exit. I tighten my fists one last time as Lau and Ran-Mao come back. Lau smiles at me and Ran-Mao just gives me a look. I exit as they enter and begin.

"Hello everyone," I say smiling and waving at the audience.

I grab a knife from my table and throw it into the air, catching it between my fingers. I hear some soft gasps from the crowd.

" I am Smile and I will be throwing some knives for you," I say, gesturing towards them. " But I first need a volunteer. They need to be brave and adventurous."

Hands shot up from all kinds of people. I scan the audience and pick a young girl near the front. I walk towards her and reach out my hand. She takes it and I lead her to her spot.

"Now, my brave volunteer, what may I call you," I ask.

"Rose," she speaks, with a slight waver in her voice.

"Okay Rose, now I need you to trust me and stay still. We will show everyone how brave you are," I say as I pick up several knives.

I look at her and smile. She quickly grins back. I position my arm and throw the knife near her head, but slightly far away. Rose closes her eyes and flinches. She opens her eyes and looks at me. I let out a soft laugh and a grin splits across her face. I start doing flips, summersaults, cartwheels, and such as I throw the knife. I stop and move my hands to Rose. Applause rises out of the crowd as I help her back towards her seat. I bow and wave at them all as I exit the tent. I walk through the curtain and the Triplets walkout. Sebastian and waiting on the other side and smiles at me.

"See, you did amazing," he says as he ruffles my hair.

I grin back at him as we watch the other acts. Finally, Sebastian grabs my hand and stares at me.

"It is time," he whispers.

He begins to exit the area as I follow next to him.

"Didn't I say you would see me later," he questions to the audience. "Now we have sadly reached our last performace of the night, but we want to thank you for coming out to see us. We hope this last performance impresses you all. Now turn your eyes to the sky as Smile and I walk on our tightrope."

The crowd cheers out as Sebastian and begin our climb. We stare at each other as the audience quiets we await the music. It is time...


So hi... I'm alive! Sorry for this loooong wait. I didn't know how I wanted to write this chapter. I finally had a good idea and began writing. I hope the next chapter will come out real soon. Thank you all for the continued support! You are the reason I really want to continue with this book. Thank you all again! Bye!

~This Sorry Child 😅

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