༺Chapter 21༻

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Squishing her phone between her shoulder and ear, Aiko slips her first foot into her boot and bends over to lace it up whilst listening to the phone ring.

"Hello?" A high pitched voice sounded from the other end.

"Hey Chi, sorry to bother you so early. But I have a favor to ask..."

"Sure, Ms. Aiko! What's up?"

"Are you busy after school today?"

"Other than doing some homework, no I don't think so."

"Do you think I could come over? I...want to get my hair cut. It's kinda weird having white and blue hair, ya know?" Standing up after finishing the last lace, Aiko takes the phone in her hand and walks into her living room.

"Oh, sure Ms. Aiko! I'd be happy to help! Just meet me at the school's entrance, k?"

"Gotchya. Thanks so much, Chiho, see ya later."

"See you soon!"


Ending the call and shoving her phone in her pocket, the female grabs her bag off the couch and heads to the door.

After twisting the handle down and pulling it open, the dual hair-colored woman stands in slight surprise at the sight before her.

Emi stood there with her arm slightly raised, as if she was prepared to knock on the door. Quickly bringing it down and sheepishly smiling, the red-head speaks.

"Heh, hey Aiko. I just came by to check on you,"

"Oh? Well, thanks Emi, but why did you feel the need to do such a thing?"

"Because of the conversation yesterday. I came to make sure you were okay in case you did go through with the transformation."

"Damn. You must have a sixth sense for this kind of stuff then, huh?" She takes a step out of her apartment and locks the door behind her with her key.

"What? Wait, you mean you actually did it?!" The hero exclaims.

"Yeah, I did it last night. I'm no longer part demon." Aiko speaks with a slight sadness in her voice.

"Well in that case," Emi begins as the two walk to the staircase, "I'm glad I brought these," She holds up a small paper bag.

"What's in there?" Aiko questioned as they reached the bottom floor.

"It's a few bottles of celestial force I get supplied to me from my friend in Ente Isla. Since you are an Angel now, I figured you'd need to replenish your energy somehow now that you can't feed off of human fear." She hands her the bag.

"Emi...You would really give me something like this?" Aiko asks astonished.

"Of course! I've known you long enough now to know you won't do any harm even if you have all the magic in the world," The red-head grins gently down at her. Hugging the bag close to her chest, Aiko smiles in contentment.

"Thank you Emi. You are very kind."

"Hey, don't mention it. When you run out just let me know, I'll get you some more. I gotta head to work now though, so I'll talk to you later. See ya!"

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