Chapter 37

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Grimmuald Christmas


It was agonizing to wait that long, it was what felt like years more than hours. Ginny was curled up on a chair staring blankly at the reflection of the moonlight on the floor. Aster leaned herself on the wall and stared at the moon, it was waning gibbous, the next phase after the full moon. Something that worried Aster along with Mr Weasley's health. Fred sat on a chair staring at Aster, trying to find something to calm his nerves. Everyone had a bottle of butterbeer settled in their hand, either empty or partially emptied.

"Hey," Sirius's voice softly said from behind Aster as she entered the kitchen to throw away her bottle. "Moony is alright, you know?"

"Yeah," Aster softly sighed. "I can't help but worry for him and Arthur," she admitted, "and for his children, it must be worse." She shakily took a breath, Sirius took it as a sign to open his arms and hug her.

"You care so much about other people," he muttered into her hair.

Even if he wasn't fully capable of understanding what it felt like to have blood family care about you, he knew what it was like for adoptive families, one who chose you. Like with James' and his family taking Sirius in, he understood what it might feel like for Aster right now. This moment concluded his thoughts; she was exactly like her father, and it hurt him to believe so.

Molly entered the house with new for the children, once they saw her, everyone stood up and walked towards her for a hug. "He's at St. Mungo's," she told them. "We can see him in the afternoon," she added earning some of them argue that they wanted to see him now. "He needs rest."

St. Mungo's Hospital was a new place for Aster and Harry, they didn't know there was a hospital especially for witches and wizards. So, walking into it, it seemed almost nutty compared to a muggle one. Aster saw someone who was nonstop burping bubbles every time he opened his mouth and another person who had a sickening green face and looked as if he could burst at any moment.

Once outside of the room, Mrs Weasley told them to wait outside so she could see if he was awake and okay to see the family. "You alright?" Aster asked Fred as they sat down on a bench. He nodded silently and looked down at their intertwined hand.

"I love you," he said sadly, kissing her hand, "please don't leave me."

Aster looked down as he leaned his head on her shoulder. She felt her heart pound faster but also crack a little. She never saw him so sad in the time she's been with him and it hurt her so much. "I won't leave," she muttered, "I promise." She smiled as he silently held out his pinkie, twisting hers around his, she held on and stayed like that until Mrs Weasley said it was okay to go in.


By Christmas, Mr Weasley was able to go back to Twelve Grimmauld place to spend the time with his family.

That morning, Aster woke up early to a pile of presents at the end of her bed. Her eyes lit up as she put on her glasses and saw each of her loved friends and families names on the presents. She moved closer to the edge of the bed and quietly tried to unwrap the gifts, trying not to wake the other girls in the room. She opened Ron and Harry's gift first, which had a few sweets and chocolates, some Aster hadn't seen before. Hermione got her a planner and a new spell/charms book. Ginny's present had a new book on various violin music that Aster had been eyeing for a when they went to Diagon Alley.

George got her some supplies to fix her violin (which they got back for her and she may have tried to teach him before Christmas break and it didn't end well) and a few chocolate bars to forgive him. Molly made her a purple sweater made of a soft yarn and smelt like honey shampoo she wore. 

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