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7 DAYS OF SUSPENSION AND ONLY 3 MORE DAYS LEFT. Since then, I haven't spoken or seen Malaysia and that gave me an opportunity to kind of forget about her. I mean, we are going to get an F for the project. I damn sure not going to be doing it after she cuts my ass off.

"Now tell me why your ass fought again?" Darryl says as he pass me the ball.

"I told your ass about five times." I start bouncing the ball. "His girl left the room, he thought I did something, he walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder." I shoot the ball. "Knowing I don't tolerate him, he shouldn't even breath the same air as me."

He gets the ball, moves back while dribbling to shoot the ball. "Damn, I need to attend your school, but driving 2 and a half miles every morning isn't the best option."

"Because you're fucking lazy."

"No." He shoots the ball. "Because I'm smart."

I grab the ball and start dribbling.

"But anyways, that girl played you. Why she said sorry from the classroom window like that? She planned that shit."

"Man, I don't care about her anymore, but I do not feel like she played me. I feel something different, which I cannot point out."

"Dang dawg." Darryl says in frustration. "I know you're not a dumb ass, because you're related to me. Stop being so damn in love and get the picture already."

"Tf...? I only knew her for about a month and you're assuming that I'm in love with the girl. I'm just telling you how I feel about the situation."

"All right. Come sit down." He starts walking to the sidewalk. "Now tell me, everything you know about her and Johnson. Has she given you any signs?"

"Well I know for sure that she cannot stand him and that she doesn't feel comfortable around him. I don't really peep every shit they do, but I know the day of the fight when they walked in the classroom together, her head was down and he's still with her ass after hearing rumors that I fucked her."

"Woah.. You f..-"

"No. The only thing we did was kiss and I grabbed her ass. Nothing more or less."

"I wonder why she is still with him, even though she doesn't like him. Nigga had her paranoid or something, because I have never seen a girl with so much respect for herself, like you said, stay with a dude she doesn't cherish."

"I wonder why too, but their relationship isn't any of my business. Sips tea." I laugh.

"Aha!" Darryl laughs. "Nigga you dumb."

"Come on, lets go." I say getting up.


"My school is throwing a party and I'm going. I haven't been to any of those shits in a while." I lay out a hand to help him get up.

"Where is this party being held?" He asks.

"My side of town. This dude is throwing it in his backyard. You're going to like it. He throws good parties." We start walking to our car. "You know the saying, white people know how to party."

"The fuck nigga. I never heard that saying."

I laugh. "Getcho ass in the car."


"Damn." Darrly says. "Look at all the bad females up in here!" He looks at this girl ass while she pass by.

"Nothing sexual tonight, especially in someone's home." I speak.

"Ok father." He walks to a group of girls who are standing in a circle with their bathing suits on.

I starts to walk through the crowd to find me a little baby, but I stop once I see Johnson standing there with another female wrapped around his arms. I was taken back, because this dude fought me over Malaysia, to be standing her with another female?

I walk the other way, and from afar I see Malaysia sitting down by herself, chugging down a lot of alcohol. I keep looking back from Johnson and back to her. Why is she all alone while he's here with another female.

"That's her isn't it?" Darryl says from behind.

"Yeah and her dude is over there messing with another girl, while she's sitting alone."

"She's drinking away her pain." Darryl says.

I look at him. "How do you know?"

"I can read a person, especially if they're hurt." He looks at me. "Go speak to her."

"I'm not trying to get in any more fights. This isn't Dragon ball Z. I don't have fireballs to shoot at irrelevant people."

"I don't give a damn. Her dude obviously doesn't give a fuck and I think you're the only person she wants to communicate with."

I look back at Malaysia who now has company. Natasha. They kind of look alike. I wonder if they're related. "She has company now."

"Come on, bro. Go show her that you care. She needs someone." He pushes me.

I start walking towards her. I stop in front of the table she's sitting on. "Hey." I speak.

Natasha looks up and smiles. "Hey Drake." She looks at Malaysia. "I'll be going now." Natasha walks away, taking half of Malaysia's drinks with her. "No more drinking for you. I hate seeing you like this." She walks away.

Malaysia gets up also and starts to walk away from me.

I grab her wrist and she flinches, quickly pulling her arm away, rubbing it. I look down at it and it's swollen. "What happened?" I ask, moving closer to her.

She doesn't look at me.

"You don't have to worry about Johnson." I look back at him. "He's busy enjoying something else."

She looks over my shoulder and looks at him. "You know you can speak to me."

"Now I thought you would've learned your lesson by now." Johnson speaks, coming behind me.

Darryl, steps in the middle. "Back off."

Johnson looks at him. "Who are you?"

"The cousin that'll beat your ass if you don't step back." Darryl looks at him. "Ain't no jumping around here, because I'm here now."

Johnson moves back, then looks at Malaysia, then walks away. Darryl looks at Malaysia with a look on his face, trying to read her more and I'm here trying to figure out what the problem is.

"Ahh shit." Darryl says, moving closer. "Damn."

Malaysia starts to run away down the street, away from the party. I follow her with Darryl by my side. I catch up to her and grab her other wrist, a little more gentle, not knowing if she has another bruise there.

She turns around and looks at me with tears in her eyes. "Do it." She screams.

"Do what?" I ask confused.

"Hit me. Hit me, since I'm everybody's punching bag." She screams with tears falling down.

"Why would I want to hit yo...-" I look at Darryl, then back at her. "Ahh shit." I start to get frustrated. "Fuck." I walk up to her.

She moves back.

"Malaysia, I'm not Johnson. I won't hurt you." I move closer to her with my arms open.

"I'm scared." She cries some more.

"I know." I bring her into my arms and she cries some more. I look at Darryl, who nods his head in shame. "I never wanted you to get in that fight, it's just that...-"

"I know." I rub her back. "I understand. No need to explain."

"That's some pussy ass shit." Darryl says. "Pisses me off."


A/N: Finally Drake finds out! What will happen next?! Only for me to know and for you to find out!

What do you think of this chapter?

Pardon my French.... again!

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