Chapter 34

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Dear Aster,

I'm sorry about last year. I really regret everything I did, and I have an explanation for it. Over the summer of that year, I ran away from my parents and that was a stupid thing to do but they broke down and said that I wasn't normal or right. However, it wasn't because I'm a wizard, they were fine with that. And now that I wrote this on paper, my parents sound absolutely mental. I'm transgender and once I told them they yelled and screamed at me for not being right. Adding on that I was a witch and that wasn't normal at first, but what I told them was somehow their breaking point. I didn't think I was okay anymore so I went to Antony thinking that it would somehow make me better. But it didn't, I listened to him and his advice and it was a stupid choice. He told me that you and Lance were a bad influence on me and I shouldn't be around you guys anymore, but now I see that's wrong and I should be who I am. So this is what I'm telling you, I am definitely transgender and I really don't care what he thinks. After I saw you at Hogsmeade that time, I rethought about everything.

Now, I know it will take a lot of time, but I really want you to forgive me. I would mean the world for you to and I understand if you don't right away or at all.

Lucy (Luke)

Luke, I'm sorry you went through that alone, you shouldn't have gone through that at all. Yes, I might not forgive you straight away because you know you're always welcome with us, but I won't be mad at you anymore. People make mistakes and sometimes things in the past need to be changed for the better, and this is one. If you haven't already, I would talk to Lance as well.



It was near two in the morning and Aster was walking into the kitchen to get some tea to help her calm down. However, thinking it would be empty, she found Lupin passed out in a chair with his head resting on the table. Aster quietly knocked on the door before entering, "Wolfy?" She spoke loud enough for the others not to hear, with no response from him she walked lightly over to him and tried to shake him. "Remus, you should go to bed," she quietly said to him, causing him to lift his head lightly and see her in front of him.

"What?" He asked groggily.

"It's two in the morning, Wolfy," Aster told him. "You should go to a bed, this isn't good for your neck or back."

"No, I'm fine, I was just resting my eyes for a minute," he sat up, rubbing his eyes, "why are you up?" He asked, then noticed her red eyes and messy hair, "are you alright?"

Aster nodded and walked over to the stove and started to heat up a kettle, "I just had a rough time sleeping." She told him as she got a cup ready, "tea?"

He nodded and looked at her with a concerned face, "Aster, what happened, was it the letter?"

Aster nodded solemnly, "it wasn't bad, it's just," she took a shaky breath, "she went through a lot of stuff alone and just made a mistake, I feel bad for her." Lupin nodded as she poured the hot water into the two cups and put the tea bags in the cups. "I just wish I was there for them," Aster's lip quivered as she wiped her eyes under her glasses.

"Aster, dear," Lupin said softly in a caring voice. She turned to him with the cups of tea and went to sit next to him, he could see the tears reflecting from the dim light. "It's not your fault, maybe you weren't there then, but you can be there for them now," he told her, taking the tea and watching her carefully as she sat down.

She closed her eyes and gave a sad smile as she nodded, he opened his arms and she fell into his arms. "I feel bad that I hated them," she sobbed into his shoulder. After a minute she stopped crying and looked at him with glazed eyes, "why are you up?"

"This week is the full moon," Lupin told her simply making her understand, "so-"

"It's taking effect on you, are you not able to sleep?" Aster asked knowing that the week of the full moon adds stress on werewolves. Each week is different whether it was painful or just anger. "Are you angry, am I annoying you?"

"No Aster, it's just a restless week," he smiled tiredly, thankful for her concern, "have you been reading up on werewolves?" He asked, she nodded and he gave a slightly bigger smile.

"I have since you left Hogwarts," she told him. "I wanted to see how I can help."

"Thank you," he replied, "it means a lot my goddaughter cares for me."

"Of course, I care," Aster smiled, sniffling and wiping her eyes she laughed. "Sirius is Harry's godfather, and he's also a dog," she told Lupin with a grin, "that makes him a dogfather."

"You are your father's child," Lupin chuckled as he took a sip of his tea.


That morning, six hours later, Molly found the two sitting at the table asleep. Aster with her head on Lupin's shoulder as his head was leaning on her head. Molly smiled warmly at the two and began quietly walking over to them to wake them up. Aster was the first to wake up, then Lupin since his head was on hers. As Aster's eyes were getting used to the light once more, she looked around and noticed Molly smiling down at her.

"Morning," Aster muttered as she stretched her arms in front of her, "how long have you been here?"

"I just got here," she softly said, "wanted to wake you up so the loud dishes didn't," she politely told them as she got ready to cook breakfast. Aster nodded and looked over to Lupin who was rubbing his eyes from the tiredness.

"Do you need more sleep?" Aster asked.

"No, that was the most sleep I've gotten in a while," he smiled as Molly already had pancakes and bacon ready. Aster saw Lupin stare down the bacon, causing her to chuckle and watch as Molly handed him his plate and he scarf down the bacon in one mouthful.

"R.J. Wolfy, everyone," Aster patted his back jokingly as he glanced at her amused, "can eat a piece of bacon in one bite."


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