༺Chapter 9༻

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"WHAT?!! Are you absolutely 100% sure?!"

"First off, lower your damn voice Emi. And second, yeah, we're sure," Maou confesses.

"How the hell did you figure this out?"

"Well actually, Lucifer was the one who found out,"

Before the fuchsia hair female could interrogate the boy, he answered her unasked question.

"We played a scary game, she was afraid the whole time, I got nothing from her," He said in a bored tone, continuing use the computer. Emi sighed.

"So let's just say for the sake of this stupid argument that this is all true. What do we do?"

"Well shouldn't we just tell her we know who she is? I mean she obviously knows who we all are,"

"Yeah and what if you're wrong Mr. Devil King? Then you just exposed us all to another human? And who knows if this one will keep our secret?!"

"Calm yourself Emilia," Ashiya butts in, "I may have an idea,"

"All ears man," Urushihara says, finally turning around.

"We could try to get her to admit it to us herself. It is obvious that, for whatever reason, she does not want us to know her true identity. But if pushed hard enough, she will crack."

"Hmm," Maou contemplates this idea.

"So you're just gonna brutally interrogate her every time you see her? Typical demons,"

"You got a better idea, Hero?"

She narrows her eyes the blond and crosses her arms across her chest.

"If we do try this tactic, its gonna take a lot of time. Especially since we don't know when we'll see her next," Maou rubs his chin in deep thought.

"Or we could just go over her place," Urushihara speaks up. All eyes now on him.

"How is that any less suspicious?!"

"No Emi, he might be on to something!"

"That's true. Ms. Yamagishi stopped by earlier this morning baring gifts for us all as thanks for our friendship. If we go to her place of living with something to thank her, it will not seem so suspicious,"

"Huh, wow, so the NEET is actually useful for something," Emi mumbles.

"Hey shut up! Of course I'm useful!"

"Anyway," Maou interrupts, "What are we gonna bring over to her house. It can't just be something random,"

"Correct you are sire, but what should it be? We don't have any funds to spend on such a present," Ashiya narrows his eyes over at the purple haired boy.

"Uh, well she likes food. 'Specially desserts. Why not just make her that?" Urushihara suggests without even thinking about it. Unbeknownst to him, the other three raise an eyebrow at his remark, contemplating how he knew such information.

"That's...actually not a bad idea,"

"Yeah, sure, like you demons know how to bake anything, let alone a dessert,"

"We may not know how, but I'm sure Chi and Suzuno do. We could ask them for their help,"

"Brilliant idea my liege, we shall ask them first thing in the morning!"

Emi sighed an annoyed sigh.

"If this is really the plan you idiots are going with, then I'll be over too. No way am I letting you three go to that girl's apartment alone," she stands up and walks to the door, exited the room.

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