19 - Frustrated?

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"It's okay" he comforted pulling me closer. "Paris" I whisper bury my head into his neck. I wrap my hands around the back of his thighs, before lifting him up on my desk.

"Dominic, what are you doing?" he asked as I ignore him by kissing his neck. "Uhh" Paris moaned as my hold on him becomes tighter. "Little Wolf" I breathe as I capture his lips with mines. As we're kissing a knock on the door erupts causing us to break apart.

"What is it!" I growled as Seven comes inside the room. "Sir, we've found him," he says. What? "That was fast, where is he?" I asked letting go of Paris. "That's the thing, he's here at the front gate" Seven explained. That bastard.

" Let him in " I ordered. "Do you want me to call Mason?" he asks before walking out. "No, I'll deal with him while you guys sit back and watch" I declared walking around my desk before sitting on my chair. "Bring him to me" I ordered before sending Seven off to get him. "Little Wolf" I called patting my lap.

"Are you sure about this "Little wolf asked before sitting on my lap. "Little Wolf, he tried to come after us and that means he tried to hurt you " I growled.


After 20 minutes of me and my little wolf sitting here. Seven walked in with Travis as the gang followed them inside my office.

"Travis" I bellowed. " Ouu he about to get it" Seven whispered to Zero. 1, 2, 3 and Seven got slapped at the back of his head by Mason. "I guess you were right but except it was you who got it" Zero laughed as he got a slap from Mason as well. "ha- you" Seven was about to bickered as I interrupted him.

"Shut up!" I ordered as every one felled silent. " Travis, Why?" I asked as Paris got off my lap before I got up and made my way over to him. "Why what Dom?" he mocked. "Why come here after the stunt you just pulled? " I asked. "Have you ever thought once that the throne you're on Dominic is all a lie?" he inquired before my fist collided with his jaw causing him to take a step back.

"Stop the bullshit whining and tell me why you send those men" I demanded. "What men? I didn't send them, but I know who did"He stated. "Tell me if you want to live" I hissed.

"Nah I think I'd take the other option" he joked as a big smile formed. But that smile didn't stay there for long as my fist collided once again with his face but this time I added more force.

Travis whole body was knocked off his feet as he had felled to the ground clutching his nose. "You always had a powerful punch" he smiled. "I said cut-"

"Cut the bullshit I know, It's Zeus and I would never send them weak pathetic guys after you if I already knew what you and your crew are capable of" He stated. "And come on Bro you really think I would betray you ?" He says getting up from the floor. " Ok, if you didn't do it then what was all that shit for?" I asked.

"Oh come on Dom you knew from the beginning I like messing with ya ass" he laughs. Really. "But how do you know all of this and why have you been missing for the past two years?" I questioned. "My bro, I was on vacation, like damn, I come back and this is what I get for a welcome," He says as Thomas passes him ice wrap up in a towel.

"And as for me knowing, that crazy motherfucker Zeus asked me for help" He stated. "Asked you for help on what?" I asked. "Help on killing Paris, he also said how he kidnapped one old man name Dick or Dicky and how he said you bought his son and some shit" he explains. Wait Paris father is involved in this too? I look over to Paris as he covers his mouth over with his hand.

"Go on" I urged. "Well, he asked me for help which I declined," he says. "Why didn't you warned me?" I Inquired. "Bro, you know the number one mafia rule and you know we all can quote it," He says. Oh, of course.

"Mind your motherfucking business if it doesn't concern you" everyone quoted except Paris. "Then why are you telling me now?" I questioned. "Well, now it concerns me when that motherfucker decides to bring my name into his mess doesn't it?"He chuckles still holding the towel of ice to his face. "How do you know that he blamed it on you?" I asked. "What is this shit? An interrogation?" he joked. " Travis" I warned. " Ok, I got a call from Zeus saying how would you feel hurt if I betray you " he explained. So he didn't betray me then.

"Don't ever do that shit again I could've of killed you?" I said. " Aww is poor old Dom is getting soft?" he mocks as I glare at him before going to Paris. "Carry him to the infirmary," I told Thomas as He ordered some maid to lead Travis to the infirmary.

Once Travis left the room I went back to my seat as the others watch and await my orders.

"Seven I need for you to track and trace Travis whereabouts for the past two years, I need to know that he's telling the truth or not" I declared. " Also check his phone records as well"I ordered. Seven nods as he as exited the room. "Dylan I need for you to go and check out Zeus's estate and his men as well" I stated. "I'm coming " Mason added. "Mason you can't g-"

" I ain't going nowhere without my brother" Dylan interrupted me. "I'll go instead" Thomas stated. " I used to be no I am a stealthy assassin anyway" Thomas smiled. Oh no, when he smiles like that there's no stopping him. " Okay, Thomas will go and The twins will keep an eye on Travis as I and Zero will stay here and watch Little Wolf and Autumn"I asserted.

"Oh and Thomas Don't go killing random people just because you think their annoying"I advised.

I look over at Paris to see him still dazed as to what happened. " Are you okay?" I asked as he snaps out of it. " Yeah just a little worried how my dad got wrapped up in this," He says. "It's gonna be okay, We're gonna be okay" I assured him. " Dom what am I gonna tell Autumn when she grows up and starts asking questions? That our dad sold me and ran with the money and how he told some other mafia who we were and go us in danger?" He queried. "Paris, we'll worry about the future later and focus on the Present now" I reassured.

" I just hope that we get through this safely" he sighs.





Sorry for ending it here :(

Also there may be quite a lot of errors.

Also there may be quite a lot of errors

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