Chapter 43

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A Job


"Aster, dear," Tonks called from down the stairs. Aster called back and came down the stairs shortly. "Remus and I will be out for two days, you're welcome to stay here or go wherever, just be safe," she told her. "Please be safe," she said one more time before hugging the girl.

"Where are you going?" Aster asked looking from Lupin to Tonks who had a backpack.

"Just something for the Order," Lupin told her. He was lying and Aster knew it. "We'll be back before the third morning."

She nodded and smiled, knowing that he would tell her even if she begged. "Be safe," Aster told them, hugging them and waving as they left the cottage. Aster went back up and read the book as she held the black toy dog on her lap. Playing with its ears as she read.

She took her wand and practised the spell she was reading up on. Pointing to another book on the floor and waving her wand, it sprouted wings and flew into the air. She giggled as it became lively and flew around her. As it settled down and its wings merged back into the book she turned back to the book on her lap.

"Avis," she muttered. A line of birds gracefully flew out of her wand and fluttered around the room. She smiled as they perched near her and tweeted happily at her.


"Fred," George huffed annoyed, "why didn't you ask her?"

"Well, I wasn't sure if she was ready yet," Fred defended himself, "we just got out of school and I didn't know if she wanted to get married at all."

"Brother," George's voice softened, "she loves you, and she's told me that, why do you think she wouldn't marry you?" It took a minute before George understood his brother. He slowly walked towards him and put a comforting arm around him. "When you're ready, I'm sure she'll say yes."


"Molly?" Aster called as she entered the Burrow. She heard shuffling of feet and Molly appeared in the kitchen.

"Oh, Aster dear," she hugged the girl. "I was just talking with Harry and them."

"Harry? When did Harry get here?" Aster questioned her.

"Oh, just last night," Molly told her as she guided her through the out, "come on, he'll be happy to see you, oh, take a cookie." She pressed a cookie into Aster's hand as they walked into the living room.

Aster saw the green-eyed boy and smiled, "Harry," she hugged him tightly. "How are you?" She asked. The last time she saw him was a few days after Sirius's death and she was worried.

"I'm spectacular," Harry smiled as he sat down next to Ginny. "You?"

"Wonderful," Aster smiled at Hermione who sat next to Ron. "Oh, it's almost school year for you lot," Aster remembered, looking to Molly, "will you be able to get everything?"

"Yes dear, don't worry about it," Molly smiled forcefully. Aster nodded and looked back at the others who started talking about the new year. After a few hours, Aster left to visit the joke shop to see how they were doing and help out.

As she entered she saw a small spark flying overhead. The shop was filled with students and parents, people of all ages. At the counter was George helping people with their new found treasures and Fred was nowhere to be seen from what Aster could see in the sea of people.

"George, need some help?" Aster chuckled as she walked behind the counter and started helping customers.

"Thanks," George chuckled as he counted the coins in his hand and handed the little girl a bag of goods. "Pretty frenetic today," he muttered, Aster nodded in agreement after helping a little boy.

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