Chapter Sixteen - The Vision

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Ciel POV~


I look up at him. 'H-his partner? M-me?!' I glance up at him again with a questioning gaze. He smiles down at me.

"Well, what do you say," he asks me.

'He's not joking?!' He continues to stare down at me. I feel a weak smile materialize on my face.

"O-okay...," I ask, rather than answer. 

He closes his eyes in pleasure and grabs my frigid hand. I am led towards the ladder of the towering tightrope. He lets go of my hand and turns to face me.

"Okay, you will start on this side. The safety net is always in place, so no need to worry about that. To start off, we are just going to do a freestyle. That way we get to know each other's style. From that, we can find out what we are both comfortable with and what will work for both of us. Okay," Sebastian asked at the end of his explanation.

'Wow...He really knows what he is doing... He is so professional... and thoughtful. It makes me...really happy.' As I think I nod to his question and watch as he steps over to the other ladder. I notice him start to climb up the ladder and follow after him. We swiftly reach the top and stare straight ahead at each other. I see him take a step forward and copy him. He starts to move his arms gracefully, making slow and sharp movements in seconds. I remember we are both to be moving and start to fall into my style. I spin on the tips of my toes. I quickly move my arms around my body until they are at my sides. I bring my foot behind me and let my arms fall to touch the rope. I start to do a handstand and "walk" toward Sebastian. He is doing small spins and elegant footwork.  When we are about fifteen feet away I bend my feet in front of me and stand up. I run forward and jump slightly and try to land lightly on the rope. Sadly, my hopes are broken and the rope shakes ever so much. Sebastian, not completely focused on the rope, gets unbalanced due to the vibration. He starts to pinwheel his arms, but nothing can stop it now. He tips to the right and starts the lengthy fall towards the ground. I feel an energy power-up inside of me and flood my entire being. I glance down at Sebastian and see a faint red aura around him. I rub my eyes and glance at him again. His face is calm for some reason and shows no fear or surprise. Suddenly, I feel my vision shift and a different scene plays.

I am falling. Someone is reaching for me, but they fall too short. I focus my eyes on them but only see a crimson aura. They are cloaked in dark shadows and I cannot see their features. They continue to reach for me, as if hoping by luck they will be able to. This feels so familiar. I watch as they still fail. I hear my name fall from their lips and recognize the voice as their identity clicks with me. "Sebastian...".

The scene disappears and it seems that no time has passed. I immediately look down and sigh in relief as I see Sebastian laying in the safety net. I quickly jump down, air rushing by my face. My hair floats up against my face as I finally realize the stinging pain in my covered eye. I ignore it and once I reach the net I make my way to Sebastian.

"Sebastian! Are you okay? Can you hear me," I question.

Worry seeps into my nerves as he doesn't answer. I hear a laugh come out of his lips. I look at him in curiosity. 

"I am fine Ciel. Don't worry about me," he replies.

I sigh in relief. 'He is okay...' I am snapped out of my thoughts by Sebastian's voice.

"Okay. Well other than that fall, I think that was good. I got to see some of your styles and you got to see some of mine. Now, how about we go and plan up a routine," he responds.

He starts to walk off as I am still stuck in shock. 


He continues to head out of the Big Top as I race after him.

'What was that...scene?  Why was it so familiar? I don't like this feeling.  I think something is happening... And I think Sebastian knows a little about it."


Hello everyone😁!! Hope that you enjoyed this chapter! I am trying my best to update a little quicker. I just had some ideas for this chapter and decided to put them up now...yeah😅. It is 11:00 PM and here I am... What life I have  (If you consider I have one😅)... Anyway... Thanks for reading!! I will try to update again soon! Have a good rest of your day (Or night... Or morning...I don't know!!)

~This Sleepy but Awake Child😪

Magic Fire Circus ( A Black Butler story) (CielxSebastian)Where stories live. Discover now