༺Chapter 18༻

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"AHHH!!!" The Hero screamed out in pain.

Emi and Aiko both had been hovering in the air across from each other, magic ring barriers trapping their arms out to their sides and tying their ankles together beneath them.

Chiho was unconscious on the ground a ways away with her hands bound behind her back, Suzuno standing as still as a statue beside her.

"If you want the pain to end all you have to do is stop resisting and hand over Better Half," The powder blue hair angel that was torturing her with his gaze said.

"It's not materializing, so what do you expect me to do?" Emi replied with little energy, "If you wanna know what I think, I'd say the sword is rejecting you."

"By all rights, the Sacred Sword shouldn't be in the hands of a mere human being. Therefore we must take it back once and for all. It is Heaven's collective will."

"Either way, Chiho and Aiko have nothing to do with this. Please, just let them go."

"Sorry, but I'm afraid I can't do that. You see this hybrid is the only one of her kind. And whether you think so or not, she has immense potential with the power she holds within her. Some one like her on our side will guarantee our victory."

"Screw off. I will never join you," Said girl growled back at the angel.

He glanced over at the resistant female with a glare before his stare moved over to the left of her.

"Well? What are you waiting for? You know your job, so do it!"

Aiko heard movement behind her before a hand was pressed into her back between her shoulder blades.

"Get your hands off me!" She desperately tried to wiggle free, but it was no use.

"Big talk from the puny girl strung up helplessly," The man behind her spoke. Whom Aiko learned to be just another angel.

"What are you-!" The girl began, but was silenced as she felt magic seep into her body. Her blood aggressively pumped through her veins and she could hear her heartbeat in her ears.

The amount of energy she was consuming was enough to transform her into her true form. And with one last pump of pure celestial force into her back, Aiko felt her wings sprout from their confines, and her forearms and face grew their obsidian scales.

The pressure on her back left only to be moved to the sides of her head.

The asshole angel's palms were pressed against her temples.

"You perv! Don't touch her- AHH!!" Emi cried out again as another beam was shot into her chest.

"As I was saying. The human girl is a precious specimen, as well. One who apparently is in love with the Devil, even after learning the truth of who he really is. She'll serve as our lab rat. And through her we will discover what impact the Devil's power has on the human ecosystem." He continued.

"You're sick, you know that?" Emi spat back.

"You watch your tongue, human. None may speak in such a manner to the Great Archangel Sariel!"

His eyes began to glow again as another beam shot out and hit the defenseless Hero.

"Leave her alone!" Aiko shouted across from her before an incredibly intense wave of pure agony exploded in her head.

An ear splitting wail left the bluenette's mouth.

It only lasted a few seconds, but it felt like hours to the poor girl. Once the discomfort subsided, and her head hung low, a deep but hushed voice entered her ear.

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