Chapter 26

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"Hey, Aster," Hermione's voice said from behind her in the afternoon as Aster was studying. "I was wondering if you'd like to join an association," she said kindly as she sat down with the box that was in her hands. "It's called, S.P~ oh, I mean it's called the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, it's to help the house elves from becoming enslaved and help them get paid and given proper clothing," she said, Aster saw the hopeful glint in her eye as she spoke about the group.

"I'd love to," Aster softly said with a smile, "how much are the pins?"

"Two sickles," Hermione said happily as Aster pulled out the money in exchange for the button. "Oh, thank you so much," she excitedly said getting up, "oh, I'm having the first meeting tomorrow, I'll remind you in the afternoon tomorrow, and there won't be many people, not many have joined."

"I'm sure there will be soon though," Aster smiled to her, giving Hermione more hope, "it takes time for things to develop." After Hermione left, she took the pin and stuck it her sweater, then stood up to the common room.

Aster sat in the common room at eleven at night writing and reading, not for the sake of homework or a good grade, but why Snape was acting so sketchy with Lupin. Then suddenly something made sense, something that was so obvious in the first place. The reason Snape had the lesson on werewolves, why Lupin didn't trust himself. 

"He's a bloody werewolf, that's why," she sighed as she threw her notes down. Obviously, if one were to look at her desk, it would look like she was writing a long paper on the past students and about creatures. "My godfather could have been a werewolf, how cool would that be," she laughed to herself in the empty room as she walked over to the circle window that was placed high on the wall. "I hope he's okay," she sighed as she looked up at the shining white moon hidden behind the clouds.

Aster would deny to a concerned friend that she stayed up for the night, but they could clearly tell she did. By her messy hair and tired smile and eyes, anyone could tell she stayed up all night. And in the morning was a tough time to find Harry to ask about Lupin and Sirius. But once she saw him in the corridors, she ran up to him.

"Harry," she panted, tired more than ever, "how are you, and Sirius, and Lupin, what happened yesterday, I heard howling and~"

"Aster, listen," he said trying to calm her down from her concern, "Lupin is a~"

"Werewolf, I know, I figured it out yesterday," she finished, "so?"

"He's alright, Sirius is okay, he was innocent all along, trust me, I sound crazy but, he was framed," Harry tried to explain as he walked to Lupin's office, "it wasn't me he was after it was Peter Pettigrew, he's the one who sold my parents to Voldemort."

"But Pettigrew is dead," she said confused a bit. She heard stories about that night and almost knew every part of it.

"That's how he got Sirius, Peter made it seem like he died, but he was actually an animagus, he was a rat," he quickly explained, "we were going to send him in and prove Sirius innocent but he got away."

"Okay," she said gently, trusting him, "does he, does Sirius know about me?"

"Yes," Harry nodded and said quietly, "he told me he wanted to live with us after he was free, but now he can't."

"Harry, we can, since when did the law or rules stop us, stop you, from doing something? Maybe I do live with the Weasleys but you still can" Aster chuckled, "you know he would want to protect you."

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