Chapter 4

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Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw


"I can't believe you two," Aster's face reddened with anger, "playing a trick like that, don't you know how dangerous that is, especially in a library?" Aster marched toward Fred and George who stood in the hall. She held an accusing finger out before stopping right in front of them. The two had a guilty but amused look on their face looking at the shorter girl with glasses.

 "Of course you two wouldn't care, but now my homework is multi-colored," she burst into anger but sighed before facepalming. "Sorry guys," she regretted saying everything the moment she finished the sentence, "I'm just trying to finish this year with good grades." 

The twins looked amused at the girl's outburst and chuckled. Aster hated being angry, especially at her close friends. Fred looked at George with a mischievous smile 

"Just-just," Aster stuttered over her words after looking at Fred who held an innocent look, she sighed. "Be careful, and maybe not get banned from a place next time," she finally said calmly.

"No promises," they said in unison, making Aster roll her eyes with a grin. She wondered what was so special with the pranks they planned and pulled. Perhaps she would take it upon herself to ask, or maybe join one day. So she did.


Aster found the twins running in the halls from something, and as they ran by her, one of them grabbed her shirt, causing her to run with them. "What the heck dude," she growled as she took his hand to keep up with them.

"Let's just say," one panted as they turned the corner, "that Filch will have to clean up a mess."

"Pretty sticky if I may add," another commented once in a broom closet, they quieted down. Squished together they refrained from moving majorly, the closeness causing her to be pushed against one of the twins. Footsteps loudened and passed the small room letting Aster take a breath of relief and quietly exiting the closet after a minute.

"You two are unbearable," Aster grunted, crossing her arms over her chest, then she looked at them with a smile, "hey, I've been wondering," she said before they started to run off once again, "whats so exciting about pranking?"

"Well," Fred thought for a moment, "why not join us next time?"


"Yep," they grinned.

"Well, okay," she smiled wickedly before doing the usual promise bounding.


"Lucy," Aster smiled hugging her friend, "how is my greatest friend?" She asked sitting next to her on the bench. It was breakfast and there were very few students up yet, three Hufflepuffs, two Gryffindors and a few Slytherin students, as well as two Ravenclaws sitting on the other side of the table from Aster and Lucy.

"What happened when I was gone?" Lucy said suddenly, "it's very rare when you're this bubbly, oh did you bake cookies for me?" Lucy hoped, clasping her hands together while smiling.

"I'm just enjoying my moments before I die," Aster said in her soft quiet voice, "I may or may not have made a deal to join the devils in their next plan," Lucy smiled and gave a sideways look at her, "not devils, but like, you know."

"Wouldn't be surprised," Lucy shrugged before going back to her toast, "I mean, I suppose there's an evil side somewhere in there."

Two people placed themselves next to Aster and started eating, causing Aster to turn her attention to them. Two red-head boys smile and nodded before chowing down on some toast and eggs that were displayed on their plate.

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