2 - Rules? Punishments?

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Dominic^ (Mr.Dragon)


Honestly, I saying this out of kindness...

If you don't like the character I have chosen as Dominic then imagine another person as your choice but there is no need for you to hate on the man's looks.

I will not change my vision for my character of MY BOOK just because of your comments and if you don't like then fuck off.

I do not like the hate I am getting for this. If I see another hate comment about How he looks then your comment will be deleted.

At first, it was fun but I honestly do not need you to tell me that I need to change my character's looks.

Accept Dominic for how he looks or imagine him as someone else but there is no need for insults.

And also he's literally the book's cover and you still chose to press on and read it right?  He's basically the face of the book.

Anyway, carry on!

WARNING SEXUAL ENCOUNTERS (Oh I'm bad at writing smut so sorry :( )


"Par-bear where's dad, "Autumn asked.

"Oh sweety dads went on a vacation" I replied. Pfft, I wish that bastard rot in hell for the way he treated us. All my childhood was taken away from that dickhead and now my life. Thank God my mother didn't name me after him cause that man truly is a Dick.


Why me?

Why now?

What have I done to deserve this? I just hope I can protect Autumn from all this she doesn't need her childhood taken away, at least mom could be proud of one of us.

Where is my father you ask well he's probably having a good time with the money he just got off selling me.

Huh, Where are we?

Well, we're on our way to Mr.Dragons house, I mean Mansion.

"What the flying ducks!" I shouted as we enter Mr. Dragons' home. This man literally got a park in his yard, a lake, and a forest!

How rich is he?

Wow and this Man got some men in black this must be a movie?

"Par-bear? do you think your boyfriend will like me?" Autumn said completely ripping me out of my deep thoughts. I forgot she was even here.

"Of course princess, If he doesn't I'll give him a good beating!"I said which causes her to smile.

If you're wondering why Autumn thinks Mr.dragon is my boyfriend is because I told her so. Why do you ask? well, I'm a terrible liar so I just told her the first thing that came into my head.

As I and my little sister Autumn walk towards the entrance where Mr. Dragon is currently standing on the phone talking awaiting us.

He looks amazing as he was wearing a suit without the suit jacket which showed his muscles even more.

God, I want to rip that shirt off.

Bad Paris! I thought to scold myself internally for thinking such things.

"If he doesn't pay his money by," he paused for a minute looking at his watch then winking at me before he continued what he was saying.

"12:00, have him killed in front of his family," he then hung up the phone and turned his attention towards me.

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