༺Chapter 15༻

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~Lucifer/Urushihara POV~

I felt dizzy. Extremely dizzy. Before my vision suddenly went black.

One minute I was sitting at my computer, as always, then next thing I knew I was in a body I couldn't control, and looking through the eyes of someone I didn't know.

Or at least I thought I didn't know.

The, rather small, body I was in excitedly jumped up from her seat on the cold ground and ran towards what looked like the opening of a cave.

"Mama!" She wrapped her tiny arms around the older demon's legs, "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Aleksandria."

'Aleksandria?...Wait. Am I Aiko? What the hell's goin' on here?!'

I can feel her excitement. I can feel the happiness she has that her mother is home.

'If I'm Aiko, then she must be...Huh, so that's Ashiya's sister?'

In a instant, after the older demon pulled away from Aiko...err, me. My vision flashed a golden color.

I was still in the same cave, except this time it was dark. Save for faint, flickering, coral light that exuded from the dwindling campfire in front of her-...uh, me.

Aleksandria's legs were pulled up against her compact body, and her arms were hugging them close.

It wasn't just emotions I felt from her. I could sense her physical feelings.

She was cold. She was sad. She was uncomfortable. She was scared.

She was alone.

My vision flashed gold again.

And one after another, more memories from her past as a child played through my eyes.

Memories of her and her mother. Even more memories of her surviving on her own.

"B-But...I just want to play with you all..." She was holding back tears. I could feel her chest clenching.

"No Demon has wings like that! Go away, you're weird looking!" the demon kid in front of her shouted.

"...N-No I'm not..." After she spoke, one of the other children picked up a rock and threw it at her. Hitting the side of her head.

She yelped in pain before the other kids began throwing things at her as well. Mainly hitting her wings.

Angel wings are incredibly sensitive. Especially when you haven't even grown into them yet.  And I felt every impact from the rubble that injured her. It was almost unbearable. But I was stuck in her body. Just a spectator.

She cried, and ran. Ran all the way back to the cave she called 'home'.

Where her mother was waiting.

"Aleksandria! What in King Satan's name were you?!"

Aiko just cried more. She didn't need to answer. Her mom saw her injuries.

She pulled her daughter close to heal her wounds.

"Why did you leave the cave Aleksandria? I told you to never leave the cave!"

Her body shrank back against the wall.

"I-I just, wanted to play with them..." her hand came up to my eyes and wiped away the tears. "I-I didn't know t-they'd throw rocks at m-me..."

•Black Sheep• || The Devil is a Part Timer || Urushihara / LuciferΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα