Chapter 48

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The War


In the Great Hall, tables were being walked on and fought upon and as Ginny was fighting, Aster saw that she was rendered vulnerable and had to take action. "Ginny!" Aster pulled her behind her and protected them from a curse Lestrange threw at them.

Molly Weasley's eyes lit with anger as she stalked in front of them and gave the crazy-haired woman a nasty glare, "not my daughters you bitch." With three hits, Bellatrix was dead.

Aster held back a smile as she turned and walked away, only to see a small scrawny blond boy get shot with a spell. She held her breath and began ran towards the attacker, throwing spells at him. After he was down, she ran to the boy, only to see that he was dead. She looked around for his brother who stared right at her and the boy. Colin Creevy was dead and was now marked, the youngest to die.

"Dennis," Aster gasped for air as she walked over to the younger boy. "Dennis, listen to me, I need you to be brave, fight Dennis," she knelt down and looked at his broken face. "Fight for Colin."

Aster was once again, running around and shooting Death Eaters when she saw a defenceless student or teacher in need. She attacked one of the monstrous humans who was cornering Flitwick with a knock-out curse, earning a nod from Flitwick as he kept fighting. She looked over and saw Lance successfully attacking a Death Eater with Luke at his side. Aster joined them for a short time, as they had two others cornering them.

"Fred!" Aster screamed, running towards the hindered boy. "No!"

"What? Aster, no!" His call echoed through her ears as she was hit.

"Incarcerous!" crack. Fred stood up and spat fire at the witch.

"Expelliarmus!" Protego. "Stupefy!" "Sectumsempra!"


Harry entered the Great Hall, where all the tables and chairs had been placed so that people could lay the dead and friends could unite within. A crowd was formed around a particular dark-haired girl, her glasses broken and cracked and her dark locks tangled, tears streaming down her bloodied face. A family of red-haired people stood around her, sobbing and holding each other as one searched for a healer. The air was thick with emotion. 

As Ron met with his family, he saw the familiar girl, Fred crouched over her with tears running down his face. George met Ron and held him as his legs faltered. Cries filled the area, few could hear the conversation between them, and few wanted to hear the pain in their voice. 

"Aster, it's alright," he cupped her face that held tear stains.

"Fred, I don't leave me," she held his hand as she cried in pain.

"I won't, I won't leave you."

"Fred, Fred, I'm scared," she gasped for air but her sobs stopped her.

"We're going to get you a healer, then I promise everything will be back to normal, no more pain."

"It hurts, it really hurts... I don't want to die yet, Fred," she cried again. "I wanted to live with you and have a family together."

"You won't die Aster, you're going to be alright, we'll get you to St. Mungos, we'll heal you."

"I don't like this, Fred, I'm tired."

"Aster, wait, Aster, no, stay here don't leave me, the healer is coming, where is the damn healer!" He yelled at the others who sat motionlessly.

"I, Fred, I really wanted to ask you something,"

"Aster, what is it? Love, answer me," he cupped her falling face as she closed her eyes slightly.

"I was, I was going to," she pulled something out of her pocket, it was a small velvet red box. "I was afraid," she admitted like she knew something would happen. "I was afraid of losing you and, and."

"Aster, please, you won't die," he gasped out a cry as he took the box from her.

"Ginny told me that I should do it before you, I think she betted on me against Ron."


"Please Fred, I'm talking and bleeding out here, Mum helped me pick it out, she's quite supportive," she tried to joke but her smile broke off her face and was replaced with a hiss of stinging pain and deep, sharp, breathing.

"Aster, it's, it's wonderful, we'll have a wedding, with Bill and Charlie, with Lance and Luke." He told her, his face with a sad, quivering, smile.

"Ginny is going to be my maid of honour," she said as she put the ring on him, "I promised her."

"I'm sure she'll be happy with that," he nodded, looking at Ginny who was tucked under her mother's arm.

"Fred, Fred?"

"Yes, love?"

"Will Charlie bring a dragon?" Charlie nodded from the group as he whipped his face.

"Of course, of course, he'll bring one just for you, and everyone will be there, Charlie, Bill, George, Ron, Percy, Ginny, Mum and Dad." The family behind them teared up as they huddled closer together.

"Hermione, Lucy and Neville," Aster coughed, trying to cover it with a clearing of her throat. "Luke and Harry."

"Tonks and Lupin," Fred added unknowingly. Harry turned away and covered his eyes to keep them from tearing up.


"I promise," he shakily twisted his pinkie around hers as she did the same.

However, seconds passed and all the healers were already occupied, so Aster to took charge. "Okay," Aster gasped as she tried to move, but fell back on her back. The family paused and hesitated as she moved. "Okay, okay, Fred I need you to listen to me," she looked at him.

"Yes?" He quickly responded, studying her face.

"I'm going to tell you a very hard spell and I need you to cast it over me," Aster told him, handing him his wand, "please."

"I, I can't I don't know how," his voice croaked.

"Fred I know you can do it," she held his hand in hers and made a waving motion over her torso. "Repeat after me," she said above a whisper. "Vulnera Sanentur," she said.

"Vulnera Sanentur," he repeated shakily as she moved his hand and wand over her. He repeated the words again as she moved his hand. She still felt the unbelievable pain and sting, but the wounds healed and closed. However, her vision became dotty and felt her arm become weak. Then she saw blackness.


The family sat outside of the room where Aster rest, all except Fred who stood there staring at the girl who was sleeping. He sat playing with the ring on his finger, its what felt like minutes. Then minutes became hours. Then hours became the next day. Then that day became two more anxious days. Then she woke up.

"That was not how I expected it to be," Aster gave a tired joke to the tall red-head in front of her. Fred turned quickly and gave a sobbing laugh, "much worse."

"Aster," he didn't waste time to hug her lightly, afraid that he'd break her. "I, I'm going to tell the others you're awake," he choked out, knowing that he'd break down at any moment.

As soon as he told them, Ron ran into the room and hugged her, Hermione following in after him. Molly Weasley came in with a red nose and tears stained cheeks. Suddenly the room was filled with red-haired family members, tears still falling as they hugged her. 

As she parted the last hug she looked around the room for someone. Then her eyes landed on Harry's eyes, he knew who she was looking for. She knew that look it was the look when he lost Sirius. A few tears began to fall from her eyes as Harry walked over to hug her. She hugged him tightly as she wept into his shoulder. The man she saw as her father was gone. They both were gone.


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