•Chapter eight•

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"Yes he does know" the man said behind him.

Jimin turned around and saw his short boss glaring at him.

"Jimin I need to see you in my office right now" Mr. Chun Li said walking away.

"So you told him" Jimin said glaring at the employee

"Sorry I have to get back to work" the girl said shrugging and walking back to her desk.

Jimin sighed and walked in Mr. Chun Lis' office.

"Yes sir" Jimin asked.
"Jimin sit down" He demanded.

"Look I know I was late today and I apologize this is the only day I've been late I swear" Jimin stated.

The man shook his head.

"Jimin you've been a loyal employee for the longest time but I'm afraid we have to let you go" Mr. Chun Li said
"But why" Jimin asked

"The business has put in a new policy about mental illness, and since I know about your eating disorder and your recent depression the business can't risk it" Mr. Chun Li informed.

"Risk what" Jimin said not hiding his frustration.

"You passing out at work or you having a emotional breakdown, if something happens like that we can't hold the bank responsible...I'm sorry we need your desk cleared out in a couple hours" Mr. Chun Li said turning around.

Jimin shook his head and walked out of his office.

When all of his stuff was inside a little box he finally walked out of the building planning to never come back.

When Jimin came home, he found it empty. Jin must have went out to have a drink.

Jimin went upstairs to change out of his work clothes and to wash his face.

He was urging a drink like no other. He had a headache and his anxiety was bothering him.

It still shocked him how a person you've been loyal to for three years can just let you go. Saying that you have mental problems.

Jimin found himself grabbing a beer. He never really favored beer but he needed something. After eight more cans of ice cold liquor, Jimin was ready.


"Dad there is nothing wrong with me!" Jungkook screamed while his father got ready to throw yet another plate.

"If you continue with this sin, you will never be welcomed home!" his father yelled while trying to hit Jungkook with the flying plate.

"I'm sick of this shit." Jungkook said. "If you cant accept me for who I am, I will leave. That's a promise."

With those last words Jungkook grabbed his coat and left. Ignoring his fathers' yells trying to apologize.

Jungkook found himself calling Yoongi. Even though Yoongi was depressing, he knew how to have a good time.

They decided to meet at the corner of fourth beside a bank.

Jungkook could hear Yoongi before he could see him. Yoongi was blasting a kpop idols song.

He was so obsessed with BlackPink. Didn't even try to hide it.

Ever since their new song came out he wasn't afraid to show his appreciation.

They decided to park in the nearby ally and shoot pop cans. It was a great way to let off steam.

When they were about to leave to meet up at Hoseoks' place to get high. Jungkook heard a familiar voice yelling.

Jungkook turned around the corner to see Jimin yelling at a bank door.

"YOU WILL NOT FIRE ME!" Jimin said obviously drunk. Jungkook tried calling him.

"I DON'T HAVE A MENTAL ILLNESS, YOU SHORT BASTARD!" Jimin yelled while kicking the door.


 Yoongi and Jungkook earlier that day              ready to do some illegal shit

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Yoongi and Jungkook earlier that day   
          ready to do some illegal shit

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