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While, yes, he has awoken from his coma, the doctors say his body was still too weak to be up and walking just yet.

Human bodies really do suck.

Its been a long four days, but we've finally got the confirmation that Hara was able to be discharged with a full bill of health.

As I shoved the papers into my bag the two of us exit the hospital front doors and made our way to the station.

The entire way I was building my confidence up in order to ask Hara a very important question. Even though I was almost 100% sure I knew the answer he would say, I was still nervous nonetheless.

On the train ride across the city, I called Maou to let him know we were on our way back. For some odd reason, something sounded amiss on the other end of the phone.

It did nothing to settle the anxiety settling in the pit of my stomach. So I slipped my hand into Urushihara's for a sense of comfort.

I must have squeezed it a bit too hard because he looked over to me and asked me what was wrong. I simply gave him a small smile and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I'm just so glad you're out of there."

As we approached the all too familiar, somewhat run down, apartment building, instead of climbing up the stairs as we all normally do, I guided us in the direction of my new place.

"I just wanna put my bag and stuff away real quick, okay? Then we'll head upstairs."

"Yeah, that's fine," he accepts, though there was something in the way the corner of his mouth twitches up a bit that made me want to question it.

Ignoring it, however, I reach into my pocket to retrieve the key to the door. Once my fingers felt the smooth, cool metal, I used the tool to unlock the deadbolt.

What awaited on the other side of the door, was something I never would have expected, nor will I ever forget.

Inside the room, Maou and Ashiya stood side by side in front of the sink. The latter of the two washing dishes and the former drying them.

Suzuno was standing over the stove, a wooden spoon in hand, mixing the contents of a steaming pot, whilst Chiho was struggling to open a bag of vegetables she pulled out of the fridge.

Emi encircled the rectangular table placed in the middle of the room as she positioned seven separate bowls and utensils around the edge.

The heat of the air within and the scent of delicious comfort food engulfed my small frame, and warmed me to my very core.

"Uh..." I unintentionally hummed, drawing all attention to the two of us in the doorway.

"Ms. Aiko! Mr. Urushihara!" Chiho was the first to welcome as she ran up and enveloped us in an almost bone crushing hug.

"I hope you don't mind," Emi began, "But we wanted to welcome you into your new place, and celebrate Urushihara's return from the hospital."

"How did you guys get in?"

"The landlady," Maou answers after finishing the last dish and turning around.

"Of course," Turning my gaze over to the purple-haired boy beside me, I stop myself before speaking what I was originally going to ask.

"What's that smirk for?"


"Wait..." I look around the room, all eyes on me.

"You knew about this?!" I exclaim.

"Kinda," He rubs the back of his neck.

"What he does not know, though, is that we moved his belongings down here," Ashiya gestures to the small pile of stuff in the corner.

"You did what?" He questions, baffled.

Well, I guess now's the time...

"Hara?" I gain his attention.

"I, um...I was kind of, wondering...Um, if maybe you'd, wannamoveintogether?"

"........" He just stares at me. Bewilderment written all over his face before it faded into a more excited expression.

"Hell yeah, I'll move in with ya!"

"R-Really?" I asked, even if it was more of a rhetorical question.

I smile the biggest smile I ever could and jump forward into my love's arm. I hug him tightly against me.

"I love you, Lucifer," I whispered into his ear.

"I love ya, too, Aleks," He says right back, no hesitation.

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